Are You Doing What You Can To Boost Safety?


It’s not always fun to be “that guy” pointing out how safety can be improved, what could go wrong, and how people could get hurt. Fact is,this type of awareness saves lives, along with minimizing lost productivity and chance of harmful litigation. Emergency communications expert Doug Levy recently shared his article, “Five things you can do right now to boost safety for you and others”, a small excerpt of which you’ll find below.

  1. Every time you start a meeting, point out the exits. If there was an emergency right now, do you know where to go? What if that route is blocked by an armed shooter or fire? Knowing how to get out helped save lives in Pittsburgh last month and in countless other emergencies. Whether you are giving a speech, kicking off any kind of meeting, or hosting a party, just point out the exits at the start — the same way you probably point out bathrooms and refreshments.

Making safety a part of your daily conversations will raise awareness and improve response, both of which are critical to surviving major incidents. To see the rest of Doug’s potentially life-saving tips visit his article by clicking here.

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Crisis Management


Lessons on how to stay out of trouble in the social media jungle

Social media crisis management has been a part of 99% of the damaging situations we’ve seen this year. In fact, more often than not, social media is a driving factor behind any given crisis. The bottom line here is that you simply can’t afford to not understand how social media crisis management works.

There are a few things every single organization should be doing when it comes to social media crisis management.


  1. Monitor closely. Knowledge is power, and having even a few minutes lead time on a breaking situation feels like an eternity during a crisis. Combine monitoring tools and human effort to catch mentions, sentiment, and brutally honest feedback from important audiences.
  2. Create a network in advance. We frequently hear from clients that they don’t want to be on social media at all. Too bad! You don’t have to be a social media darling but if you don’t create the platforms that will allow you to do crisis communications right you’re asking for trouble.
  3. Plan and practice. A stressful situation is not the place to assemble a working plan. Knowing in advance what you should do in predictable situations and having enough practice reps to allow you to execute the plan is a step that’s overlooked frighteningly often.

On the flip side, there are some items that should be avoided at all costs. Let’s just say that the outcome is never pretty.


  1. Come off as “fake”. The internet in particular LOVES to call people out as being fake. If you’re pushing too far from your true personality or established brand tone you’re likely flirting with disaster. The biggest way to stop this Don’t in its tracks is to make certain you’re getting honest feedback from a variety of critics before anything goes live. Yes-men are not your friends if you want to avoid this pitfall.
  2. Engage on someone else’s turf. Never go looking for a fight in an area someone else controls. If a particular blogger is causing negative reactions from your audience the place to respond is not the comments section. Utilize platforms you control and where you can help keep the conversation civil while moderating to knock out harmful rumors before they can take hold.
  3. Take nights or weekends off. Social media doesn’t sleep, it doesn’t take weekends off, and it doesn’t care whether it’s a holiday. While everyone wants to check out for a couple days after a stressful week, when you’re in the midst of crisis any significant gap in communications makes the situation exponentially worse.

Winging it is not an acceptable approach when sparking public outrage once can create permanent, sometimes insurmountable damage. Know your Do’s and avoid the Don’ts to stay out of trouble!

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

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