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Social Responsibility and Reputation

Failing to live up to stakeholder expectations is a quick way to sink your reputation Living up to stakeholder expectations is an important part of reputation management. Today, many stakeholders expect you to be socially responsible, but what does that mean to them, and what can you do about it? Online research group Lab42 put …

The Development Plan – Measuring Success

This time, calling it by it’s correct name !! As previously noted in these postings, “Development” has its focus on the relationships between the organization and its constituents/donors that can result in contributed income, “Fundraising” focuses only on the dollars. For a new nonprofit, immediate funding would probably be needed to ensure survival in the …

McAfee’s Cyber Threat Predictions

What to watch for when it comes to cyber security Cyber threats make up the fastest-growing set of crises we’ve seen over the past two years, and they show little sign of stopping. While some organizations are beefing up security and putting hack-related crisis management plans in place, too often it’s as a reaction to …

Tech Issues Mar Target Launch

Crashed site raises ire of Twitter users trying to purchase items from new collection Target’s refreshed its image and carved out a new niche for itself in today’s crowded market by collaborating with trendy designers to make it a cheap-chic destination. However, during the launch of its new Lilly Pulitzer collection, the retailer’s failure to …

The Fundraising Plan: For a New Organization

As noted last week: (1) The fundraising plan addresses (where appropriate) mass solicitation (mail, email, telephone), individual solicitation (major gifts), foundation applications, corporate solicitation and special events; and, (2) A fundraising plan, more than anything, must be a reflection of reality. In crafting a plan, “reality” derives from experience. For example, only if you’ve previously …

Fiverr.com Services for $5 – REALLY??

Recently, my good friend and Public Relations pro Aileen Katcher posted a blog item on her website “Katcher In Their Eye” (get it?!) about a friend who had a bad experience with a Seller on Fiverr.com. Aileen’s conclusion was, essentially, “you get what you pay for”. I’d love to share my excellent results with Fiverr.com designers and show how our readers can have good Fiverr experiences, too!

Tips For Creating Release Notes

Release Notes are often written to communicate software or product updates. They define what is new. Release Notes allow us to manage, announce, and activate any new hardware, software, application, product models or devices. Release Notes include: A history – state why this document was created. Version # – state the version or control number …

What Not to Say, As Demonstrated by Chip Wilson

Sometimes crisis management means telling the bossman to stop talking Chip Wilson made his fortune selling yoga pants at $100 a pop, but as we found out last year during the Lululemon sheer pants debacle was that while he had marketing savvy, he was pretty darn stupid regarding how to speak to stakeholders. Wilson went …

The Fundraising Plan: An Introduction

This is one of the most important aspects of a successful Development program, but it’s a subject that needs a lot more attention than it gets. An organization’s development/fundraising plan, once formulated, provides the map, the guidelines for doing what must be done to raise the funds an organization needs to operate/survive. Sticking with the …

Know Your Audience: How Digital is the EU?

Connecting with your audience requires using the right tools for communication Knowing how your audience is communicating and what tools they’re using is critical to crisis communications, making this infographic from the European Commission a must-see. ——————————- For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management ——————————- [Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein …