Technical Writing And Work Instructions

We are all always learning and thinking. I came across a new expression and/or synonym for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that Technical Writers create that I was not familiar with. It’s called Work Instructions (WI) or Job Instructions (JI), and I thought I would give a short post on this newly discovered item.

In a previous post, I described SOPs as procedures that are defined on a higher level. It is a set of approved guidelines consisting of procedures or processes that have to be followed from beginning to end. Having an SOP standardizes tasks and eliminates confusion about performing tasks or functions. They provide instructions on what has to be done. But the processes that are to be followed are sometimes called Work or Job Instructions.

I think I can clarify Work/Job Instructions as directions that provide detailed step-by-step functions/tasks that have to be accomplished. Work/Job Instructions are the sub parts of the Standard Operating Procedures.

Here’s a simple example: How do you start a car?

The SOP states that to start a car, you first have to turn on the engine. You must first take the key and insert it into the car, followed by placing your foot on the brake and taking it out of park. The WI/JI, on the other hand, will tell you to insert the key, and with the key between your thumb and forefinger, twist the key forward till you hear the engine rev up. It will also advice you not to take the key out. Then the next detailed steps will be listed.

Hence, the WI (JI) spells out or outlines each procedure within an SOP and as with any procedure, be sure you include the following items:

Purpose –the overview and reason behind this process, the objective or goal, and expected result.

Resources – the individuals responsible for particular tasks (i.e., project manager, developer, marketing, tester, staff assistants, etc.) including whom to notify, etc.

Procedure –the steps and the list of items needed to complete the task (i.e., equipment, files, tools, security, visual aids, etc.)

Make use of SOPs and WIs (JIs) as they are necessary to ensure standardization and consistancy of a company’s best practices and solutions. By creating and applying these documents, there will be a reduction in time and effort, misunderstandings, risks, and of course a decrease in cost for the organization.

And as always, both the Standard Operating Procedures and the Work/Job Instructions ensure quality work and that is what is important. Note: – there are currently a bunch of tools available to assist in creating Work Instructions as well as Job Instructions. These tools include training as well as templates to assist you in creating the documents. Research and investigate them to find a suitable one for you.