Local Government Crisis Management Teams


Who should be a part, and what are their responsibilities?

Local governments are responsible for a huge amount of crisis management. Think about it – how many moving pieces does even a smaller municipal area have to take care of, and how many are affected by even a small hiccup in operations?

ICMA, a professional and educational association for local government administrators, recently shared an infographic that does a fantastic job of which local government personnel should be on your crisis team, and what the roles and responsibilities of each should be:


local government crisis management team infographic

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

Cybercrime’s Impact on Small Business


Hacks affect organizations of all shapes and sizes

Hacks on major corporations have made headlines throughout 2016, but what you don’t see discussed nearly so often is the huge impact cybercrime can have on small business. In this eye-opening infographic, the Canadian government’s cybersecurity experts discuss how online attacks affect small business, and why they can actually affect these types of businesses more than they do larger operations.

[Click image to enlarge]

small business cyber attacks

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

[Infographic] Tips for Monitoring Online Reputation


Watching what people say about you on the internet is a must

Every single person, and every single brand, should be monitoring their reputation online. After all, the the number one place anyone with a complaint will head, and the place everyone relies on to provide them information on who to do business with.

While there are plenty of ways to take online reputation monitoring “to the next level”, having the basics in place will position you to be aware of most issues, and to react. If you’re lost as to how to get started, try the simple steps outlined in this infographic from the social media analytics experts at TalkWalker:

how to start monitoring online reputation infographic

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

Internet Outages – Does it bring your business to a stop?


[Editor’s note: This guest post from reader Keith Bell looks at a number of ways you can avoid the harm that frequently comes to businesses who run into internet or other IT outages.]

6 Tips to cruise through

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In any infrastructure, there were, are and always will be some level of disruption. Internet outage is no exception to that too. Just like a water system experiences periodic issues and electricity companies experience periodic outages, IT companies too experience internet outages. The thing is that in today’s world where a majority of things have become internet dependant, internet connectivity issues have become as important as water and power issues when it comes to infrastructure dependency. Internet outages can cause huge loss of productivity in an IT business and unfortunately, these outages happen more frequently compared to other major services. Various estimates of surveys and studies done by IT industry analyst companies revealed that businesses face a whooping financial loss between $84,000 and $108,000 on an average for a single hour of downtime of their IT systems. For any IT business owner, there has to be three fundamental questions in mind – how to protect the business? How to minimize the impact? How to be prepared for an internet outage? Now, to deal with internet outages, you’ve to have a proper contingency plan in place. And a proper contingency plan must consist of some key points. Let’s have a look at such 6 crucial points that would help you sail through internet outages.

  1. Notify the stakeholders

The first thing to do when an internet outage happens is to inform the stakeholders. They should be provided with relevant, rich and timely data so that they can provide feedback and react accordingly. Conversely, it’s also equally important to notify the staff and customers at the same time. As companies are becoming heavily reliant on internet and other related systems, security, profitability and productivity are at much greater risks than ever. Also, ensure that the IT team knows complete details of the outage. Be it a planned or unplanned outage, your IT professionals must be able to efficiently communicate about it to all related persons affected by the outage. However, prevention is always better than cure. So, it’s imperative to continually monitor, develop and review your IT infrastructure with the latest technology available.

Discussing with your ISP service provider over the issues that your organization might have in times of outage is a must. Though such problems cannot be avoided 100% of the times, a good service provider will do all in his reign to not let his clients down. Such issues can be reported through publicly available portals that may contact and provide the necessary details to the service providers.

  1. Have different carriers for the internet connectionstoutage2

One of the best ways to safeguard your business is to have more than one internet service providers whose services route through different links. It’s much like having a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) when it comes to power outages. The only difference is that you can utilize the second provider link to support your network bandwidth rather than keeping it on standby or idle. The second one doesn’t need to be of the same capacity or cost or have the same assurance agreement as your primary internet provider because you can always prioritize one of the internet connections over others. There’re a significant number of affordable carriers available in the market to make this possible.

