Microsoft Project vs GanttPRO: Head-to-Head Comparison

Work colleagues arguing about Microsoft project vs ganttPRO

If you’re comparing Microsoft Project vs. GanttPRO to decide which is best for your project, you may not have an answer yet. Both products offer excellent tools you need to successfully plan and organize your project, including project scheduling and planning; views for Gantt charts, boards, and grids. But they also vary in substantial ways.

Microsoft Project logo

Microsoft Project: Best for Enterprises

From $10

Microsoft Project is a powerful project management software product that has all the standard features you’d expect as well as some advanced tools that are geared towards larger enterprises. It has a more comprehensive feature set than GanttPRO and is geared toward users who are experts in project management and work for larger companies. The trade-off is that Project is more difficult to use and pricier. 

You’ll probably also want to be a user of Microsoft’s other suite of paid products, like Word, Excel, Teams, Dynamics, to get the full benefit from it. Microsoft also offers a desktop version of Project, but you’ll have to be running a version of Windows to run it.

Project has tools for project scheduling and planning; views for Gantt charts, boards, and grids; task, time, and team management; and collaboration and reporting tools. The higher tiers Plans 2 and 3 provide resource management tools, and give you the option of installing a desktop client. Finally, Plan 3 provides advanced portfolio selection and optimization tools, demand management, and enterprise resource planning and management.


Microsoft Project

Project planning

Task management

Time management

Resource management

Yes, but only on Plans 2 and 3

Team management

Budget tracking

Reporting tools


$10 to $55 per user per month

  • Powerful advanced tools that larger enterprises might require
  • Smooth integration with the Microsoft product family
  • Desktop option provides up-front pricing
  • Steep learning curve
  • More expensive than GanttPRO
  • Limited integrations outside of other Microsoft products


Microsoft Project has multiple pricing options. The cloud-based solution has three tiers. Project Plan 1 is $10 per user per month. You’ll pay $30 per user per month for Plan 2. For Plan 3, the cost is $55 per user per month. Plan 2 has everything in Plan 1, plus a resource management feature and a desktop client. You’ll get everything in Plans 1 and 2 in Plan 3, plus portfolio selection and optimization, demand management, and enterprise and resource planning and management.

There are on-premises solutions that are stored locally. Project Standard 2021 is $679.99 and has features similar to cloud-based Plan 1. There is also Project Professional 2021, which is $1,129.99. It adds resource management, the ability to sync with a server, and timesheet submission. Finally, there is Project Server, which is a flexible, scalable on-premises solution that gives demand management and advanced analytics features. The pricing for Project Server is by quote only.

GanttPRO logo

GanttPRO: Best for Small and Midsize Businesses

From $8.90

GanttPRO’s project management software offers affordable pricing and an intuitive web-based interface while still offering advanced features, making it an excellent choice for small and midsize businesses. Businesses using GanttPRO will be able to plan their project timelines, oversee tasks, resources, and team members, as well as enable users to collaborate on their work. 

Like with Project, you’ll get grid view, board view, and Gantt chart view. There’s also a portfolio view, which provides a high-level overview of your projects and quick access to resource management and progress tracking.

There are nice features in GanttPRO, like a history and baseline mode, importing and exporting options, and custom and pre-configured templates. GanttPRO also integrates software commonly used by small businesses, such as Slack, Google Drive, and Jira Cloud, as well as an API for custom integrations.



Project planning

Task management

Time management

Resource management

Team management

Budget tracking

Reporting tools


$8.90 to $15 per user per month

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
  • Affordable and simple pricing structure
  • History and baseline mode let you save and return to previous project versions
  • Limited reporting options
  • Only integrates with Slack, Google, Jira, and an API


Individual: $15 per user month (billed annually)

Team: $8.90 per user month (billed annually)

MS Project vs GanttPRO: Pricing & Features Comparison

When comparing GanttPRO vs Microsoft Project, you’ll see that both have features like project planning and scheduling, task management, team management, resource management, time tracking, portfolio management, and budget tracking. However, the implementation of these features differs between the two products in some ways. 

Project planning

Yes, with Gantt chart view, grid view, and board view

Yes, with Gantt chart view, grid view, board view, and portfolio view

Task management



Time management



Resource management

Yes, but only on Plans 2 and 3


Team management



Budget tracking



Reporting tools




$10 to $55 per user per month

$8.90 to $15 per user per month

Project Planning Breakdown

Creating, planning, and monitoring projects is at the heart of project management software. These features relate to the overall management of the project, such as viewing the project, making estimations of time, and identifying key tasks toward project goals.

Microsoft Project

Project gives you a home area where you can create new projects, access important information about existing projects, and open projects. Project allows you to create and manage multiple projects at the same time. Once inside of a project, you can see them in either a grid view, a board view (where tasks are divided up into buckets), or a Gantt chart. 

The interface is quite bare-bones, like an Excel spreadsheet, and it doesn’t give you a lot of information at a glance. In each of these views, you’ll be able to see a list of your tasks, people involved in the project, and any filters you want to be set up around deadlines, progress, or custom labels. There’s a zoom slider that lets you change the date range you are looking at from months down to days.


GanttPRO’s main project page has multiple views, including Gantt chart, board view, a grid or “workload” view, and a people view. The Gantt chart mode is the default setting where you can get an overview on your project tasks and people involved. You can vary the timescale on the Gantt chart from hours to days to weeks, all the way up to years. 

The main screen also has buttons for filters, exporting charts, and identifying any overdue tasks. There’s a project calendar which lets you set up days with set hours and breaks. GanttPRO has a feature that lets you save a snapshot of your project known as a baseline, that you can use for later reference. You’re also able to look back in the history of the project and revert to previous versions.

Winner: GanttPRO gives you more views, easy access to tools, and an intuitive interface.

Task Management Breakdown

Tasks are the building blocks of projects. Project management software allows you to create and manipulate them in various ways.

Microsoft Project

Once you are in a project, you’re able to add tasks, give them deadlines, and connect them to other tasks via dependencies. The interface is bare and minimalist, though it is interactive and clicking on various tasks brings up information about them. Tasks can be given deadlines and dependencies, which are connections between tasks.


Like Project, GanttPRO’s project planning tools allows you to create tasks, modify tasks, and remove tasks. You can add tasks through dependencies which are indicated through lines and arrows. Related tasks can be put into groups that lets you organize them visually. You can set deadlines, attach users to the tasks, add related, so-called “sibling tasks,” and track their progress and status. You can set up custom columns about each task with information such as who it’s assigned to, progress made, current status, or end date.

Winner: GanttPRO offers more customization of tasks, including creating subtasks and attaching users to various tasks.

Time Management Breakdown

Time management allows users to keep track of hours spent on tasks using timers and logs and attach those hours to specific tasks.

Microsoft Project

In Project, you’re able to capture project and non-project time on payroll, invoicing, and other business tasks. With the timesheet submission feature, team members are able to submit their timesheets for approval. 


GanttPRO has a task time tracker tool, which allows team members to track their time either using a timer or with a time log report.

Winner: MS Project lets you track time more easily and apply it appropriately.

Resource Management Breakdown

Resource management allows users to keep track of the various resources used in a project. This typically includes physical resources but also other kinds of resources like shipping costs and labor resources.

Microsoft Project

Only the Plan 2 and 3 tiers of Project have resource management. In Project, there are three kinds of resources: working resources, material resources, and cost resources. People and machines are working resources and require time in Project. Material resources are things like steel, wood, or glass. Finally, cost resources are things that must be purchased, like travel or shipping costs.


You can track three different types of resources in GanttPRO: labor, materials, and resources with a fixed cost. You can set values to these resources by the hour, item, or a flat cost. These resources can then be assigned to different team members and people. You can assign as many resources to one task as you need. Virtual resources can also be assigned. All of these resources can be tracked and logged. 

GanttPRO has several advanced features when it comes to resources. These include systemic resource request, which lets you use Resource Engagements to request and lock in resources. Another feature are visual heat maps, which allow you to view how resources are used with Capacity heat maps and quickly identify resources that haven’t been optimized. Finally, there are resource analytics, which let you compare resources across standard data and also forecast projected usage.

Winner: GanttPRO wins here simply because it includes resource management as a standard feature for all users, rather than locking it in a higher-priced plan.

Team Management Breakdown

People are a key part of any project, and project management software lets you track what they’re doing and how much time it is taking them.

Microsoft Project

People can be added to projects and assigned tasks. You can then modify their work calendar to take into account working time, vacations, and sick time. People can be shared across tasks using a resource pool that is created under master projects. People can also be given costs.


With GanttPRO you can add members to your team, set roles for them such as owner, admin, or member, set values for them, and create personalized working calendars. You can then attach members to tasks and give permissions according to their roles and responsibilities.

Winner: Tie. Both MS Project and GanttPRO offer useful team management tools.

Budget Tracking Breakdown

Keeping tabs on your budget is an important part of management. Budget tracking allows you to monitor how much money is being spent on your project based on the cost of tasks and resources.

Microsoft Project

You can make a budget in Project by creating and entering cost values for budget resources that are assigned to the project summary task. Project also has cost tracking, which allows you to compare original cost estimates, actual costs, projected costs, and see the variances between costs at any time and at any level of detail. 


With GanttPRO, you calculate the cost of your project based on the cost of tasks and resources using a clear visual reporting format.

Winner: MS Project. Although GanttPRO offers a good budget report, Microsoft Project gets more granular with cost tracking.

