Introduction — This Blog is About Actually Doing Consulting

There’s a lot of resources to help people think about whether to go into consulting and also about how to market a consulting business. However, there are very few resources about actually doing consulting — about how to work with clients to:

  • Identify and understand a) true causes of problems or b) how to achieve exciting goals.
  • Effectively solve those problems or achieve those goals.
  • Teach clients to address those situations themselves well into the future.
  • Learn about themselves and their organizations during the consulting process.

So this blog is about doing that. In this blog, I’ll be drawing heavily from my book “Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development.” Much of what I’ll write about will be relevant to any kind of consulting, whether technical, management or organizational consulting.

Here’s a detailed list of the kinds of topics we’ll cover and their likely order in this blog.

I’ve learned many times over the years that the deepest learning comes from sharing feedback with others, while also applying new information, materials and perspectives to current, important priorities. I’m hoping that this blog can contribute to deep learning for all of us. So join in!

What else would you like to read?


For more resources, see the Library topics Consulting and Organizational Development.

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