Communications (Business Writing) — Recommended Books

Business people with speech bubbles

Recommended Books – Business Writing

General Information

The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often
because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Also See

Communications (Organizational) — Recommended Books

Communications (Interpersonal) — Recommended Books

Business Research (Including Nonprofits)– Recommended Books

Woman writing in notebook and researching on laptop

Recommended Books – Business Research

General Business Research

Market Research


General Business Research

The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often
because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Market Research


Nonprofit Program Design, Marketing and Evaluation - Book Cover
Field Guide to Nonprofit Program Design, Marketing and Evaluation
by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting, LLC.
Well-developed nonprofit programs are based on research to verify unmet community needs, how those needs can be met through programs,
how clients can best access the programs, what clients and others are willing to pay for the programs, and potential
competitors and collaborators. Funders expect to see this level of research from nonprofits applying for funding.
This book provides step-by-step guidelines for conducting relevant — and especially realistic and flexible — market research.
Includes many online forms that can be downloaded.

Business Planning — Recommended Books

Business people in a meeting

Recommended Books – Business Planning

For-Profit-Specific Business Planning

Nonprofit-Specific Business Planning

For-Profit-Specific Business Planning

The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often
because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Nonprofit-Specific Business Planning

If you are starting a nonprofit organization, then you would be better to get a book on nonprofit strategic planning, than a book
on business planning. Nonprofit business plan books are better focused on a particular program or service, than on the entire organization.
A strategic planning book is better for focusing on an entire organization.

Nonprofit Program Design, Marketing and Evaluation - Book Cover
Field Guide to Nonprofit Program Design, Marketing and Evaluation
by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting, LLC.
Nonprofit business planning often is focused on a specific program, rather than on the overall organization.
(Planning focused on the overall organization is usually strategic planning.) There are few books, if any,
that explain how to carefully plan, organize and develop a nonprofit program.
Also, too many books completely separate the highly integrated activities of planning, marketing and evaluating programs.
This book integrates all three into a comprehensive, straightforward approach that anyone can follow in order to
provide high-quality programs with strong appeal to funders. Includes many online forms that can be downloaded.

Venture Forth - Book Cover
Venture Forth! The Essential Guide to Starting a Money-Making Business in Your Nonprofit Organization
by Rolfe Larson, published by Fieldstone Alliance.
Provide step-by-step guidelines to identify and implement the best ideas to generate more revenue to further your
nonprofit mission. Ideas can come from current or new services — many nonprofits are already providing
critical services from which they could generate more revenue. The movement of social entrepreneurship,
including earned-income generation, is becoming a must for every nonprofit to consider.
Many funders greatly appreciate nonprofits generating more income — this book shows you how!

Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation - Book Cover
Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation
by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting, LLC.
If you intend your nonprofit business planning to cover the entire organization, then you probably need
strategic planning as much as, if not more than, business planning. This book provides step-by-step guidelines
to customize and facilitate planners to implement the best strategic planning process to suit the particular nature
and needs of their nonprofit. This is one of the few books, if any, that explains how to actually facilitate planning.
Includes many online forms that can be downloaded and used by planners.

Also See for For-Profits

Strategic Planning — Recommended Books

Business Development — Recommended books

Financing Your Business — Recommended Books

Organizational Sustainability — Recommended Books

Product Development — Recommended books

Planning and Project Management — Recommended Books

Also See for Nonprofits

Strategic Planning — Recommended Books

Social Entrepreneurship (Nonprofit) — Recommended Books

Capacity Building (Nonprofit) — Recommended Books

Organizational Sustainability — Recommended Books

Fundraising — Recommended Books

Program Management — Recommended Books

Planning and Project Management — Recommended Books

Business Development — Recommended Books

Business man holding a tablet

Recommended Books – Business Development

Product Development

Growing Your Organization

Product Development

The following books are recommended because of their highly
practical nature and often because they include a wide range of
information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Growing Your Organization

The following books are recommended because of their highly
practical nature and often because they include a wide range of
information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Also See

Strategic Planning — Recommended Books

Financing Your Business — Recommended Books

Product Development — Recommended books

Planning and Project Management — Recommended Books

Managing Organizational Change — Recommended Books

Benchmarking — Recommended Books

Woman in Black Blazer Writing on Notebook

Benchmarking — Recommended Books

The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often
because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. To get more information about
each book, just click on the image of the book. Also, a “bubble” of information might be displayed. You can click
on the title of the book in that bubble to get more information, too.