Reporting Tools Breakdown

Reporting tools are necessary for any project management software, as they give you clear views on a project’s time, budget, tasks, and people. Reports help you ensure your project stays on track and on time.

Microsoft Project

Project has extensive reporting tools, including built-in reports that let you track progress on your projects, resources, programs, and portfolios. There is a Project Overview report that combines tables and graphs to give information about each phase of the project, upcoming milestones and tasks that are late. There are dozens of other kinds of reports that you can use to gather information about specific areas of your project.


GanttPRO also has reports, but they are more limited. You can create reports for budgeting with details like projects, tasks, assignees, time, cost, and actual cost. There are also time log reports for people in your team, with the same kind of details as with budgeting.

Winner: MS Project offers far more built-in reports than GanttPRO, so you can view project details over a timeline from almost any angle.

Customer Service

Customer service is the service provided by the maker of the project management software, whether that be online resources, chat, email, or telephone communication.

Microsoft Project

Project has extensive online resources that help provide you with the basics of using the software. There are also guides to help you build a project, share and assign resources, or install the desktop hardware. Through their Microsoft 365 business product line, Microsoft also offers technical support through chat with an upgrade option to purchase phone support.


GanttPRO offers support through a live chat system on their website and through email. You can find documentation on GanttPRO’s website, along with video demos and tutorials to guide you through use of features.
Winner: Tie. Both services provide tech support via live chat and email, and although MS Project provides tech support by phone, it costs extra. GanttPRO doesn’t offer it at all, so it evens out.

Alternative Project Management Options

Still unsure which project management software is best for you after reading through our comparison of GanttPRO vs MS Project? There may be a better option for you.

If you want to stick with the waterfall methodology and are looking for another Gantt project management software, TeamGantt is another amazing option. This PM software is designed to help you monitor project progress and have a clear overview of which tasks are dependent on others. TeamGantt also offers task management and collaboration features. 

If you’re looking for a free Gantt chart software, you’re in luck because TeamGantt offers that! But remember that the free version will only work best for smaller projects with no more than a few people. If you’ve got a bigger team, you might want to look at its paid versions.

  • Great at making exportable charts
  • Drag and drop interface
  • Easy collaboration and organization tools
  • Lacks invoicing tools
  • Lacks budgeting tools
  • Reports lack features of some competitors


Free to $24.45 and $29.95 per user per month

Wrike is a well designed project management software with lots of useful features. Although it’s on the more expensive side, it’s one of the best project management software for startups

Wrike also offers a free plan for small projects. If you want more professional tools, you’d have to pay a small cost. With its recently updated interface with more information visible on the default view, Wrike has made things much more organized and easy to use. You can see your inbox, to-do list, and all current tasks directly without clicking any buttons. 

It offers numerous project templates you can use to get different types of projects started. You can also make custom templates. Read the complete Wrike review to find more about it.

  • Strong customization options
  • Real-time information sharing and updates
  • Premium security features
  • Complex pricing options
  • Limited tasks for free tier.
  • Deployment services cost more


Free to $24.80 per user per month plus an Enterprise plan that needs custom pricing

Zoho Projects is an easy-to-use and affordable project management solution for SMBs. It gives you features like project scheduling and budgeting. This allows you to define project tasks, assign them to respective teams, estimate costs and follow up task progress with ease.

This PM software solution lets you automate revision tracking, access control and search and retrieval tasks. Zoho Projects also offers document management which helps you share documents with your team easily. Project managers can also resolve errors in project tasks with its issue management features.

  • Affordable Pricing
  • Mobile apps included
  • Integrates with the Zoho suite and many third-party products
  • Lacks some enterprise-level features
  • Project templates must be custom built
  • Unusual resource management view


$0 to $10 per user per month

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Microsoft Project vs. GanttPRO

Microsoft Project Vs GanttPRO Bottom Line 

Overall, we prefer GanttPRO to Microsoft Project. GanttPRO has an easier-to-use interface, more features directed at small and midsize businesses, and a more affordable pricing structure. With that said, if your business already uses the Microsoft suite of products and needs advanced features like demand management or enterprise resource planning and management, then Project might be a better fit. vs Asana: Versatility, Affordability & Features Comparison vs Asana Versatile & Affordable

Project management has become so much a part of business that comparing tools like vs Asana require you to see them more as work operating systems. They bring all of project management’s sophisticated tools to bear on your daily schedule. We compare vs Asana to see which is a better fit for your work life. logo Best for Small Teams Working Remotely

From $10

3.0 is a code-free, cloud-based project management software geared with a spectrum of sleek features for small teams working remotely. It makes it simple for you to design workflow apps for your project. You can use these apps to handle day-to-day operations and responsibilities. comes with workflow templates you can easily customize to manage your project. It helps you reduce your manual administrative work by automating key tasks. You can also integrate with other tools to streamline project management. Read the full review for greater insight into it.

  • Modern user interface (UI) is easy to use and navigate
  • Highly customizable features 
  • Ideal for managing ongoing work for multiple projects
  • Confusing pricing of plans
  • Slow customer support 
  • Best features only available with upper tiers of paid plans


  • Basic: $10/user per month
  • Standard: $12/user per month
  • Pro: $20/user per month
  • Enterprise: Inquire for price
Asana logo

Asana: Best for Flexibility and Customization

From $13.49


Asana is one of the most popular project management software out there. It’s easy to use and offers some of the most powerful management tools available. It’s a versatile software that suits small teams but can also scale to larger companies. Asana lets you divide tasks into themes and time-related segments so you can manage your workflow with ease. 

With a much broader feature set, Asana is a great choice for agile project management. You can use multiple management styles including Gantt charts, task lists, and Kanban boards with this project management software. Read the complete Asana review for greater insight into it.

  • Offers workload management
  • Smart project-focused interface
  • Various management features
  • No financial management tools
  • Assigns tasks to one user only
  • Steeper learning curve


  • Basic: Free 
  • Premium: $13.49/user per month
  • Business: $30.49/user per month
  • Enterprise: Inquire for price

Pricing & Features Comparison

Key Features




Team Management



Project Delivery Management



Agile Methodology Suitability



Waterfall Methodology Suitability



Risk Management






Finance Management



Collaboration and communication



Integration With Other Apps













  • More price options
  • Customized views
  • Templates help you set up project
  • Larger teams on free tier
  • Attractive Status Updates
  • Easy to use


  • Limited integrations and automations
  • More expensive

Overall Rating


3.5/5 vs Asana

Putting vs Asana means comparing two well-known project management software options. Both have fairly good reputations, while also being somewhat more expensive than competitors. 

The similarities don’t end there. Both also focus on task management, using tasks as a starting point to build out your project. There is a standard set of popular project management tools that both provide. 

However, the two platforms are far from clones of each other. While the tools may be similar, the presentation and usability can be leagues apart. Follow along to discover which is the best fit for you.

Pricing and Asana have similar, straightforward pricing plans that will be familiar to anyone who has used project management software recently. Both offer a free version for a Basic plan best used to manage simple projects, limited in users and functions. Pay tiers offer more with each step up in price. is slightly less expensive, with four pay tier options:

  • Basic: $10/user per month
  • Standard: $12/user per month
  • Pro: $20/user per month
  • Enterprise: Inquire for price offers unlimited boards even at the free tier, but pay tiers offer more reporting options and more seats. Depending on the tier, you may also be limited in integration actions, automations, or a few other things.


Asana offers three different levels beyond the free tier, including:

  • Premium: $13.49/user per month
  • Business: $30.49/user per month
  • Enterprise: Inquire for price

Each of the pay tiers offers unlimited projects and many reporting options. Some of the most powerful tools, such as portfolio management, require a Business or better subscription.

Winner: Tie 

Although is less expensive, its limiting API calls and other actions can be a real problem for some users. Asana offers a lot of important tools even on the least expensive pay tier, though the higher cost puts it on par with

Read: Best 6 Free Project Management Software

Team Management

In terms of team management, Asana, and both focus on managing teams through task management. In fact, like most examples of this type of project management software, everything starts when you create tasks and then assign tasks to team members. The details are slightly different between the two options. However, they both allow you to add details, due dates, define task level priority, and more.

With that foundation, you can bring a number of powerful team management features to bear. Both Asana and focus most resource management tools on the time commitment of each team member, offering a Workload view to track team level, though Asana’s is a bit easier to use. For both platforms, it’s an option that is only available with the more expensive tiers.

Additionally, task progress tracking is straightforward with both platforms and each has an easy-to-find action log.

Winner: Asana

While both platforms allow you to filter tasks by specific team members, as well as track workload, it’s much simpler to do in Asana. helps you construct a sort of spreadsheet to do the same thing, which is much more involved.

Project Delivery Management

Some of the most important tools in a project manager’s toolbox are designed to keep everything on track and moving in the right direction. When it comes to Asana vs, they seem to offer some similar tools for tracking project statuses. 

Gantt charts are easy to set up, with task dependencies requiring no more than a drag-and-drop, providing a look at project workflow management. Both options also provide a way to monitor several projects simultaneously, balancing resources and workload. 

The two options also provide a list view, breaking down steps and making it easy to see both project plans and project schedules. However,’s list is easier to read and can contain more information.

Winner: Asana

While’s list view is easier to read, Asana has one big advantage. Information from all your projects is collected in the Portfolios tab, where it can be visualized in a few different ways. requires you to set up a separate Portfolio Management board.

Methodology Suitability

Comparing Asana vs, is one more suitable for waterfall methodology or Agile methodology? Both can be used for either method used to manage projects, though it might not be surprising that they offer some tools exclusive to the Agile approach. Read our review on waterfall vs agile methods.

