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Could Zika Cancel the Rio Games?

An international group of scientists says it should More than 150 experienced scientists have signed a letter to the World Health Organization begging it to intervene and move or delay the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. The reason? Zika. The letter cites a concern for global health as its primary reason: The Brazilian strain of Zika …

Communicating Educational Content

How do you provide educational content? How do you know if it is valid and usable? The answer is by providing good communication. How do you do that? What if there was, e.g., some technical knowledge that needed to be shared? Communicating and delivering that information can be challenging. Many learners attend networking sessions, seminars, …

An “Immature” 30-Year-Old Ministry

Before anyone gets insulted, a “mature” nonprofit has a strategic plan, a development plan and, even, a marketing plan. They have a budget and they know where the money is coming from to fund that budget. An “immature” nonprofit, on the other hand, doesn’t…. In a recent email, the writer said that she had been …

Top 5 Traits of Successful Social Enterprises

Research shows that successful social enterprises often share common characteristics. There are many theories why some social enterprises flourish while others languish. Is it leadership, business planning, funding, market or timing that makes a successful social enterprise? Joining Vision and Action is dedicated to providing social enterprises, nonprofits and government agencies with the tools and …

Are Your Things Putting You At Risk?

Connectivity comes at a price There’s a clear trend towards connecting just about everything to the internet. It makes things more convenient, it makes devices of all kinds more dynamic, and people just plain like it. But, with those positives come risks as well. As with anything that has internet connectivity, your connected “things” can …

Another New Nonprofit…

…that wants other people to fund their good idea !! The email said: “We have started a NPO with the premise of completing a project to support a religious group. The project is a book we plan to market, with the profits going to that group. Our team consists of experts to write, design, produce …

Save Time and Money

We don’t read at a fixed speed, and similarly, we need this FREE tool – an easy way to accelerate a video, slow it down, and quickly rewind the last point to listen to it a few more times.

No Problem…and Other Negative Expressions to Avoid

How often have you heard the following phrases? No problem I can’t do that You’ll have to I’m not going to discuss that I’m not going to take up your time I’m not going to go into detail That will never work It’s a good idea, but It is so easy to fall into the …

Insurance Against Cyber Bullies

As this issue gains recognition, new services arise Insurance giant Chubb’s new offering of cyber bullying coverage for its homeowners insurance clients is a sign of the times, as more and more the issue is being recognized as a significant, and often financially harmful, problem. Reuters reports on the coverage: Up to 40 percent of …