Also See

Continuous Improvement — Recommended Books

Lean Management — Recommended Books

Quality Management — Recommended Books

Six Sigma — Recommended Books

Total Quality Management — Recommended Books

Organizational Alliances — Recommended Books

Organizational Alliances — Recommended Books

Recommended Books – Organizational Alliances


Mergers and Acquisitions


The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often
because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Mergers and Acquisitions

The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often
because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Action Learning — Recommended Books

Man Working on Laptop while Woman Takes Notes

Action Learning — Recommended Books

Recommended Books – Action Learning

Basics and General Information

The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often
because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. Also, a convenient search window is included below the rows of books. As an Amazon Associate, Authenticity Consulting, LLC may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

Also See

For Leading Yourself
Personal Development — Recommended Books

For Leading Other Individuals
Supervision — Recommended Books

For Leading Teams
Facilitation and Teams — Recommended Books

For Leading Organizations
Organizational Development
— Recommended Books

For Management
Management — Recommended Books

Sample of a Board of Directors Committee Work Plan


Sample of a Board of Directors Committee Work Plan

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting,
. Also see Carter’s
Board Blog (for for-profits and nonprofits).

Vast majority of content
in this topic applies to for-profits and nonprofits. This book also covers this topic.

Developing, Operating and Restoring Your Nonprofit Board - Book Cover

One of the best ways to ensure effective board committees is
through use of a committee work plan. The plan specifies goals
for the committee, strategies to meet the goals and timelines
for completion of the goals. The goals of the committee should
be closely aligned with achieving the strategic goals determined
during strategic planning. Essentially, the work plans specify
the operational goals of the committee for the year.

A work plan is the plan that each Board committee and relevant
staff members reference to guide completion of their portion of
the organization’s strategic plan, e.g., the Finance Committee
works from Finance work plan, Marketing Committee from a Marketing
work plan, etc. The plan references the related goal(s) from the
strategic plan. Work plans include objectives that, in total,
implement the respective strategy. For example, the following
work plan describes two strategies, 3.1 and 3.2, which, together,
meet Goal 3 from the strategic plan. Each of the two strategies
has five objectives, including 1.1 to 1.5. (See Strategic

The following sample represents one example of the format and
content of a work plan. This sample should be customized to the
particular culture and purpose of the organization.

Year 2011 Actions







Strategy 3.1: Develop Strategic Plan
3.1.1. recruit consultant help

3.1.2 planning with chief executive

3.1.3 draft first version of strategic plan

3.1.4 board review of plan

3.1.5 obtain board approval of plan

2000 Actions







Strategy 3.2: Implement Strategic Plan
Responsibility: Board
3.2.1. Reach strategic goal #1

3.2.2 Reach strategic goal #2

3.2.3 Reach strategic goal #3

3.2.4 Reach strategic goal #4

3.2.5 celebration!

Return to All About Boards

For the Category of Boards of Directors:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Basic Guidelines and Sample Agenda for Board Training Session

Board member having a Meeting

Basic Guidelines and Sample Agenda for Board Training Session

Vast majority of content in this topic applies to for-profits and nonprofits. This book also covers this topic.

Developing, Operating and Restoring Your Nonprofit Board - Book Cover

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Board Training

In addition to the articles on this current page, see the following blogs which have posts related to Board Training. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.

Board training conveys the knowledge and understanding needed by board members in order to effectively carry out their roles as members of the organization’s board of directors. Selection of the particular training topics and training methods depend on the nature and needs of the organization. However, the following guidelines and sample agenda may prove useful to readers as they develop their own approach to board training.

Guidelines to Prepare Board Training

Regarding Timing of the Session

1. Conduct board training once a year, whether you have new board members or not. It’s amazing how the “basics” helps to ground and integrate the knowledge and understanding of even highly experienced board members. Recurring training also helps to ensure that board members are all “working from the same script”.

2. Conduct board training shortly after new members are elected to the board. This scheduling helps new members quickly gain understanding of their roles and contributions to the organization. This understanding often increases their participation and fulfillment regarding their roles as board members.

