Superb Customer Service

Precision Tune auto repair Nashville TN Mike LinehanThe Secret to a Steady Stream of Referral Business

Last week, quite unexpectedly, the dreaded ‘check engine’ light on my new (used) Jaguar popped on. Knowing that I needed to pull over immediately, I found myself on the exit ramp calling AAA. Little did I know that I was in for a real treat that day.

My repair shop, Precision Tune Auto on Nolensville Road in Nashville Tennessee, owned by Mike Linehan, was about 12 miles away. But getting the vehicle there was way more important than the $5 per mile (over 5 miles) that AAA charged me. I trust Mike. And for very good reasons.

While my vehicle was up on the rack, I sat in the lobby working on a client project on my computer. At least my day was still productive. Hour after hour, I was a fly on the wall, watching and listening to Mike and his interactions with his customers. I don’t even think he knew I was doing it. But what I observed over the course of about six hours that day was exciting for me – being a business consultant.

The Customer Comes First

Mike made sure I had everything I needed. Water? Restroom? A multi-purpose USB charger sat ready on the table. My cell phone battery was running low, so I plugged it in for a quick charge. What a relief! And free WiFi of course.

Mike has owned this business for over 30 years, and he still personally runs the front counter, six days a week. I figured out why. He enthusiastically greets every single person who enters the front door. If they’ve been there before, he remembers them, and something about them. He asks them a question that lets them know he cares (“Didn’t you move last year? How’re you liking it?”) or he connects with them in some way (“What grade is your daughter in? She sure is pretty.”) He’s energetic, positive and smiles a lot. You’ve just gotta like him!

How to Make Customers Feel Important

Think about it. In those 30 years, how many times has someone asked, “Can you change my oil today? How long will it take?” Mike’s response is always fresh and caring, even though I’d guess he’s answered those questions over 70,000 times (30 years x 50 weeks x 6 days x 8 times each day – whew!) Mike replies, “Sure! We’ll have you outta here in 28 minutes.” And you know what? They’re out in less than 28 minutes.

All of his mechanics treat their customers with that same personal interest, too. When they finish the repair, they come into the lobby and ask, “How are you doing today?” And they even listen to the answer! Then they explained the repair, and offer to show the customer the repair. EVERY TIME. Talk about building trust. Mike and his wonderful crew earn it.

Mike’s Motto: “Under-promise and Over-deliver”

Not only do they over-deliver on their service, but I noticed that he gives discounts and coupons for free oil changes. And he bought candy out of the vending machine for the sweet little girl who was waiting with her parents. (“But don’t tell anybody.”)

Throughout the day, the mechanic kept me informed when they found additional items that needed work, and they explained which ones were a priority and which ones could wait. I never felt pushed. They quoted prices for each repair, and I decided which repairs to OK. When my car was finished, the bill I paid was less than the total they quoted. Mike didn’t even mention it. But of course, I noticed. You bet I did.

I could go on and on. But the point is this: Mike doesn’t need fancy marketing materials and social media campaigns to attract business. With this kind of superb customer experience, I tell everyone who’ll listen about Mike and his fabulous service. I’m telling the world online, aren’t I?

Do you have an awesome customer service story?

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Marketing and Social Media.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

The Web Powered Entrepreneur is now in bookstores

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Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. She helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @