“We never understand a thing so well,and make it our own,
as when we have discovered it for ourselves.”
~ Rene Descartes
- Coaching works because the coach guides the client to come up with their own solutions versus telling them what to do.
- The coach helps the client learn more about themselves.
- Through the coaching interaction, the coach guides the client to focus and take action.
- As the “success partner” the coach provides accountability.
Why does coaching work for you?
For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.
One of the best resources I have ever found that embellishes your point in your post is Carl Rogers’ book “On Becoming a Person” in which he makes the point that real learning comes from a person, and not at them. In addition to his client-centered therapy, coaching is probably the major field that really made this point. That’s one of the reasons that it’s so satisfying and thrilling for me to be affiliated with the field.