Asana has a Board view that serves very well as a Kanban board. also provides Kanban boards for all your projects, as well as for your overall portfolio. In both cases, it’s possible to drag and drop tasks into the appropriate column. Asana’s Boards offer some automation options that Monday doesn’t, however. 

Additionally, Asana’s Update feature is much more comprehensive, including a painless method of automatically generating graphs, and works great for Sprint reviews. 

Winner: Asana

A few features, such as automations in Asana’s Boards, edges it out ahead of its competition. 

Risk Management

There are no native features for bug or issue tracking in either option. We’re contrasting Asana vs, but realistically they do have a lot in common. Unlike a project management tool like, for example, Jira, they aren’t focused tightly on software development. However, both integrate with apps that can perform those functions. 

Asana offers a way to mark a project as On Track, Off Track, or At Risk, as part of a status update. can mark projects automatically as part of its Overview widget, based on the number of tasks team members have completed, versus tasks still outstanding. Note that the Overview widget is only available to Pro and above accounts.


Asana’s project status tool is used for communication, telling people something you already know.’s feature offers an analysis, offering more information on the health of your project, though it comes with a higher price tag.


Managing projects is a complex business, which graphs, charts, and other visualizations can help keep straight. Both options offer a number of ways to visualize projects, from variations on a basic project management tool like Gantt charts, to the status reports we’ve already mentioned.

Reporting options for portfolio management are also available, allowing you track the progress and resource use of multiple projects. offers a wider range of reporting for your portfolio, allowing you to set up a Gantt chart of project dependencies, rather than task dependencies.

Winner: Asana

For reporting, Asana vs is close to a tie. does have a few more options. However, Asana offers a user interface that moves a lot of information for you. Check out your portfolio and all the information you entered in each project is already there. wants you to enter portfolio information again, separately.

Finance Management

Few things are more important to a successful project than finances. However, it’s an area that most cloud-based project management platforms leave for integrated apps, rather than handling natively. doesn’t have any tools for tracking expenses exactly, though it doesn’t rely on integration for those functions. In many ways,’s platform can be thought of as a specialized spreadsheet, which you can customize to your needs. A Numbers Column can be easily added to track how estimated costs compare to the actual project plan, or how much your team members’ time costs.

Asana has the List view, which is similar to’s spreadsheet layout and can perform the same functions, allowing you to track, quickly add up, or compare numbers. However, both also offer integrations to add more tools.

Asana has specifically partnered with Power Bi for finance management and reporting, though it integrates with other options as well. Time tracking, on the other hand, has to be handled by integration, with Asana partnering with Harvest for that need. 

Winner: Tie

Yet again, Asana vs is a close comparison. In this case, the tools offered by both options are similar enough that it’s tough to choose between them. Additionally, they both integrate with many of the same third-party apps.

Collaboration and Communication

One key responsibility for project management software in modern business is as a set of collaboration tools, used for workflow management when a team may be physically distant from each other. 

The first step in team collaboration is team communication, so both platforms offer lots of different ways to send messages. Communication and task management features have been combined, as both allow you to comment on individual tasks. Comments can also be added to projects and files, including a mark-up tool for the free file storage.

Asana offers a team page that allows each team member to track all the projects they’re working on. A shared team calendar makes it easy to track due dates and progress. Additionally, a Chrome extension allows team members to pull ideas from around the web into the workspace to share. can offer a similar calendar, as well as a board designed for project requests. Both platforms also offer iOS and Android apps for free. also has workdocs, a document shared with and edited by the whole team.

Winner: Asana’s workdoc is a nice feature, but nothing you can’t find in Google Docs or many other places. Asana offers the chance to focus comments on specific tasks, while also seeing the big picture.

Integration With Other Apps

Even the most powerful project management tool won’t have every feature you need for your perfect workflow. Integration allows you to reach out and add those missing features to your pool of task management tools.

Both Asana and have libraries of integrations for anything you might need, from tracking team members’ time to managing customer requests. Some big names include Google Workspace, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Microsoft Teams. Both platforms also offer an API.

Winner: Asana

Both Asana and have wide libraries of integrations to choose from, including all the most commonly needed apps. However, Monday limits the integration and automations on most tiers.


There is no such thing as a perfect project management tool and everyone’s experience will vary. However, a user-friendly tool for project management with a gentle learning curve can save your mental health, your company’s money, and hours of aggravation.

Both platforms focus on task management, with a number of features that have become semi-standard for this sort of software. The task manager allows you to assign team members, attach documents, define dependencies, and many other things. The user interface includes drag-and-drop functionality and most basic functions can be understood with a little experimentation.’s user interface is practical and straightforward. It may not be attractive, but all task information is visible in the main table. It’s easy to add Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and more. It’s also easy to find automations for repetitive and mundane tasks, as well as integrations.

Asana has a slicker presentation, but is just as easy to use. The team page makes for a good base, which is helpful as it can be easy to get lost among the different views. However, workflow management is greatly aided by only having to enter information in one place.

Winner: Asana

The user-friendliness of Asana vs is ultimately a personal choice. However, a few of Asana’s features stand out, such as easily formatted Status Updates and a single tab that collects all of a project’s files.


Support for either option, comparing Asana vs, boils down to a web form. You describe your issue and wait for a service rep to get back with some help. However, both also offer many additional resources to help you figure out solutions for yourself. offers real-life content examples from users, which you can peruse to get some ideas for your own project management style. There is also a range of video tutorials, webinars, and support docs. The only upgrade is if you’re an Enterprise customer, which gets you a dedicated support manager.

Asana has a similar set-up, similarly offering project managers video tutorials, webinars, courses, and so forth. They have a wider range of walk-throughs, which can be helpful. Additionally, business tier customers can get priority support, moving their help requests to the front of the line.

Winner: Asana

Asana has a bigger library of tutorials and courses. The option for priority on support for the Business tier of service is also nice.


Project management systems can contain a lot of very important, very private information. It’s therefore not surprising that both Asana and make promises to keep information in your work operating system secure. 

Both say that they don’t share information with third parties, the exception being when you elect to use an integration. Additionally, both and Asana have made commitments to 99% uptime.

Asana has a couple of neat offerings, such as the ability to choose where in the world your data is stored. However, that’s a feature only available to Enterprise clients.

Winner: Asana

It might take an expert to compare some aspects of Asana vs, and their security. However, Asana also helps you secure your data by offering admins the ability to require 2FA security, limiting access, and a number of other tools.

Alternative Project Management Software Options

Wrike gives you greater flexibility and works for teams of all types and sizes. You get a wide range of project management features. Wrike’s price may be a bit higher than others, but the range of features is worth it. Read the ultimate Wrike review for a more detailed analysis.

  • Specialized marketing, creative, and services delivery team packages
  • Offers in-built time tracking 
  • Analytics tool generates charts automatically
  • Costlier than other PM software
  • Templates can’t remove all options
  • Can’t prioritize tasks


  • Free version.
  • Professional Plan: $9.80/user/month.
  • Business Plan: $24.80/user/month.
  • Enterprise Plan: Inquire for price.

ClickUp is a leading project management platform. It’s scalable for teams of all sizes. ClickUp is excellent for remote work. Creating spaces for different projects and adding teams to them is pretty easy. To learn more about this tool, read our ClickUp review.

  • Lower cost
  • Better support options
  • Free version offers a lot of features
  • Slows down when you use too many ClickApps 
  • Complicated interface
  • Lacks workflow management


  • Free
  • Unlimited: $5/user/month
  • Business: $12/user/month
  • Business Plus: $19/user/month
  • Enterprise: Inquire for price.

Microsoft Project is one of the oldest project management software. It has been the go-to PM tool for many industry-leading companies for many years. But it comes with a steep learning curve and is not ideal for beginners.

  • Offers projections, baselines, and other features
  • Review all your projects at once
  • Advanced project management features
  • Expensive
  • Steep learning curve
  • Slow customer support


  • Plan 1:$10/user/month
  • Plan 3: $30/user/month
  • Plan 5: $55/user/month

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for vs Asana

Don’t have time for the in-depth review? Check out the most commonly asked questions. vs Asana Conclusion

Both and Asana offer some of the best project management tools available at the moment. However, small differences add up, pointing to a clear winner. Asana comes out on top due to a more attractive and intuitive user interface. It’s also easier to manage tasks when all the task details move from view to view automatically. 

Additionally, the difference in price disappears when you compare feature availability. is high-quality software, but Asana is just a bit better.

Anything can be a project, if you want to look at it that way. With that in mind, it’s possible to use all the methods of project management to keep your own life organized and on track. That might have been an intimidating prospect even a few years ago. Today, quality platforms like Asana and make it easy.

How to Process Contractor Payroll in 6 Steps

Contractor payroll concepts

Contractor payroll is an organized process that enables you to pay independent contractors and freelancers. It is an essential procedure for you if you hire people to perform services for your business. An independent contractor is a temporary employee, while a freelancer is a self-employed, nonpermanent worker.

Learn how to manually complete the freelancer payroll process in six steps. Find out how to pay contractors using Square Payroll in three steps. Discover which one is easier: processing payroll manually or using software like Square Payroll.