  1. Secure the Email first

Email is the primary tool that allows you to stay connected with employees, customers and suppliers during an internet outage. You can add an extra layer of protection for cases like outages occurring from provider’s end like Google Mail or Office 365. An email security solution based on cloud allows you to work seamlessly even if your primary mail system is down. For most businesses, simple relocation of the user with connectivity issue is adequate enough to ensure continuous workflow. Today, when wifi hotspots are widely available, your staff can remotely reconnect, access business systems and email during an outage and then return to the primary one when the outage has been fixed. By adding redundancy and mail archiving, you can be prepared for internet outage. These ensure you’re not out of business when your systems are down. During an internet outage, if you’ve to use internet anyway, tethering your phone is perhaps the last resort. Though you can use tethering straight from your carrier but that’s expensive, especially if you don’t use it often. Conversely, tethering may have some problems like data limitation and sometimes tethering fees are exorbitantly high as well. Alternatively, you can use cheap pay-as-you-go mobile hotspots for exigencies. In case of internet outages, you just need to turn it on, connect to the wifi and continue with your work.

  1. Having cloud files available offline can be a smart move

We store important documents in the cloud to access them anytime from anywhere with an internet connection. But in the case of internet outage, how can you access them? Service like Skydrive (though things have slightly changed for Windows 8.1) and Dropbox allow you to use those files offline. These services sync documents straight to the computer and if you’ve proper clients installed, you can seamlessly use them offline and they’ll sync when you’re reconnected. When using these services, you need to keep one complication in mind – conflicting files. When you edit a shared file offline, the same may be edited by someone else at the same time. In that case, you’ll see conflicted version of the file when you’re connected the next time. You can also use Google Drive where you can easily upload the file and access them offline as if you’re working with the desktop app. Things get tricky when you use the online office suite of Google Drive. You’ll only be able to edit presentations and documents, while spreadsheets just remain viewable. However, it’s always better than nothing. So, if you want to use Google Drive, make sure you properly set this up.

  1. Need research? Download the site!itoutage4

Research has become a crucial part of most of present day jobs. Though it entirely happens online in almost all cases, with services like Evernote, you can have the information on your computer offline. The web clipper of Evernote is the finest content saving tool that allows you to access everything relevant to the research offline. While installing Evernote, don’t forget to install its desktop version. It’s not only a note-saving application but it allows collaboration and file-sharing with others too – thanks to the free storage provided by it. Before you can install the Evernote Clipper, you’ve to register with Evernote and create an account. If you want to read RSS feeds offline, obtain a desktop client that allows offline reading. If you’re using Windows 8, go for NextGen Reader, which sync with Feedly Cloud. If you’re a Mac user, you can look for Readkit that allows feeds to be downloaded to your computer, enabling you to read them offline. Also, ensure download of all your required documents that you need to use regularly.

  1. Use of mobile broadband

Mobile broadband is a term widely used to describe mobile internet access services that utilize mobile phone infrastructure and cellular network. The strength of the mobile broadband depends on the network signal. You can access mobile broadband from a significant number of devices including mobile phones, MiFi units, mobile dongles and data cards. Dongles are plug-and-play devices and USB-compatible. These are actually portable modems and widely referred as USB modems or mobile USB sticks. Today, two types of mobile broadband are available namely 3G and 4G. The main difference between these two is the speed. If you need to have a much faster connectivity, you should go for 4G instead of 3G. The goal of mobile broadband is to provide the customers with low cost and high speed connectivity. By using this technology, you can have wireless access across remote areas. Mobile broadband provides multitude of benefits. Let’s have a look at some of them.

  • It comes at a cheaper pricing. Though 4G is more expensive than 3G, it’s still less expensive than home broadband.
  • You don’t need to be connected to an Ethernet connection or be in the range of a mobile hotspot because mobile broadband acts like a portable modem. You can plug the device directly into one of your USB ports and start working which makes it quite hassle-free.
  • Simply put, you can use it anywhere. You just need to have the required signal strength.
  • Nowadays, 4G provides much faster connectivity than most of the average home broadband providers which makes mobile broadband a more viable option compared to fixed-line internet connections.
  • Mobile modems are discreet and small which means you can carry them even in your pocket and connect to the internet whenever you want to.

If you want to use mobile broadband rarely, a standard 3G pack should be perfect for you. In case your work involves heavy downloads, you should look for economical or special packages to avoid incurring additional costs.