Who Should Be Involved in Planning the Session

3. Design of the board training should include at least the chief executive officer and board chair. Ideally, the organization also has a board development committee whose chair can provide strong participation in the training. If timing permits, discuss ideas with all board members to collect their feedback and review.

Selecting Topics and Materials for Board Training

4. Results of the board self-evaluation should be carefully considered when selecting training topics. For example, if the evaluation indicated the board members don’t understand their roles as board members, then ensure that training places strong focus on this topic during training.

5. Be sure to include review of the board manual in the training session. The manual is the key resource for members to collect, organize and reference resources needed to carry out their roles as board member. Members should take seriously their manual and the use of it.

6. Materials you’ll need often include:
a) Board manual (for an idea of contents to include in the manual, see Sample Board Manual Index)
b) Advertising and promotions materials about the organization and its programs
c) Copy of the most recent strategic plan

Members’ Preparation for Training

7. Provide the board training agenda, board manual and promotions materials to members at least two weeks before the meeting. Ask them to review the materials before the meeting.

NOTE: Many of the materials you may need for training and to present to members are included in the Free Toolkit for Boards in the Free Management Library.

Sample Agenda for Board Training Session

The following agenda should be modified by the organization to meet its own nature and needs. During review of the topics marked with an “*”, provide brief presentation about the topic and then provide time for open discussion and to address questions from participants.


Leader of This Section of Meeting

Length of Time (minutes)

Welcome Board chair
Review of agenda* Board chair
Introduction of participants Each person introduces themselves
Overview of organization* Executive director reviews mission, history, programs and introduces key staff
Orientation to board manual* Board chair
Roles and responsibilities of governing board* Board chair reviews overview of roles, role of chief executive,
and comparison of roles of board and staff
Overview of board structure Review listing of current officers, committees, and committee
Overview of board operations* Board chair reviews key points from bylaws and board policies, board operations calendar, sample committee work plans, and sample meeting agenda and minutes
Review of strategic plan* Board chair reviews format of plan, highlights from the plan
and key points about status of implementation of the plan
Administrative activities For example, set the schedule for next year’s board meetings, refine the board operations calendar, update the list of board members, etc.
Next steps Board chair poses reminders of upcoming activities and events
Meeting evaluation Board chair

Return to Free Complete Toolkit for Boards

For the Category of Boards of Directors:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Boards of Directors Staffing (Size, Joining, Recruiting, Informing, Communicating, Rewarding, Removing)

Elderly Women in a Business Meeting

Staffing (Size, Joining, Recruiting, Informing, Communicating,
Rewarding, Removing)

© Copyright Carter
McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

Vast majority of content
in this topic applies to for-profits and nonprofits. This book also covers this topic.

Developing, Operating and Restoring Your Nonprofit Board - Book Cover

One of the most important aspects of Board operations is Board
staffing. Just like the careful staffing that is usually done
with employees, Board members should be carefully selected, trained
and evaluated, as well. In for-profits, Board members and leaders
must appreciate the strong value that Boards can bring, rather
than tolerating Boards as if they are some necessary evil to be
avoided at all costs. In nonprofits, Board members and leaders
should not approach recruitment and selection as if they are somehow
lucky just to get Board members who will show up at Board meetings.
Board members and leaders in those organizations must act as if
they deserve a very dedicated and participative Board — that
attitude alone can make a huge difference in achieving highly
effective Boards.

There are different perspectives on staffing. Some people believe
that Boards should be staffed primarily with the expertise needed
to establish and achieve current strategic goals (this is functional
staffing). Others believe that staffing should also achieve a
wide diversity of values and perspectives among members on the
Board (diversification staffing). In nonprofits, members are also
sought who have strong passion for the mission (passion-driven
staffing). We’re learning, though, that passion alone is not enough
— Board members also must have the time and energy to actively
participate in the Board. Yet another perspective is to get members
who represent the major constituents of the organization (representative

Ironically, many people perceive for-profit Boards as being
more established and effective. Yet nonprofit Boards very often
have highly involved members who take a very strong role in establishing
strategic plans and in ensuring that those plans are achieved.
Board members of for-profit and nonprofit organizations have much
to learn from each other.