How To Complete Contractor Payroll in 6 Steps

The payroll process for independent contractors and freelancers is different from the payroll procedure for employees. You can conduct the freelancer payroll process using a manual method. Follow the steps below:

Contractor Payroll Process Summary

Step 1: Make a Payment Agreement

Establish payment rates, payment periods & tax requirements of contractors

Step 2: Request W-9 Forms

Require freelancers to submit Form W-9

Step 3: Record Contractor Data

Input the personal data, tax information & bank account details of contractors

Step 4: Compute Contractor Payments

Calculate payments at the end of each cycle

Step 5: Make Contractor Payments

Use your preferred method to pay contractors

Step 6: Submit 1099-NEC Forms

Fill out Form 1099-NEC for all contractors paid over $600 within the year

Step 1: Make a Payment Agreement

First of all, make a clear payment agreement with contractors and freelancers. Temporary workers are not paid a regular salary like permanent employees. Instead, they are compensated based on the projects they completed or the time they spent working. That’s why you should determine three factors at the beginning of the process:

Payment Rates

How much should you pay the contractor? On one hand, each freelancer has his or her own standard rate as a professional. On the other hand, you have your own budget as a business owner for hiring a freelancer for the job. Together, settle on an hourly, weekly, monthly, or per-project rate that meets your mutual requirements.

Payment Period

How often should you pay the contractor? Establish the frequency of payment, whether it be weekly, bimonthly, or monthly. Estimate the period of time that you expect the person to be working for your business. Predict the approximate working period based on the length and complexity of the projects or tasks you hired the worker to perform.

Tax Requirements

What are the tax requirements of the contractor? Most contractors pay taxes independently so you do not need to withhold taxes on their behalf. Keep this in mind as you negotiate payment rates with freelancers.

Step 2: Request for W-9 Forms

Ask the contractors and freelancers you hired to fill out a Form W-9 before they start working for your business. This Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form is also called Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification. It requires workers to provide their name, address, federal tax classification, and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

W-9 form for contractors and freelancers

The W-9 form is a requirement for U.S. citizens and permanent residents whom you employed on a contractual or freelance basis. You need this form to report the annual earnings of temporary workers via the Form 1099-NEC at the end of every year.

Step 3: Record Contractor Data

Manually input the personal and tax information of your contractors in your payroll system after they submit the Form W-9. Save the banking details of the freelancers if they opt for direct deposit. Record the data in the payroll system of your business via paper records or computer spreadsheets to make accurate payments and deposits to your freelancers.

Step 4: Compute Contractor Payments

Calculate the payment of your contractors at the end of each weekly, bimonthly, or monthly payment cycle. Compute the amount based on the freelancer rates multiplied by the number of hours they worked or projects which they completed within the period. You may perform computations using a manual calculator or a digital spreadsheet.

Step 5: Make Contractor Payments

Select the payment option that works best for you and your contractors. Make a payment based on your preferred method:

  • Direct deposit: You can deposit the payment straight to the bank account of the contractor. Take note that direct deposit processes usually take a few days to complete.
  • Cash: You may pay contractors in cash in case they currently don’t have a bank account.
  • Check: You can print checks which you can mail to your contractors or hold in the office for pickup.
  • Prepaid debit cards: You can issue pay cards to your freelancers which you can reload during each payday.

Step 6: Submit 1099-NEC Forms

Fill out and submit a Form 1099-NEC for every contractor who received over $600 from your business during that year. Indicate the total amount you paid annually to each person. Submit copies of the form to the IRS and state tax agency. Furnish the contractor with a copy so they can compute how much in taxes they owe. Keep a copy of each form for your business records as well.

1099-NEC Form for contractors being paid over $600 annually

How to Process Contractor Payroll Using Square Payroll in 3 Steps

As an alternative, you can use Square Payroll if you want a more convenient method to complete the freelancer payroll process. We recommend this online payroll software because it lets you make contractor payments in a faster, easier way.

Screenshot of Square Payroll's payment page

Square Payroll is best for small businesses that hire contractors because of its useful features and seamless integrations. Follow the steps below to begin using Square Payroll:

Square Payroll Process Summary

Step 1: Add Contractors to Square Payroll

Register contractors in the software system

Step 2: Prepare Contractor Payments

Select the pay period dates & payment method + Input contractor rates, hours & commissions

Step 3: Make Contractor Payments

Review data & submit payments

Step 1: Add Contractors to Square Payroll

Click on “Add Team Member” and “Create New” to register new independent contractors in the Square system. Enter their personal data, including the first name, last name, and email address. Select the contractor employment type, payment type, and payment method for each person. Input their bank account information if they prefer to be paid via direct deposit. Generate a Point of Sale Passcode in case you plan to use Timecards.

Click on “Save” to complete the registration. The data you saved will be recorded in the system so you don’t need to keep entering it repeatedly each payment cycle.

Step 2: Prepare Contractor Payments

Proceed to the “Payroll” menu of your Square dashboard. Click on “Pay Contractors.” Choose the pay period dates and payment method. Select the contractors you wish to pay. Input the rates, hours, and commissions of the freelancers. If you are using Timecards or Commission Tracking, click on “Import time and wages” to automatically sync the hours and commissions in the system.

Step 3: Make Contractor Payments

Once the information is complete, click on “Continue.” Check the contractor payment details carefully to confirm that all the data is correct. Finally, click on “Submit Payment” to start the payment process. The contractors who are paid via direct deposit will receive the amount approximately four days afterwards.

Run Contractor Payroll Using Other Payroll Software

While Square Payroll is our top choice, there are other contractor payroll software that you can try. We suggest these programs as alternatives because they are capable payroll tools in their own right.


Gusto is an all-purpose payroll platform that equips you to hire and pay employees and contractors. It allows you to focus on team management through its multifunctional features, such as full-service payroll, hiring, onboarding, time tracking, attendance monitoring, talent management, and insights reporting.

Screenshot of gusto Run Payroll payment page

Contractors have the option to self-board online and to receive payday email messages. Gusto is commendable because it expedites payment processing for workers.

ADP Payroll

ADP Payroll is a payroll and HR tool that enables you to pay and manage your contractors and employees in a quick, simple way. It offers built-in features which cover taxes, compliance, hiring, and HR support. The personalized dashboard lets you access your payroll to-do list, payment history, and flexible payment methods. Its handy add-ons and integrations increase its functionality.

Screenshot of ADP Payroll website pages

This software helps you with tax reporting by automatically generating Forms 1099-NEC for the contractors you hired. Consider using ADP Payroll because of its 24/7 customer service availability and customization options.


SurePayroll is an online payroll service that is easy to use. It streamlines the payroll process for your contractors and employees through its automatic payroll, tax calculation and filing, and direct deposit setup features. It is possible for you to set up and run this tool in just a few minutes.

Screenshot of SurePayroll payment page

This platform enables you to complete your contractor payroll together with your employee payroll through a single process. Based on a SurePayroll review, it is ideal for small businesses because of its affordable pricing and simple UI.

What You Need To Learn About Contractor Payroll

Boost your expertise on the freelancer payroll process by increasing your knowledge about payroll matters. Learn the definition of payroll and contractor payroll. Discover who can be considered as independent contractors and freelancers. Find out what exactly Square Payroll is.

What Is Payroll?

Payroll is the systematic process of computing and distributing the salary of employees of a business. It also involves the calculation of taxes and the documentation of the procedure. It covers payment cycles which can be set for weekly, bimonthly, monthly, or custom periods. 

A payroll system ensures that you compensate your workers with the right amount at the right time. You have the option of carrying out your payroll tasks through a manual method or digital method using cloud-based solutions or on-premises software. Selecting the suitable payroll tools for you is vital so you can minimize time and costs when preparing payments for your freelancers.

In small startups, the business owner or associate typically handles payroll processes in small startups. In large companies, HR or accounting team members are usually responsible for payroll procedures. Some business teams choose to outsource payroll tasks with agencies, although this leads to extra expenses.

What Is Contractor Payroll?

Contractor payroll is the organized process that is tailored to the payment of independent contractors and freelancers. It is commonly used to compute and disburse the compensation of temporary workers based on payment rates and pay periods. It is also used to collect and record the personal data and tax information of freelancers and contractors. You can process contract payroll either manually or by using software solutions.

Who Are Contractors and Freelancers?

Independent contractors are nonpermanent workers who typically perform long-term projects for businesses. Freelancers are self-employed temporary workers who are usually assigned short-term or long-term projects for clients. Both contractors and freelancers may offer services or products to various organizations since they are not tied to a single employer.

Freelancers and contractors do not receive a regular salary like permanent employees. Instead, both are paid based on the projects they completed or the time they spent working for the client. That’s why there is a special payroll process for contractors and freelancers.

What Is Square Payroll?

Square Payroll is a payroll tax software that is especially designed for small businesses. It enables you to pay your contractors and employees quickly through your Square Checking account and balance. Also, it automatically files your federal, state, and local payroll taxes. And you can use it to track your freelancers’ time by syncing with timecards.

Square Payroll smoothly integrates with other related tools. Its mobile app enables you to make payments even when you are on the go. It has straightforward pricing and affordable rates. It offers technical support through live payroll service specialists who can guide you in navigating the platform and troubleshooting issues. Read our Square Payroll review to find out more about its features and pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Contractor Payroll

Contractor payroll can be intimidating especially if you are not familiar with the process. Become more confident in tackling your freelancer payroll tasks by discovering the answers to the basic questions on contractor payroll matters.

Bottom Line on Contractor Payroll

It is possible for you to manually complete the contractor payroll process in six steps. However, you can save time and effort by using freelance payroll software which simplifies the procedure into three steps.

