Staffing the Board

Staffing the Board

© Copyright Carter
McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

Vast majority of content
in this topic applies to for-profits and nonprofits. This book also covers this topic.

Developing, Operating and Restoring Your Nonprofit Board - Book Cover

Sections of This Topic Include

Composition of Members
Board Size
Term Limits
Board Succession Planning
Recruiting Members
Joining Boards
Director Compensation
Improving and Removing Members

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the following blogs that have posts related to this topic. Scan
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Boards of Directors Blog

Nonprofit Capacity Building Blog

Composition of Members


A VC: Who You Want On Your Board
Starting a Nonprofit: 10 Considerations in Electing the Initial Board
People Want to Follow Calm, Assertive Leaders | Psychology Today

Independence of Members

The good servant
Do Independence and Financial Expertise of the Board Matter for Risk Taking and Performance?
The Dark Side of Outside Directors
The Benefits Of The Perfect Independent Board Member
Independent director – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bijan Sabet • How to pick an independent board member
Outside Directors: Common Sense for Good Governance
Make the Founder a Permanent Board Member at Your Peril
Definition of Independent Board of Directors |
The “Dark Side” of Independent Board Members | Business Ethics
Is director independence so important? « Corporate Governance
How You Find New Directors: “True Independence” Under the Microscope – Blog
Jim Collins – Articles – Companies Need Not Hire Oustide CEOs

Board Diversity

Diversity in the Boardroom « Corporate Governance
Will the EU insist on 40% board gender diversity? | Boards of Directors
Board Diversity: A Bigger Issue Than You Think
Diversity on Corporate Boards: How Much Difference Does Difference Make?
Analyzing Aspects of Board Composition
Diversity in the Boardroom is Important and, Unfortunately, Still Rare
Proposed Diversity Principles | CompassPoint
Young Voices in the Boardroom | CompassPoint
Diversity for Organizations Based in Minority Communities | CompassPoint
The Diversity Issue | CompassPoint
The Diversity Issue: Part 2 | CompassPoint

Women on the Board

Women on Boards: Review & Outlook
Does Gender Matter in the Boardroom?
Advancing female representation in the boardroom: An interview with Ilene H. Lang
Glacial progress of women on Canada’s boards prompts calls for reform – The Globe and Mail
Board Gender Balance – a personal perspective | Boards of Directors
Some thoughts on board composition | Boards of Directors
Gender Diversity and its rationale | Boards of Directors
Boardroom Diversity Is Good Corporate Governance – Bank Think Article – American Banker
Women in the Boardroom: A Global Perspective

Board Size

Nonprofit Boards: Size, Performance and Managerial Incentives
What is the Best Size for Your Board?
Size Matters: Right Sizing Your Board of Directors
Boards: Does One Size Fit All?
Size and Composition of Corporate Boards of Directores: The Organization and Its Environment
The Determinans of Corporae Board Size and Composition: An Empirical Analysis
Board size and corporate performance: evidence from European countries (download file)
How Many Members Should Be On a Board? Really?

Term Limits

Term Limits for Nonprofit Boards – Nonprofit Resource Center
The Drawbacks of Board Term Limits
Should Outside Directors Have Term Limits? The Role of Experience in Corporate Governance
Coming to Terms With Term Limits
Board Spills | Boards of Directors
Term Limits for Non-Profit Board Members | Boards of Directors
Key Metrics Series: Entrenched Board – GMI Ratings

Board Succession Planning

Shoemaker’s child? Succession planning for the board
Board Leadership Succession
Succession Planning for the Board
Board member succession issues
Preparing for Board Director Retirement: A Customized Approach to Succession Planning
Succession Planning for Nonprofits of All Sizes | CompassPoint
Conscious Governance | Board Succession Planning and Skills Analysis | Nonprofit Strategic Planning
The Right Way to Fill Your Board Leadership Pipeline
Succession Planning Checklist Board Members

Recruiting Members

A Guide to Successful Board Recruitment
Board Recruitment: Whose job is it anyway?
Board Recruitment: Getting the People You Want
Your Board Recruitment Package
Sample Board of Directors Recruitment Grid
Guidelines for Recruiting New Board Members
Article – Recruiting for Board Members: Process? What Process?
Avoiding the Pitfalls in Recruiting Board Members from Secrets of Successful Boards
10 “STOP” Signs on the Road to Board Recruitment
Industry Expertise on Corporate Boards
Globalizing the Boardroom
Prospective Board Members Who Are Not Ready!
Recruiting Your Organization’s First Board
Recruiting the Digital Director

Electing Directors

Electing Directors
Does the Director Election System Matter?


