[Infographic] Workplace Conflict by the Numbers


Learning more about this common cause of crisis

Unchecked conflict in the workplace has been proven to impact employee retention, new hires, productivity, and your bottom line. With studies like the one behind this Conflict Tango infographic showing as many as 85% of any given workforce has experienced conflict in the workplace, you can’t afford to ignore the potential these clashes have to create crises.


For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

– See more at: https://staging.management.org/blogs/crisis-management/2015/11/02/your-online-image/#sthash.kQJ8f1P4.dpuf

Should You Recognize Donors on Your Website?

Recognizing donors on business websites

On a listserve dealing with nonprofit-related legal matters, an attorney commented: “I can think of several of my law clients who have made very large gifts, and who would be horrified at the thought of having their names published on the Internet. They would feel that this was an invasion of their privacy, and that it would expose them to all sorts of unwanted solicitations.

“Of course, to be fair, I have plenty of other clients who want the publicity and would actually enjoy the wider exposure that the web brings.”

In Response:
The various Codes of Ethics impacting the nonprofit sector clearly state that donors have the right to privacy, and only they can give permission for their names to be publicized.

There are three common ways nonprofit organizations can make it easy for donors to clarify their preference:
1. (Preferable) By asking them to check a box on the forms they return with their gifts agreeing
    that their name may be used;
2. (Not as Preferable) By asking them to check a box on the forms they return with their gift
    denying permission for their names to be used; and,
3. (Least Preferable) By asking that donors check a box on the form they return with their
    gifts if they don’t wish their names published – and indicating that if the box is not
    checked, the assumption will be made that permission has been given.

Since not every nonprofit organization is yet asking donors for such permission, and not every donor reads all those forms as carefully as they should, NPOs should make the extra effort — especially when contemplating publicizing donors’ names as broadly as would a web-page — to adequately inform donors and to get specific permission.

It’s considerate, and it’s good donor relations.

And, publishing a donor’s name in an off-line/printed annual report, or in any other format in any medium, should engender the same kind/degree of consideration of the donor’s right to privacy.

Interestingly enough, most NPOs to which I’ve described this concept, and emphasized the ethics of complying with such rules of “consideration,” choose not to consider that concept to the degree it should be considered.

It points up the need for everyone (board, staff, volunteers) to be educated about the ethics of fund raising.

Want to learn more about The Basic Concepts of Fundraising?
Book One of The Fundraising Series:
The Basics: Perceptions & Realities

is for You, and it’s only $1.99

We’ve been posting these pieces for the last five years,
and we’re now at a point where, to keep this “blog” alive,
we need your questions/problems to engender further discussion.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Comments & Questions

Have a question about starting, evaluating or expanding your fundraising program?
The Fundraising Series of ebooks?
are easy to read, to the point, and inexpensive ($1.99-$4.99)

Single-Project and Multi-Project Formats of Action Learning


In the early 1980s, I started facilitating Action Learning where all set members were working on the same problem or project (single-project Action Learning, or SPAL). My bias in Action Learning has always been to cultivate self-facilitated groups, somewhat in the spirit of Reginald Revans’ preferences for those kinds of sets, too.

However, at least in those days, it was often a struggle to get SPAL set members to continue attending meetings, especially after the 1st and 2nd meetings, much less to even have them self-facilitate.

So in the early 1990s, I started experimenting with having every set member be the presenter in every meeting and the other members posing generative questions to the presenter. I wondered if individual attention to each member would further enrich the Action Learning experience and sustain attendance. I began referring to this as multi-project Action Learning (MPAL). (I don’t know if I invented that phrase or if someone else … whatever.)

I realized that, rather than the deep dive of clarifying and framing that comes from focusing on one presenter in one meeting (SPAL), the framing in MPAL would have to come from repeated framing over subsequent, but well-attended, meetings.

To my surprise I found that, if each member got, e.g., 30 minutes to be questioned by other members (I now refer to that questioning as getting coached) about a current and real problem, then those members still got some framing during that time – and sustained, strong framing occurred over subsequent meetings.

The process basically used laser coaching to guide each member through a format somewhat like the GROW model of coaching, including to select realistic actions to take between meetings. Learning comes from continual reflection on the questions and the actions that were taken.

The MPAL process includes six elements:

  1. a set/group of 4-8 members
  2. each works on a current and real problem (or priority)
  3. facilitation (a set of tasks, rather than a certain role)
  4. coaching (this is our preferred term, rather than questioning)
  5. commitments to actions
  6. commitments to learning

Since then, we’ve had an increasing number of clients spawning new groups from around the world – many of them have been with us for several years and some for almost a decade. Most of our groups are done virtually.

The tool of the SPAL model of Action Learning is particularly useful for a deep dive of powerful framing on a complex problem, and is very powerful for solving a complex problem (rather quickly, at times), team building and various forms of leadership development.

The MPAL model is particularly useful for solving concurrent problems (taking longer than SPAL), teaching coaching skills, cultivating strong networks, sharing support and ensuring transfer of training. It’s also very useful for cultivating self-facilitating and highly sustainable sets.

There are standard outcomes from the SPAL and MPAL formats, including skills in listening, presenting, questioning, problem solving, innovating, facilitating and systems thinking.

The selection of the problems that MPAL members work on, the nature of the coaching, the membership of groups and their frequency of meetings, and the types of actions taken between meetings depend very much on the particular purpose of the MPAL.

As with any field or profession, there will likely be strong opinions about which format is best and which is the “true” Action learning or not. I’ve learned over the years, to let the clients decide that matter.

What do you think?

Written by Carter McNamara, Action Learning Source.

Your Online Image


What does your online activity tell others about you?

If you pay any mind to the news or happenings on social media you’ll see a constant stream of people landing themselves in serious trouble as a result of online activity. So many, in fact, that we created the Weiner Awards in their honor. Despite that, however, people continue to make serious online mistakes without even thinking about it.

The infographic below, created by Microsoft answers the question, “What does your online image project about YOU?”




For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

– See more at: https://staging.management.org/blogs/crisis-management/2015/10/30/zendaya-modeliste-and-a-lesson-in-reputation-management/#sthash.h8MMNsR0.dpuf