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Preparing for Inevitable Disaster

A look at the numbers behind emergency management in the 21st century Natural disasters and emergency events are inevitable, yet the losses incurred are almost always greater than they had to be due to a lack of planning and preparedness. If you know it’s going to happen, why not be prepared? This infographic, from IBM …

How You’re Seen Online and Why it Matters

You can’t afford to have a bad reputation showing up in search results or social media Still not too worried about your online reputation? Despite the fact that the vast majority of internet users see search results as the most trusted source of info about just about anything? Despite the fact that nearly 90% of …

Show Me … Don’t Tell Me: Say It With Video

Share your message in an effective medium. Allow video to be used to get your message out there. How else can you let your audience in on the amazing things your organization does on a daily basis? Let people know all about who you are, the impact you have on our world and the way …

Communicating Planning Objectives

You have been given the task of setting up a plan to make sudden changes to, e.g., processes. How do you let people know and how do you communicate planning objectives that you have developed. What do you do first? What if there is resistance? First Steps Communicate with and set up meetings in order …

Emergency Management History and Trends

Looking at the past and present state of this important field Did you know that the first federal emergency management effort was in 1803? Or that losses owing to natural hazards totals more than $1B every week? This collection of historic facts and information about modern trends in emergency management from Emergency-Management-Degree.org will educate you …

Video – An Often Overlooked Development Tool

When was the last time you watched something that really moved you? Brought you to tears? Evoked the warm-and-fuzzies? Took you back to a life changing experience? Made you feel differently about an issue, an organization, a person or group of people? Last week’s posting discussed a vivid example of video as a development tool. …

What’s in Your Emergency Kit?

Take the time to put together this potentially life-saving stash An emergency kit can save your life, or that of a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker…you get the idea. They’re easy to make and can be stored in the places you frequent – one for home and one in your vehicle can cover most people. …