We recommend Square Payroll if you need an excellent contractor payroll platform for your small business. Start using it now to experience its powerful payroll features, cost-effective pricing, and accessible customer support.

Best 6 Free Project Management Software – 2023

Business team contemplating on what free project management software to use

If you’re running a small business and need help managing your team and projects, free project management software can help you dramatically. Manually managing your projects is both headache-inducing and highly inefficient. Luckily, there are plenty of options for free project management apps.

Best Free Project Management Software

  • monday.comBest Overall for Building Custom Workflows Across Teams
  • ClickUpBest for Fully Customizable Dashboards & Task Management 
  • HiveBest for Collaboration & Messaging
  • GanttProBest for Gantt Chart Creation & Project Planning
  • Easy ProjectBest for Visual Project Management for Large Teams
  • Microsoft ProjectBest for Microsoft Based Businesses



Free Trial Available

Storage Included at Price Listed

Members Included at Price Listed

Time Tracking Included at Price Listed

Support Included at Price Listed

From $0 monthly per user


500 MB

Up to 2


24/7 customer support

From $0 monthly per user


100 MB



24/7 customer support

From $0 monthly per user



Up to 2


Self-serve knowledge base

From $8.90 monthly per user


5 GB



Personal account manager

From $24 monthly per user


100 GB



Email & live chat support

From $10 monthly per user





24/7 customer support

Monday logo Best Overall Free Project Management Software

Pricing: Free (2 seats) to $27 per seat

4.95 offers the most features out of every free project management software. Along with project management tools, you’ll also find HR tools with the ability to clearly organize and see others’ availability.

With more than 125,000 companies on its roster, is one of the more popular projects management tools today. Used by big names like Zippo, Unilevel, Hulu, and Uber, offers intuitive dashboards with hundreds of customizable templates to depict project status, estimates, priority, and resources by start and end dates. You can view data in the calendar, timeline, Kanbatt, Gantt, and map formats.

Why we chose it: We chose as the best overall free project management software because of the number of features included in the free plan. With the free plan, you get unlimited boards, unlimited docs, 200+ templates, and customizable notifications. is great for any size business.

  • Tracks assignments for multiple people per project
  • Sends updates and reminders via email or Slack, depending on your preferences 
  • Offers multiple views for boards so you can manage up to C-suite level
  • Limited reporting functionality
  • Lack of a built-in chat function (can integrate with Slack)
  • Higher learning curve as you dive into more features

Pricing: As for cost, offers five pricing plans – Individual, Basic, Standard (most popular), Pro, and Enterprise. Individual plans (free) allow up to two team members. The Basic plan ($8 per user per month) includes Individual features plus unlimited free viewers, unlimited items, and a dashboard with one board.

Standard ($12 per seat per month) and Pro ($27 per seat per month) plans add additional views (e.g. Timeline & Gantt) along with up to five boards and up to 250 automation and 250 integrations per month.

Lastly, the Enterprise plan features all of’s bells and whistles, including enterprise-grade security, advanced reporting, multi-level permissions, and premium support with the fastest turnaround times.

Clickup logo

ClickUp: Best for Fully Customizable Dashboards & Task Management 

Pricing: Free “Free Forever” plan that lasts forever and allows unlimited members


Most project management software demand premium prices for what ClickUp offers for free. With ClickUp, you can enjoy 11 different task views and 20 different dashboard widgets.

Over the past several years, ClickUp has made serious waves with its project workflow tools. Calling itself “one app to replace them all,” ClickUp works with the concept of “Spaces,” which are fully customizable dashboards based on a team’s needs. It also integrates non-project management-related items into the dashboard, such as emails (sending and receiving directly within the app) and document creation with a full-on document editor available within, easily replacing similar apps like Confluence, Evernote, and Google Docs.

Why we chose it: In short, ClickUp touts itself as a one-stop-shop where using separate apps like Google Docs, Smartsheet, Jira, and countless others is no longer necessary. Teams that rely tremendously on four or five third-party apps may decide to choose ClickUp over other free project management software options for this purpose. ClickUp is fully customizable for every type and size of team.

  • Ability to create different views to track tasks/projects due in a specific time period
  • Email integration for notifications and chat integration with Slack
  • Ability to create multiple spaces or folders for simple organization
  • Lack of dashboard customizability options
  • Time tracking feature needs improvement
  • The Free Plan features a limited amount of storage and goal-setting options

Pricing: With pricing, ClickUp is one of the more affordable options we’ve covered. There is a free version and an Unlimited version, costing $9 per user per month (paid monthly) and $5 per user per month (paid annually). The free version is good for 100MB of storage, unlimited tasks, unlimited members, and two-factor authentication. The paid version offers unlimited dashboards, storage, integrations, and dashboards along with the ability to invite guests.

There are also two higher-tier plans named Business and Business Plus. Business costs $12 per member per month (paid annually) and $19 per member per month (paid monthly. Business Plus costs $19 per member per month (paid annually) and $29 per member per month (paid monthly. The Business plan is for mid-sized teams whereas the Business Plus plan is best for multiple teams.

One of the most impressive features of ClickUp is its sheer number of available views. It offers more than 15 views in total, with list, board, box, and calendar views being the most popular.

Hive logo

Hive: Best for Collaboration & Messaging

Pricing:  Free “Hive Solo” plan that lasts forever and allows up to 2 seats


Hive is the best project management software for collaboration and messaging because of its native email and group messaging features. Effective file sharing and resourcing capabilities enhance the collaborative nature of software even more.

Like, Hive offers a centralized workflow management system with powerful project and action templates for all kinds of tasks. It offers project calendar, Gantt, Kanban, Portfolio, calendar, and summary views, each customized to a work style preference (e.g. heavy drag-and-drop with powerful visuals over simpler linear formats).

Why we chose it: Hive is a beginner-friendly project management software that offers a robust amount of features in its free plan. These include unlimited storage, task management, project summary views, Hive calendar, and reporting. However, the easy-to-use communication and collaboration tools makes Hive stand out among all the free project management services. 

  • Integration with 1000+ apps
  • Especially user friendly and built for beginners
  • Ability to turn any action into a task
  • Needs improved reporting functions
  • Inability to create dependent tasks within project actions that recur
  • Difficult to track edits and modifications made by users

Pricing: Hive has three pricing plans – Solo, Team, and Enterprise. Solo is free and is for individuals and small teams of up to two users, with unlimited storage, community support, and a robust list of project management and collaboration features. Teams ($12 per month per user) allows for unlimited users, phone support, and flexible a-la-carte options for an additional fee per user per month, such as reporting and analytics, approvals reporting, single-sign on (SSO), enterprise security, and controls.

The Enterprise version offers all of the benefits of Solo and Teams, plus a dedicated customer success manager, ongoing coaching/adoption training, and specialized offerings such as security contract & legal review.

GanttPRO logo

GanttPro: Best for Gantt Chart Creation & Project Planning

Pricing: No free plan but offers a free trial


GanttPro gives teams the flexibility to organize complex tasks in a convenient and intuitive way that’s easy to understand. True to its name, GantPro’s main function is to provide effective project planning through Gantt charts.

Dubbed the “Online Chart Maker”, GanttPro is based on Gantt charting. Used by more than 700,000 project managers around the world across well-known brands like, Sony, Intel, and Amway, it relies on the highly popular Gantt system, which uses stacked bar charts to show resources, schedule status, and task/subtask activity dependencies.

Why we chose it: GanttPro is an excellent project management app for small teams that need to visually enhance their project planning process through Gantt Charts. Although many project management apps include Gantt charts, GanttPro takes them to the next level with a heap of customizability options and features.

  • Convenient and intuitive user interface
  • Easy to track the progress of the team, the workload of each member and the total budget spent
  • Ability to share and export data
  • Mobile version needs improvement
  • Exceedingly large projects with lots of tasks can get difficult to show on the screen
  • Kanban view has limited column options

Pricing: As for pricing, GanttPro offers three packages—Individual, Team, and Enterprise. Individual costs $15 per user per month. Chosen by roughly 74% of businesses, the Team feature offers unlimited functionality for $8.90 per user per month, whereas the Enterprise version offers advanced management and security features such as AML Single sign-on & 2FA, increased API limits, and priority level support.

Both the Individual and Teams plans have the option for a free trial.

Easy Project logo

Easy Project: Best for Visual Project Management for Large Teams

Pricing: No free plan but offers a 14-day free trial


Easy Project is the best free project management software for large teams because of its in-depth resource planning and reporting features. This allows managers to monitor employee and team workloads efficiently. Counting IBM, HP, and CenturyLink amongst its users, Easy Projects is one of the more popular project management tools today.

Like most elite project management software, Easy Projects offers all types of views, such as Table, Gantt, Kanban, and calendar views. Each offers its own benefits, in terms of visual layout with different ways of viewing task hierarchy, critical paths, and start/end dates. Its Kanban board is arguably the most intuitive, using quick drag and drop motions to move tasks from one phase to the next (updating team members in the process)

Another area Easy Projects is strong in is Integrations. It allows data, information, and files from 2000+ third-party apps such as Outlook, Slack, and Jira to become centralized in one place.

Why we chose it: One of our favorite features with Easy Projects is its robust machine learning suite. It uses a proprietary algorithm that processes all historical data to determine how likely a project is to come to completion, highlighting all pre-emptive corrective actions earlier in the process to make task, resource, and dependency changes. This software is ideal for companies with 100+ employees because of how easy it is to keep track of and organize different projects and portfolios.