Passion in the Boardroom | Boards of Directors
Five Fast Ways to Recruit New Board Members | CompassPoint
What it takes to be a good nonprofit director – Portland Business Journal
Recruiting Board Members / Volunteers and Participation
4 Actions to Weed Out Resume Builders on Your NGO Board | Nonprofit Capacity Building
Recruiting and Retaining Good Board Members | Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
Nonprofit Board of Directors Guidelines
Board Member and Volunteer Recruitment
Hosting a Board Recruitment Event | Nonprofit Capacity Building
CoreStrategies on Nonprofits: Study on Women Donors Presents Lessons for Board Recruitment
Nonprofit Law Blog: Board Recruitment Demonstration Project
5 Ways To Ensure A Non-Profit Board Candidate A Good Choice | Nonprofit Capacity Building
Should You Try Get “Big Names” and “Big Pockets” on Boards? (nonprofit)
Major Donor on The Board | Fundraising for Nonprofits
Different Overall Approaches to Staff a Nonprofit Board (nonprofit)

Joining Boards

Why they still do it: Understanding directors’ motivations for joining a board
The Benefits of Board Service
Getting on boards |
Due Diligence Considerations for Nominees –
20 Questions Directors of Not-for-profit Organizations Should Ask about Governance (to ask before joining)
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Joining Your Next Board | CompassPoint
20 Questions Directors of Not-for-profit Organizations Should Ask about Fiduciary Duty
Making the transition from manager to director | Boards of Directors
Not Just a Resume Booster: Tips for evaluating a nonprofit before joining the board of directors
Using a Board Seat as a Stepping Stone –
Do Good, Sure, But Do It Right — Nonprofit Board Service: a ‘Head’s Up’ Checklist
Learn About Joining a Board | Nonprofit Capacity Building
Richard Leblanc: Thinking of Joining a Board? Ask These Questions First

Director Compensation

A New Elephant In The Room: Corporate Director Pay
Director Ownership, Governance, and Performance
The 2011 U.S. Director Compensation and Board Practices Report
Director Pay
Does Skin in the Game Matter?
Compensation Force: Board of Director Compensation
Directors – Director Compensation – Board Member Compensation
Determining Board Member Compensation
Executive and Director Compensation
Corporate board pay soars as directors’ tasks grow – The New York Times
Board of Director Compensation
Board of Directors Compensation Driven By Market Conditions & Opportunity Costs
The Future of Outside Director Compensation –
Rewarding Volunteers (nonprofit Board members are volunteers)
SEC Speech: Governance, the Board and Compensation: June 9, 2005 (Chester S. Spatt)
Board Remuneration – Creative Solutions | Boards of Directors
May a Board member of a charitable organization be paid?

Improving and Removing Members

How to Remove an ‘Unfit’ Director –
Directors – Removing Directors – Remove Board Member
Four Ways to Remove a Board Member | Blue Avocado
When All Else Fails, How Do We Remove a Member of the Board?
How do I Remove LLC Board Members? | LegalZoom: Legal Info
Can a Board of Directors terminate without cause another Boa … – JustAnswer
Removing a Difficult Board Member | CompassPoint
The Right Way to Resign from the Board | CompassPoint

How Boards Deal With Lazy Directors
What To Do With Board Members Who Don’t Do Anything | CompassPoint
52 Ways To Motivate Your Board Memebers « Carol Weisman’s Blog On Fundraising, Philanthropy and Governance
Directors & Boards: Column

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