Final Thoughts

Internet outages are always unpredictable but with these 6 tips, you can minimize the business impact. If you become prepared for this inevitable occurrence beforehand, you can save a lot of unproductive time when the catastrophe strikes.

Keith Bell
Phone & Internet specialist who plays advisory roles to telecommunication companies predominately within Australia.

Agile project management

A corporate woman giving a presentation on agile methodology to a group of persons

Right now there is no single more popular topic in (especially in software) projects than Agile. Before I describe what it is, here are the most common misinterpretation of what it is not:

  • it is not a methodology – it is a set of values and principles;
  • it is not a project management ‘method’ – it is a product development method that can be combined with other practices to cover the entire scope of planning and delivering projects.

You can take an agile approach to the management of anything (as far as possible) and what that should mean is that you are following as many of the principles of Agile as possible. Does that mean that 87 storey buildings are going to be delivered and accepted in an incremental manner? I think not.

Agile addresses a number of challenges which many would argue are ignored too often by projects in the past. However, it is a mistake to say that traditional methods fail to do what Agile does, the truth more lies more in the interpretation and implementation of traditional methods by project teams in the past. For example, there is nothing in Waterfall that says you can’t plan and deliver the project in a highly collaborative way; it’s just that people chose not to.

So what does Agile try and achieve?

Agile accepts a number of things, for example:

1. Priorities change
2. People find it very hard to envisage and sometimes communicate physical requirements, especially towards the font-end of projects and even more especially all in one phase.

It tries to have a development process that recognises, accommodates, allows for these and provides a more productive environment for requirements to emerge and be confirmed before actual code is developed, on a just-in-time basis.

It also encourages very short development cycles, so that the review (by users) of product is continual throughout the development process. When it works well, this can be an excellent way of producing product and reviewing it (almost) in real-time as it is developed. It’s the very opposite of a big bang approach and should reduce the size of issues to make them far more manageable. By the time you get to the end of the final iteration, there should be no major surprises. The development should be driven by the priorities of the business and therefore functionality of greatest importance should be at the core of the deliverable.

One other aspect is also attempted and that is to delay decisions until they have to be made. This can have advantages but takes a very skilled team. All development activity carries uncertainty so if uncertainty manifests itself around late decisions this could cause real issues and delays. This principle needs to be applied with great skill and care.

Agile can enable some really good things but there are some ‘Agilists’ who spread some very dangerous messages. For example: Agile does not do deadlines; projects begin with a product backlog; there is no accountability in Agile teams; Agile does not do (need) project management (on larger projects there are usually many things outside the software development – clearly these will all need to be managed too).

Agile is fairly simple to understand in principle – much harder to do (well) in practice.

Preventing Personal Crises by Managing Online Reputation


Pointers to protect your personal brand

Although high-profile cases of individuals losing out on job opportunities, being fired, or costing themselves big bucks as a result of online behavior regularly make headlines, there still seems to be a disconnect between the very real potential consequences and what people are willing to share. This infographic from Switzerland-based KBSD lays out precisely why every one of us needs to watch what we’re posting online, and even what others may be posting about us!

managing personal e reputation

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

Five Key Steps to Successful Team Presentations:

Front view portrait of four business executives sitting in a lineYou may be presenting as a team to win new business, update a major project, or as part of a conference or special event. Any time you are presenting as a team, you need to take specific steps to be sure the whole team works well together to make the presentation a success.

  1. Select a strong team leader who has the leadership ability and authority to make on-the-spot decisions. Whether it’s content, structure, presenters, etc, this person needs to take full responsibility for the overall success of the presentation.
  2. Make sure everyone understands the overall presentation objectives as well as their roles in the development of the final presentation.
  3. Write your overall objective in one sentence or less. What do you want your audience to know, do, or feel as a result of the presentation? This helps you maintain focus during the preparation process.
  4. Ace transitions, openings and closings. When done well, these create a smooth, cohesive presentation. When done badly, they send a poor message about the team and the organization.
  5. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Everyone must be completely familiar with presentation content, visual aids, and transitions between presenters. It is critical that the team practice together in order to reach a high level of comfort with the presentation and each other. A full dress rehearsal with visual aids is a must!

Team presentations provide special challenges, but if you are out to win that new account or ace that project report, the extra effort you put in up front will pay for itself in results.