  • Auto notifications to keep projects on track
  • Helpful and friendly customer support 
  • Effective charting and reporting features
  • The user experience isn’t as strong as other free project management software
  • Lack of documentation for different features
  • Not very effective for small tasks

Pricing: Unlike Monday, Hive, and GanttPro, Easy Project’s pricing structure is a lot simpler, only offering the choice of Team and Enterprise options. The Team pricing tier ($24 per user per month) comes with most of its project management tools, including Kanban boards, milestone setting, time tracking, and portfolio management

The Enterprise pricing tier offers add-on project management features, such as resource loading simulations, payroll reports, and enhanced integrations and API functionality (e.g. 200+ integrations via Workato), and webhook compatibility. It also offers additional security and business intelligence services for larger businesses. No pricing is offered for Enterprise plans; a custom quote can be requested using its contact form based on your organization’s needs.

Microsoft Project logo

Microsoft Project: Best for Microsoft-Based Businesses

Pricing: No free plan but offers a free trial


Microsoft Project is one of the most widely used project management software in the world. It is an excellent choice for businesses already integrating other Microsoft products into their workflow, such as Microsoft 365. Our favorite Microsoft Project features include its centralized home screen, support for multiple project management methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, and customized), and multiple views such as Kanban boards, and Gantt charts.

Why we chose it: Microsoft Project is one of the most powerful project management tools out today. In the right hands, this software is an excellent way to manage various company projects. However, the steep learning curve means that it isn’t for beginners. 

  • Offers customizable features and well-documented APIs 
  • Ability to select specific tasks or summary tasks for the timeline to see an overview of the project
  • Great integration with Microsoft Office products and tools
  • Advanced features require training
  • Could improve its network diagram features
  • Overall user interface needs improvement

Pricing: In terms of pricing, it offers an on-premise (software) or cloud-based solution, where projects can be managed using a web browser like and Hive. All plans include a Project Home centralized view per user, an ordered list of tasks in three views (Grid, Board, Gantt), and several collaboration tools for a flat fee per user per month with additional portfolio optimization, demand management, and enterprise resource planning tools.

There are tiered packages, starting with Project Plan one ($10 per user per month) up to Project Plan 5 at $55 per user per month.

Methodology for the Best 6 Free Project Management Software

We looked at 6 main criteria as we created this list for the best free project management app. In essence, we prioritized software that had user-friendly interfaces with additional features that improve productivity, communication, and organization. Let’s take a closer look at each essential rating criteria.

Scheduling and planning projects 

The primary function of any free project management software is to plan and schedule projects. Each software on our list is equipped with comprehensive team and individual dashboards. Dashboards will state all assigned tasks, as well as start and end dates. For example, features more than eight view options and ClickUp offers more than 15. The scheduling and planning function of each software heavily impacted its rating and overall usability. 

At a minimum, your free project management software should incorporate a minimum of three views (Kanban, Gantt, calendar). Kanban is a highly visual, drag-and-drop interface board that separates tasks into different categories, labeling them as “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Complete” to oversee a continuous workflow. Gantt Charts are much more conventional, using a horizontal axis to depict the project timeline and a vertical axis to depict where individual tasks should occur. Each view offers outstanding benefits as it pertains to project management.


Integrations allow third-party apps to work within the project management software’s ecosystem. For instance, allows 1000+ app integrations, including examples such as Dropbox, Slack, and Outlook. App integrations provide even more convenience to your team in terms of managing emails, files, and important information. The best free project management software should act as the only place you and your employees need to visit on a daily basis because of the integration capabilities. 

User Interface (UI) 

User interface is the design, functionality, and intuitive nature of a free project management app. Effectively designed user interfaces require minimum effort on the user’s end to receive the maximum desired outcome. The best free project management app has easy-to-understand dashboards, a high-level view of project statuses, assigned team members, start, and end dates. This extends itself to a healthy mix of view and chart types (e.g. calendar, box, Gantt, Kanban). Interfaces should also be uncluttered and visually pleasing on each page.


Successful project management does not rely on a “set it and forget it” approach. In reality, effectively run projects require constant monitoring. Although monitoring is frequently overlooked, it’s an essential part of a project’s lifespan. The best project management software should allow you to create systems for monitoring and evaluating projects, including the ability to organize all data in a centralized view, keep track of different project phases (e.g. Initiation, Planning/Execution), assign responsibilities, and record project bottlenecks. 

Another related aspect to monitoring is the ability to pull reports to measure performance against key performance indicators such as time spent, money spent, or resources dedicated. It’s the best way to understand why project deadlines might not be met.


All excellent project management software features real-time reporting capabilities, allowing quick exports of every success metric imaginable from time spent expenses, project budgets, overrun forecasts, and deadline completion percentages by team members. Many of the best project management apps already have pre-defined reports to choose from with lots of customization options.


Each software on this list has a free plan that offers limited functionality or a free trial. However, most economic options range from $5 to $9 per user per month with the potential for additional a-la-carte style add-ons such as enhanced security/encryption, reports, and the ability to create and access an unlimited number of dashboards. Paid plans usually fall under Standard, Pro, Enterprise, or a combination of these payment types and allow for many more users. Some offer a 14-day free trial, with the ability to extend in some cases with a quick note to the customer support team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Free Project Management Software

Here are a few common questions we frequently receive about project management software.

Bottom Line on Free Project Management Software

With the rise of remote teams and collaboration, you need project management software to accompany your business. The right free project management software can quickly change a disorganized and dysfunctional business into an optimized and effective one. 

The best free project management software are and ClickUp. These two services provide a heap of free features that usually require a paid subscription. You’ll have more than enough tools to manage your team and business with these these two free project management software options.

The Best Project Management Software for Startups

The Best Project Management Software for Startups

Managing projects in a business of any size is no simple task. For startups, having the right project management tools can spell the difference between success and failure. In this article, we’ll look at the best project management software for startups and how to select the one you need to take your startup to the next level.

Quick View



Task Management

Personnel Management



From $0 to $22.50 per user per month with custom options

Several tools, including Kanban lists and templates

Can see employee availability and quickly assign tasks

Proprietary software that offers transparency and customizability

Profitability charts, time management, billing

Free to $24.80 per user per month, custom plans available

Customizable dashboards, workflows, request forms, and more

Prioritize projects, Gantt charts

File sharing, tasks, and reports instantly

Track projects in real-time with 360° visibility

Free to $17.50 per user per month

Customizable cards using the Kanban boards system

Gantt charts for tracking how far along people and projects are

Every single part of cards can be shared with teammates

New dashboard view offers insights into projects

Free to $25 per user per month, custom options available

Multiple views and automated tasks

Time tracking to follow workloads and billable hours

Discussions to facilitate ideas and take action

Overview and detailed management tools

Free to $30.49 per user per month

Multiple views to sort projects, assign due dates and personnel

Workload charts to show how each user is working among projects

Chat windows available within project tabs

Charts and graphs to pull in any data from any team

Free to $12 per user per month

Collaborative tools between $500 and $2000 per month

Simple, clutter-free, tailor-made interface

Attendance and project tracking tools

Private and group chat, channel posts, events

Prebuilt or custom reporting tools

Flat rate of $45 or $89 per month

Kanban and Gantt charts, calendar, file hub

Timesheets, custom roles, request forms

Discussions section to keep chat content in one place

Detailed resource and project reports in a single click

Free or a flat $99 per month

To-do lists, scheduling, priorities, Gantt charting

Automated check-in questions, time tracking, can create teams and groups

Group chat, instant messaging, message boards

No tools available

Free to $14.50 per user per month, custom options available

Kanban and scrum boards, roadmapping, automation tools

Time and budget planning

No internal integration options for other software

Agile reporting through multiple charts

Free to $10 per user per month, custom options available

Timelines, roadmaps, to-do lists, Kanban lists

Payroll, expense tracking, daily and weekly limits, scheduling, and attendance

Limited to Kanban lists

Easy, customizable report charts

Quick Verdict 

Best Overall – Teamwork. Teamwork offers a range of features that help it find its place in any size business. The software makes it easy to schedule and keep tabs on teams and tasks. With several plan options, Teamwork will scale with you as your company grows.

10 Best Project Management Tools for Startups

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the 10 best project management tools for startups currently available

Teamwork logo


From $0 to $22.50


As the name implies, Teamwork is a project management tool your team members can rally around to get work done.

Teamwork effectively manages projects through tools such as Kanban task boards and templates with several custom fields. The number available depends on your membership level. The downside to all these project management tools is that team members can’t make changes while offline.

The software makes it easy to see what your entire team is working on at a glance. In the Workload section, you can scan how many different projects each individual is working on and quickly assign team members new tasks as needed.

As a project manager, you can gather information from ongoing projects to study things like profitability, time tracking, and billing. As you manage tasks, these tools are essential in discovering where you’re making the most impact.

Teamwork has team collaboration tools that allow team members to discuss project tasks and share feedback from one convenient location. Collaboration comes in the form of a software add-on included in Teamwork’s paid plans.

Small teams of fewer than five users can make use of Teamwork’s most basic features at no cost. As your group grows, Teamwork can scale with your business by offering more features that cost $12.50 or $22.50 per user on a monthly basis. To test things out, project managers can test Teamwork’s premium features for 30 days without cost.

Bottom Line: 

With access to it all, it’s no wonder that Teamwork is one of the best project management tools out there.

  • Suitable for companies of all sizes.
  • Quick and easy task assignment.
  • Project management templates.
  • Intuitive and flexible.
  • Can’t make changes in offline mode.
Wrike logo


Free to $24.80


Wrike offers stellar project management software for startups and small businesses that grow with your team.