Sections of This Topic Include

Board Size
Term Limits
Composition of Board Members (Guidelines, CEO on Board, Independent
Members, etc.)

Joining a Board (potential new member’s perspective)
Recruiting Board Members
Informing, Communicating With Board Members
Rewarding / Recognizing Board Members
Removing Board Members

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to This Topic

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see
the following blogs that have posts related to this topic. Scan
down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section
“Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click
on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The
blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Boards of Directors Blog

Nonprofit Capacity Building Blog

Board Size

The Determinants of Corporate Board Size and Composition:
An Empirical Analysis (for-profit)

Board size and corporate performance: evidence
from European countries

What is the Best Size for Your Board?
How Big Should a Board Be and How Often Should
They Meet?

Many Members Should We Have?

Term Limits

Coming to Terms With Term Limits

The Drawbacks of Board Term Limits
Term Limits for Non-Profit Board Members

Composition of Board Members (Guidelines, CEO on Board, Independent
Members, etc.)

General Guidelines for Determining Composition

Approaches/Philosophies to Staffing Nonprofit

Board Skills: Building the right board
Board Recruitment Grid (nonprofit)

Actions to Weed Out Resume Builders on Your NGO Board

A Board Mystery: The Case of the Emeritus Director
Sample Board Composition Policy
Dangerously Few Women in the Boardroom
Donor on The Board

Board Gender Balance – a personal perspective
Some thoughts on board composition
Women on Boards and its rationale

Should CEO Be On the Board?

Founder Permanent Board Member at Your Peril

Should CEOs be on the Board?
Divide and Conquer? Splitting the Roles of Chair
and CEO

3 reasons to separate CEO and chairman positions

What About Independent Board Members?

Definition of Independent Board Members
Dark Side of Independent Board Members

Director Independence So Important?

How You Find New Directors: “True Independence”
Under the Microscope

Boldly into the Breach – the Lead Independent Director

What About Diversity on the Board? Honorary Members?

Board Members – The Truth and The Consequences

Different Is Better: Why Diversity Matters in the Boardroom
in the Boardroom

Will the EU insist on 40% board gender diversity?

What About “Big Names” and “Deep Pockets”
on Nonprofit Boards?

You Try Get “Big Names” and “Big Pockets”
on Boards?

Joining a Board (potential new member’s perspective)

the Transition from Manager to Director

Not Just a Resume Booster: Tips for evaluating
a nonprofit before joining the board of directors

Finding the Right Next Board to Join
Using a Board Seat as a Stepping Stone
Do Good, Sure, But Do It Right — Nonprofit Board Service: a ‘Head’s Up’ Checklist
Thinking About Joining a Board?
How to handle the do-it-all founder?
Back to Basics for Training the Board

Recruiting Board Members

Recruiting for Board Members
Prospective Board Members Who
Are Not Ready!

Pitfalls in Recruiting Board Members

for Recruiting New Members

Board Recruitment Grid

Board Application Form

for Orienting New Members

Recruiting Board Members, Volunteers
and Participation

Board Diversity: Bigger Issue Than You Think
10 Stop Signs on the Road to Board Recruitment
Recruiting Your Organization’s First Board
Recruiting for Board Members: Process? What Process?
Recruitment: Whose job is it anyway?

Board of Directors Guidelines

Strategies to Create Active Members on Your NGO Board

Study on Women Donors Presents Lessons for Board

Board Recruitment Demonstration Project
Ways To Ensure A Non-Profit Board Candidate A Good Choice

Creating a Board Application
Hosting a Board Recruitment Event
Board Recruitment: Getting the People You Want
NGO Board Member & Professional Volunteer Recruitment

Informing, Communicating With Board Members

Wikipedia on Board Manuals
Board Manual Index


The Board

Addressing Board Knowledge Gaps
Practical Tips for Presenting to the Board

Rewarding / Recognizing Board Members

The following link is useful for nonprofit Boards. For-profit
Board members often are compensated monetarily (see the next section).

Volunteers (includes several other links)

Ways To Motivate Your Board Members

Removing Board Members

How Boards Deal with Lazy Directors
How Do I Remove a Board Member
How do we remove a Board member

›Return to All About Boards of Directors

For the Category of Boards of Directors:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books