Manage Your Career Competitive Edge

Manage your comeptitive edgeCareer success does not happen just because one does good work. That is expected.

To get ahead and stay ahead, you must excel. Here are three strategies to manage your competitive edge.

1. Become a Career Entrepreneur

The business of career management is that—an independent business that you manage—even if you work for someone else. In this changing world of downsizing, restructuring, buyouts and mergers, you – not the company – must be in the driver’s seat of your career.

The key question is not where do I now stand on the organization ladder? Who knows if there will even be a ladder tomorrow? But rather: What do I know how to do? How well do I do it? Where else can I do it? Who is willing and able to pay me for it?

Look at your workplace as a marketplace of buyers and sellers. You are the seller-providing skills, experience and knowledge – to people who need what you have to offer. For example, if you’re an accountant then what is it that you offer that a buyer will pay for? In other words, what do you bring to the employment table?

2. Have Skills, Will Travel

You carry with you, wherever you go, a large portfolio or suitcase that holds all of your skills and accomplishments. What’s in your portfolio? Is it heavy with many skills or light with only a few? Do you know if it would be valued in lots of different places or just a limited number?

To be competitive, you must periodically audit your portfolio. How do you compare with your peers in terms of education, experience, training, career progression? Are you new and improved? Or, are you just the same person you were three, five, ten years ago? Do you have the right mix of skills, knowledge and experiences to position yourself for the future? Or, do you need to repackage yourself in some way? Getting ahead tomorrow means getting better today and throughout your work life.

3. Play the Career Game

What will keep you in the race as the rules of the workplace road continue to change? Initiative, adaptability and visibility are the foundation for career success. First, exercise leadership. You can’t afford to crouch behind your desk, buried in your everyday work and hope for the best. Go beyond your job description and direct your energy to the top priorities of your boss, your department, your team. Make yourself indispensable.

Next stand up and be seen. Promote yourself, not by your title, but by the outcomes or results of what you’re doing. You can start making a name for yourself by being involved in successful assignments that allow you to be visible to a wide range of people who could have an impact on your career. Your reputation can either pave the way or get in the way of your success.

Career Success Tip

If you don’t manage your competitive edge, your competitors will edge you out. So what are you doing to get ahead and stay ahead of the crowd? How well do you play the career game? Do you need to play it better?

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