Startup companies can take advantage of Wrike’s free plan that opens the door for unlimited users to make use of limited resources. It’s easy to jump to higher-tier plans at $9.80 or $24.80 per user per month to access the best project management tools the platform has to offer.

Each project management tool has a layer of customization that you can use to fine-tune your team’s specific needs. Once dialed in, it’s possible to view multiple tasks with Gantt charts or a Kanban task board. With so many options, it can be overwhelming at first to overcome the learning curve.

The software makes streamlining team collaboration a breeze by sharing files and tasks in one central location. While team members can chat within the same project, there are no other ways to communicate.

Wrike stands out with its reporting, as project managers can follow project progress in real-time. Detailed reports show project performance and team productivity that help facilitate effective project management.

Bottom Line: 

Wrike scales with enterprise companies to deliver the project management software needed at any stage of the game. Read the complete Wrike review for in-depth analysis.

  • Task tabs allow for team discussion.
  • Suitable for all business sizes.
  • Quick file sharing.
  • Detailed reporting.
  • Steeper learning curve.
  • Limited chat options.
Trello logo


Free to $17.50


Trello’s project management system revolves around cards representing task progress that can be grouped into boards for different projects. Users can communicate on each card while providing updates and setting task status. This card approach makes it a breeze to manage tasks individually.

The fact that you can have unlimited cards even on the free plan makes Trello one of the best project management software for startups or small businesses. If you need more task boards or to access Trello’s new views, you’ll need to shell out $6 or $12.50 per user per month.

Speaking of views, Trello now offers the means to monitor progress via timelines, dashboards, and even a calendar to check current and upcoming tasks. The timeline view helps with time tracking, and dashboards are great for reporting.

If you’re going to use Trello, you’d better be a fan of the card system. It’s the only way to view tasks in this particular project management tool. Although tasks can be grouped into different boards, Trello doesn’t allow you or your team members to create subtasks.

At the premium level, the software allows the use of its Butler. Feed Butler your recurring tasks, and it will automate the processes for you. There’s no knowledge of coding required to make use of this service.

Bottom Line: 

Trello is one of the best visual PM software options available with an easy to create and update card system. However, this management software does have limitations that businesses can outgrow.

  • Simple interface.
  • Excellent Kanban tools.
  • Scales well with company growth.
  • Can automate tasks.
  • Limited ways to view projects.
  • Can’t create subtasks.
Nifty PM logo


Free to $25


Nifty’s neat project management software package offers its suite of core features to an unlimited number of team members for free. As sweet as that sounds, you’re limited to just 100 megabytes of file storage and just two projects.

To tap into tools such as time tracking, automation, and unlimited projects, you’ll need to upgrade. Successive tier plans come at $9, $16, or $25 per user every month.

One of Nifty’s star features is the ability to integrate with your other favorite apps such as Slack, Google Calendar, and the Microsoft Suite of products. You may even be able to import tasks from other startup project management software. What Nifty can’t do, one of these other applications should be able to fill in the gaps.

As Nifty is one of the newest project management tools for startups, it still lacks on the feature front. While it offers time tracking, there’s no way for a project manager to look deeper into how different team members are doing without going task by task.

There are also limitations on how much you can customize the projects and the dashboard. The project management tool does have an excellent discussion section for team communication and collaboration.

Bottom Line: 

Although new, Nifty already has some solid task and team management tools. You’ll just need to look past the lack of flexibility to make use of these features.

  • Direct messaging on projects.
  • Multiple project view options.
  • Pricing for businesses of all sizes.
  • Seamlessly integrates with other popular apps.
  • Still new, lacks features.
Asana logo


Free to $30.49


Asana is one of the best project management software for startups, with several features available even at the free level. For startup companies of 15 people or less, you’ll get basic reporting, three views, and unlimited projects, tasks, and activity logs.

The most prominent benefits for upgrading to either the Premium plan at $13.49 or the Business plan at $30.49 are automated workflows, advanced reporting, scaled security, and priority support. These benefits make Asana appealing to software development teams.

You can streamline processes and manage multiple projects through up to six viewing options. Each task has a chat option that team members can use to converse. The platform also allows flagging urgent tasks that need immediate attention.

Asana may be a miss for enterprises with just a handful more than 15 employees, as prices escalate quickly. Being able to customize the calendar and view may soften the burn.

Similarly, Asana gives project managers the chance to generate charts and graphs from any team or task to aid in project planning. For on-the-go users, Asana features a convenient mobile app.

Bottom Line: 

Asana makes working with teams a snap with clear resource allocation, unlimited essential tools, and streamline communication.

  • Can assign due dates and priorities to tasks.
  • Create custom calendars and views.
  • Chat option within each task.
  • Uses Kanban view.
  • The price may be high for small teams.
Kissflow Project logo

Kissflow Project

Free to $12


Kissflow Project enters the mix with simple project management software for startups that’s a joy to look at and surprisingly clutter-free. Newer companies may eat this up, but mid-sized organizations may find the interface a little too basic.

The software platform starts out free to unlimited users while still offering all but the most advanced features. A paid plan to get endless custom views, limitless storage, and advanced reporting will run $5 per user per month. The extra security from the advanced plan will set you back $12 per user monthly.

Besides Project, Kissflow has other products such as Digital Workplace, Procurement Cloud, and Community tools. These integrate seamlessly with Project but come with a significant additional price tag.

In particular, the team collaboration software is some of the best out there, with private and group chat, channel posting, and events. Unfortunately, you’re looking at an extra $500 minimum per month to use it.

The service was known for an abundance of bugs in the past, but many of these are now under control. That won’t stop the occasional error message from appearing, though.

Even so, there are plenty of prebuilt tools for analyzing project timelines, tracking team attendance, and viewing tasks.

Bottom Line: 

Kissflow Project’s simple interface saves time and energy by making the data and information you need easy to locate.

  • Prebuilt tools and automated tasks.
  • Clutter-free interface.
  • On the cheaper side.
  • Kissflow has several other products besides Project.
  • Collaboration tools cost extra.
  • Occasional bugs.
Proofhub logo


$50 or $99


ProofHub doesn’t have a free option for startups but does offer a relatively uncommon flat rate for its services. You can get access to core features for $50 per month, but ProofHub’s complete package runs $99 per month no matter how many users work with you.

A flat-rate option can speak to companies with a more extensive staff. As most other project management software companies charge upwards of $10 per user for advanced tools, even a business of 10 users can save some money here.

Depending on your needs, just the core features of the project management tool may suffice. The core package includes time tracking, discussion tools for collaboration, project templates, a calendar, announcements, and more. While announcements are a way to share achievements, they can quickly become overwhelming if used too often.

Some of ProofHub’s top features revolve around file sharing and proofing. Files are easy to transfer and remain in a central place for everyone to view. As the team reviews documents, ProofHub adds file versions to track updates.

Custom roles allow the project manager to create an organizational workflow, limiting what users can access. Tasks are visible in either Gantt or Kanban format depending on each user’s preference.

Bottom Line: 

ProofHub shares its features for one flat rate per month while simplifying tasks and working off uploaded documents.

  • Unlimited projects and users for one flat rate.
  • Project proofing.
  • Easy file transfer and storage.
  • Custom roles.
  • Discussions section.
  • Notifications can be overwhelming.
  • Limited customization options.
Basecamp logo


Free or a flat $99


Basecamp prides itself on being a one-stop-shop for all of the tools your company needs to succeed.

For $99 per month, Basecamp’s entire portfolio of features is made available to you and your team. This one flat rate allows the creation of unlimited projects without placing a limit on the number of users you can have. The rate doesn’t increase no matter how many people you enlist, making Basecamp affordable for large and small businesses alike.

There’s also a free but minimal free version available. You can access basic features with up to 20 users, but all advanced tools are blocked.

The software itself really excels with collaborative tools. Within the platform’s umbrella, your team can chat in real-time privately, in groups, or on a message board.

With the ability to create an unlimited number of projects, you can structure or organize tasks any way you see fit. To-do lists, Gantt charting, and priorities make it easy to see which items need to be addressed first. The downside here is that Basecamp doesn’t allow the creation of task dependencies.

The software doesn’t offer any charts for reporting but provides the means to group your crew into specific groups and teams. With automated check-in questions, you can get updates straight from the source.

Bottom Line: 

Basecamp strives to incorporate everything you’ll need to manage your business at one flat monthly price. For a more comprehensive analysis of Basecamp, read the ultimate Basecamp review.

  • To-do lists.
  • Task history.
  • Flat rate per month.
  • Can assign project priority.
  • No reporting tools.
  • No customization options.
Jira logo


Free to $14.50


Jira sets the bar high when it comes to staying on top of timelines and tracking progress. The project management software lets you create a seemingly endless number of reports and charts to ensure goals are being met. Best of all, you can bring all these reporting tools together in a single view with Jira’s dashboard tool.

All this reporting comes at the cost of collaborative tools. Jira lets you assign your staff to different projects using either Kanban or scrum boards, but there’s no way for those users to talk to each other. There are options to integrate with other programs, however.

There’s a free plan available for groups of 10 users or less that comes with basic management tools and limited storage. Jira’s Standard plan at $7.50 per user per month and Premium plan at $14.50 per user per month allow up to 20,000 users and get cheaper with the more team members you have. The number of features grows as you shell out the dough for the higher-tier plans.

