RipOff Report Editor Interviewed in Latest Issue of Crisis Manager

[From the latest issue of my ezine, Crisis Manager]

Not everyone knows who ED Magedson is, but there aren’t too many consumer-focused businesses that haven’t heard of the RipOff Report (ROR), the consumer complaint site founded and directed by Magedson.

The common belief is that shortly after a complaint about any company appears on the site, it can be found prominently ranked on a Google search for that company’s name. No one, of course, wants complaints showing up on page 1 of a Google search.

There are a number of common beliefs about ROR amongst PR practitioners (self included), and I wanted to hear the other side of the story. So I asked some very candid questions of Magedson and he provided some very cogent replies. I don’t always agree with him, but I can’t fault his willingness to openly discuss sensitive topics.

You can read the lengthy interview here.

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