Help Dealing with Trolls on Social Media

Social media troll harassing people on social media concept

A major rookie mistake on social media is engaging with trolls, giving them the fuel they need to keep finding ways to get a rise out of their target. It’s tough because you can’t always ignore them, ie. when you’re being hit with false negative reviews, so you need to find ways to handle the situation without giving the troll any satisfaction.

We all know keeping trolls from causing trouble is easier said than done, but this infographic from Cision might just help you get the edge you need.

Of course sometimes you need a pro to step in. If trolls are creating major issues for your organization contact us and we can help.

[Click to enlarge]


For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

Tips for Handling Technical Writer Stress

Stressed woman tired from working on her laptop

Everyone gets stressed out at work no matter what your job function. As a Technical Writer, you too will probably have situations at one time or other where you get stressed out as well. In order to avoid communicating less or ineffectively, take a break or slow down for a while. Here are a few other ideas to get you through the rough times.

Be Positive – the work will get done. Staying positive reflects on your coworkers and your team, so this will show them that everything is under control, and hence more productivity will occur. Remaining positive also allows you to communicate more effectively and precisely. It allows you to remain calm and to express yourself better. Use this technique in meetings especially when the Technical Writer has to gather relevant information from those that oppose what you are doing (as not everyone likes to share pertinent information) or when you have to get an extension on your part of the project for when unaccounted problems occur.

Be Organized – know what your schedule is. Create your own project plan (or To Do List) and include extra time for unforeseen incidents. Create a ‘what if’ road map that shows what path to take for certain situations, such as, what if a team member calls out or is unavailable, or what if the delivery date is moved up, or a rewrite is necessary because of a drastic change in an application you were writing about.

Be Focused – keep the end goal in mind. Make sure you are retrieving the right information by asking all the relevant questions you need to for gathering your data. For example, ask about previous procedures and processes and who was in charge of those so that you can refer back to them if needed. Next, create an outline. When you are ready to begin writing, create a mapping and see if you need to update or include any other data.

Be Available – let others know how you can be reached in case of changes that might affect the outcome of the project or if approval is needed for, e.g., approvals or updates to tables, charts, images, etc., that are to be included in a document.

Be Mindful – know what has to be done. Begin your necessary documents as soon as you can to stay ahead. You can also plan ahead by creating contingency plans for any unexpected delays and bottlenecks. Also, make sure that all known problems are resolved. When planning out documentation projects, such as, analyzing project requirements, identifying types of documents required, selecting resources for writing and gathering data, and setting milestones, also make sure you have the right tools available and the budget required to complete the project. And lastly,

Be An Editor and review everything. Make sure you have written the right amount of information for the right people. For example, has the documentation been written for the novice user or management.

If you have other ideas to add about how to lessen stress, please leave a comment. Thank you.

Execs Speak on Crisis Management and Crisis Leadership


Deloitte asked more than 2,000 C-suite executives, managers, analysts, and crisis pros from the US and abroad four questions:

  1. What type of crisis is your organization least prepared for?
  2. In a crisis, who in your organization would lead the response?
  3. During a crisis, what do you believe would be your organization’s biggest gap?
  4. When did your organization last conduct a simulation of a crisis event?

They then compiled the answers into the below infographic, which includes some results which might surprise you and spur thoughts on your own crisis preparedness.

[Click image to enlarge]


For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]