Watch Out For These Seven Career Mistakes

career mistakesMany ambitious professionals are so involved in projects and fire fighting that they forget about managing their careers.

Don’t let these seven career mistakes derail your career.

1. Burning bridges along the way.
Each profession may seem big – but, as you move up in your career, you come to realize how ‘small’ each really is. Something you said or done may comes back to haunt you.

2. Not having big enough goals.
A key career stopper is setting your goals too low or not being willing to put in the time it takes to reach goals. Believing “I could never do that” or, “They’ll never give me the go ahead” means it probably won’t happen. Take risks, try new things, initiate and learn and grow.

3. Playing office politics.
Some people pick the wrong battles to fight. When you get enmeshed in gossiping or office politics, you forget about the goals, mission and getting the job done. It’ll lead to a lack of outcomes – a career killer every time.

4. Having a bad attitude.
“It kills even the most talented,” said one top executive, who has observed many talented people rise and fall. Negative attitudes slow you down, but good ones are jet fuel, enhancing all you do. Attitudes, like skills, are learned and therefore can be changed, improved or updated.

5. Thinking that money is everything.
A great salary doesn’t equate to happiness. For most people – executive or staff – money means very little if you are truly unhappy. Job satisfaction is the number one reason people elect to find a new job. What gets you up each day excited about going to work? Take control of your career! If you don’t, who else will?

6. Not asking for feedback.
Quiz your boss regularly about your performance. Don’t wait for your annual review. Nip any problems in the bud. for example, at the end of a project, “What could I have done differently? What skills do I need to work on so I can handle more responsibility down the line? What’s the best approach for getting those skills?”

7. Not working at a job you’re passionate about.
“People float through life as if it were boring, drudgery or a nuisance – often complaining, yet never determining what would fulfill them,” noted a nonprofit director. The true key to success is discovering your inner passion and then finding a way to work in that arena

Career Success Tip

The greatest career mistake bright, ambitious professioals make is not learning from the mistakes of others. Don’t let these seven mistakes sabotage derail your career.

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