In addition to reporting, Jira has an abundance of roadmapping and automation tools to make project management as stress-free and efficient as possible. You don’t need to be a programmer to excel at these features, as everything is handled through a drag and drop method.

Bottom Line: 

Jira’s reporting tools are second to none and marry well with roadmapping features to save you time.

  • Roadmaps for project planning.
  • Bug and issue tracker.
  • Powerful agile reporting.
  • Integrates with many third-party apps.
  • No native collaboration tools.
  • The interface can become cluttered.
Hubstaff logo


Free to $10


Hubstaff’s base software is built around time tracking, payroll, and reporting for your team. The system logs hours worked based on activity levels and takes occasional screenshots of employees’ screens.

All this data is viewable through Hubstaff’s detailed and actionable time reports. It’s possible to track individual users or follow the progress of specific tasks your team is assigned to.

Businesses likely won’t benefit from the free option, which only allows for one user. Other plans start at $7 or $10 per user per month, depending on the features you need.

Hubstaff Tasks introduces Kanban lists, roadmaps, automated workflows, and more to make project management that much more straightforward. You’ll even be able to customize the dashboard to see what’s most important to you.

Bottom Line: 

Hubstaff has many impressive features split over multiple platforms, adding significantly to cost.

  • Impressive resource management tools.
  • Personnel scheduling.
  • Screen monitoring.
  • Customizable dashboard.
  • No live chatting.
  • Resource and task management each have monthly costs.

How To Choose Project Management Software for a Startup

Here are the six most important things to consider when choosing a startup project management software:

  1. Scheduling and task management tools
  2. Monitoring
  3. User interface
  4. Cost
  5. Integrations
  6. Resource management

Scheduling and Task Management Tools

Each project management software out there brings its own set of tools to the table. It’s important to factor in how your project management methodologies and business processes match what’s available.

Find something that’s large enough for your team now and in the future while ensuring the tools for both project scheduling and task management live up to your needs.


How much of your team’s progress do you need to see? Some platforms dive deeper into reporting than others with more complex charts and graphs. If preset reporting tools aren’t enough, consider project management software that allows customizability.

User Interface

All the information in the world won’t mean a thing if you can’t make sense of it all. Some project management software for startups provide simple, straightforward, intuitive interfaces that are easy to understand and navigate through. Others offer a more comprehensive approach for those needing to see a lot of data in short order.


Cost is always a heavy factor when considering the software you choose. Many platforms offer free-to-start plans but often limit available features. No matter where you start, ensure that the free software can scale with your business, both in terms of functionality and price.


If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you already have tools you enjoy using and are comfortable with. If you’re not aiming to replace those programs, it’s worth picking out a project management system that will integrate seamlessly with what you already use.

Resource Management

Tracking tasks is only half the battle. It’s just as important to be able to see what each team member is working on to ensure they’re sufficiently loaded with work and have the tools they need to succeed. The best project management software knows this and will allow you to effectively lead your team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Best PM Software for Startups

Below we tackle some of the top questions about project management software.

Conclusion: Best Project Management Software for Startups

Having the best project management tools at your fingertips can boost your company’s productivity while saving you time in one fell swoop.

Before making a purchase, ensure the software you’re considering meets your needs both now and in the future. We landed on Teamwork as the best project management software available with a large number of features and collaborative tools.

What Are the 4 Types of Payroll Schedules

4 Types of Payroll Schedules for Businesses

One of the first decisions you must make as a business owner is concerning payroll schedule. A payroll schedule determines how often you pay your employees. There are four types of payroll schedules to choose from, and we’ll go through them in this article, looking at their pros and cons and determining which suits what business.

Maintaining a payroll schedule seamlessly is possible with the right payroll app, like Gusto. With Gusto, you can keep track of employee hours, accurately calculate payments, deductions, and file taxes automatically for hassle-free paydays.

What is a Payroll Schedule?

A payroll schedule refers to the frequency with which you pay your employees. There are several types of payroll schedules, each suitable for different businesses.

To choose the right schedule for your company, it’s crucial to understand how each schedule works. You also must pay attention to other factors, such as state laws, that determine which schedule is suitable for your business.

What’s a Pay Period?

A pay period is a duration between one pay date to the next. If you pay your employees weekly, the week serves as the pay period. If you pay workers twice monthly, you’ll have two pay periods each month and 24 pay periods every year. The type of payroll schedule you choose determines your pay periods.

The 4 Types of Payroll Schedules

4 types of payroll schedule

The most common types of payroll schedules include:

  • Weekly
  • Bi-weekly
  • Bi-monthly/Semi-monthly
  • Monthly

Here’s a look at each of them:


In a weekly payroll schedule, employees are paid every week. This translates to 52 pay periods every year. A weekly payroll schedule is suitable for businesses with independent contractors or freelance workers paid hourly. It’s also a great option for paying workers who work overtime.


  • It’s great for employees: Most employees like getting paid as soon as possible, and a weekly payroll schedule is highly preferred. This is especially true with non-permanent workers with irregular work schedules.
  • Perfect for overtime payments: Paying for overtime hours is easier on a weekly schedule than other lengthy schedules. Overtime payments will be irregular every other week based on how many hours employees put in. Allowing them to remain uncalculated or unpaid for longer periods can lead to more tasking budgeting down the line.


  • Too much work for employers: With a weekly payroll schedule, you have to run payroll every week, 52 times every year. This requires a lot of time commitment from your payroll team, especially if you have a large workforce.
  • It’s costly: If you’re using a payroll service provider who charges a fee for every time you run payroll, the process will cost you considerably throughout the year.
Pros and cons of weekly payroll schedule


You’ll pay your employees every other week with a bi-weekly payroll schedule. This results in 26 payroll periods each year, half as much as you get with a weekly schedule.


  •  Less time-consuming for employers: When you pay your employees once every two weeks, you’ll spend half as much time processing payroll as with a weekly schedule. This also results in fewer costs spent on outsourced payroll services and providers.
  • Suitable for hour-based payments: The sooner you can calculate and pay hourly-based payments, the better it is for your budgeting.


  • Makes monthly deductions tricky: Bi-weekly payments do not smoothly transition into monthly schedules. Unlike a weekly schedule, you’ll have to pay more attention when determining when to include deductions such as health insurance payments.
Pros and cons of biweekly payroll schedule


Bi-monthly payroll schedules have 24 pay periods every year. This means that in every month of the year, you’ll make two payments. Many businesses make payments on either the 1st and 15th or the 15th and 30th.

A bi-monthly payroll schedule is more employer-friendly than a bi-weekly one because it makes monthly budgeting and reporting much easier. For employees, there’s the certainty of receiving payments consistently on the same dates every month.


  • Consistent pay dates: Employees receive payments on consistent dates when payroll is on a semi-monthly basis. This increases employee satisfaction since it simplifies personal financing.
  • Lower time and cost requirements: Time and money spent running bi-monthly payroll are less than with weekly and bi-weekly schedules. This makes it more convenient for employers.


  • Payday irregularities: Since bi-monthly payroll schedules feature fixed pay dates, paydays occasionally fall on weekends or holidays. This creates a delay in how fast employees can access their payments.
Pros and cons of bimonthly payroll schedule


The monthly payroll schedule comprises 12 pay periods throughout the year. Compared to other schedules, this is the most convenient for employers. Often used for salaried workers, a monthly payroll schedule uses up the least resources regarding time, money, and paycheck processing.


  •  Low processing costs: Since there are only 12 pay periods each year with a monthly payroll schedule, it incurs minimum expenses compared to all other types of schedules.
  • Convenient paycheck processing: Making deductions is easiest when paying employees monthly. This makes paycheck processing much more convenient than with weekly or bi-weekly schedules.


  • Not suitable for hourly employees: Many hourly workers may not be willing to wait an entire month to receive their pay, and many states require employers to pay such workers more frequently.
Pros and cons of monthly payroll schedule


If you want to save money on payroll, consider using the best free payroll software. It’s easier than doing it by yourself, and more affordable than hiring a payroll service to do it for you. 

How to Choose a Payroll Schedule for Your Company

To choose the right payroll schedule for your company, you must first consider several factors. These include the following:

State Laws

Different states have different payday requirements governing payroll schedules. Regulations differ between industries and occupations, so it’s important to check specific laws affecting your business.

For instance, in Arizona, employers must have two or more paydays in a month, and they should not be more than 16 days apart. In New York, manual workers should be paid weekly, while a semi-monthly payroll schedule is required for clerical and other workers.

The only exceptions are South Carolina, Florida, and Alabama. These three states don’t have specified payroll frequencies, so how often you pay your workers is up to you.

Types of Employees

Are your workers salaried, hourly, or on contract? A monthly or semi-monthly schedule is suitable for salaried employees, but more frequent payments are better for hourly workers.

This is not just because of simplified paycheck processing but also because of employee satisfaction. A shorter pay period may be more favorable for hourly workers who earn irregular incomes over different durations.

Read: How to Process Contractor Payroll in 6 Steps

Cash Flow

Having an established payment schedule on paper will not serve much purpose if you cannot pay employees on time. Employees prefer working for businesses that can pay them on time, so ensure to settle on a schedule that your cash flow can support.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Payroll Schedule

Here are answers to frequently asked questions regarding payroll schedules:

Bottom Line on Payroll Schedules

Paying employees consistently without delay ensures smooth business operation and maintains the business’s reputation. Fortunately, you have several payroll schedules to pick from, making it easier to choose a reliable frequency. Be sure to keep crucial factors such as your company’s financial capabilities and state regulations in mind.