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Online Reputation and Job Hunting Today

How you’re perceived online can improve, or sink, your chances of landing that dream job This post isn’t addressing crisis management, at least not in the traditional sense. However, we do speak with students across the country during guest lectures, as well as encountering a good number of job seekers ourselves, and thought the info …

Using Video in the Development Process … And Increasing Dollars

A number of years ago, we used a video recording as part of the capital campaign solicitation of 14,000 prospects for a 1,200 student (150 year old) college. The “footage” was shot at various times during the school year and edited for various uses. One application was as an introduction in the face-to-face solicitation of …

Corporation Solicitation Programs: Not For Every Nonprofit

In considering the creation of a Corporate Solicitation Program (a CSP), the first questions I’d ask of a nonprofit is whether they realize that only five-percent of all “charitable” giving to nonprofits comes from corporations, and (considering “return-on-investment”) how much of their time, energy and assets do they want to dedicate to this effort? That …

[Infographic] Improving Reputation with Social Media

Give your reputation a leg up with every step you take on social media Social media is used for many things – marketing, sales, customer service, and SEO to name a few. But, one common thread that should run throughout all of these is a focus on improving reputation. In this simple infographic, internet marketing …

Best in Class Power Phrases

How you speak, and the words and phrases you use, make a huge impact in the way you are perceived on the job, as well as in everyday life. For example, every time I hear someone say, “no problem,” I cringe. Why are you even bringing up the word problem? Instead, focus on the positive …

The Gift Table: An Essential Fundraising Tool

Gift Tables/Pyramids are great fundraising tools, but their construction and usage are often very much misunderstood. They are most often associated with capital campaigns, but are also great tools for major gifts fundraising, for “fiscal year fundraising,” and even for major events. Prior to the beginning of every fiscal year, an organization goes through its …

The Planning Study: Implementation

Continuing from last week’s posting…. As it will not always be appropriate to run down the prepared list of questions with every interviewee, the interviewer must be able to “read people,” must be able to know when to forget the prepared questionnaire and just chat with Mr./Ms. Jones about the NPO’s issues and possible futures. …

7 Mobile Apps to Amp-Up Your Social Media Presence

Amping-up your presence on social media is simply about maximizing your time, increasing your visual appeal and sourcing fresh and useful content regularly. Use any of these 7 apps to save time and increase your social media marketing productivity.

The Planning Study: Conceptualizing & Preparing

Want to create a Major Gifts Program, a Bequest Program, a Special Event, a Recognition Program, a Capital Campaign ?? The most important information you’d want to have is whether your (prospective) constituents/donors will agree with what you want to do, and what would motivate those folks to want to participate in and/or support your …