1. A Piece on Special Events & 2. Enrolling in the CFC?

Sections of this topic

    Sometimes Even The Best Special Events Caterer Screws Up

    by Natalie Lewis

    We had an elegant reception event in a beautiful facility with a glass wall facing the river; with up-lights illuminating and framing that scene, and we used a lot of interior blue lighting to warm up the room.

    We had selected 10 different items for the buffets to ensure that there would be a broad variety of foods from which the guests could choose.

    It turned out, however, that two of the items had similar coloring/appearance: one was a salad (no greens) with squash as the main ingredient, and the other was a ravioli with pumpkin liberally sprinkled on it.

    The catering staff placed the two items side by side on several of the buffet tables, so people assumed it was the same dish and ignored the ravioli. Unfortunately, the ravioli was twice as good as the squash salad but too few people actually discovered that.

    When we pointed it out to the caterer, we got a sheepish “OMG, you are so right.”

    Moral of the story: When planning a buffet for a reception, be sure the various food items do not look alike; or, if they do, be sure to separate them and/or place them on different buffet tables – sometimes labeling the individual offerings would make sense.

    And, sometimes, variety does not wind up being all it is cooked up to be!

    Have a comment or a question about creating/expanding a special event?
    Ask Natalie.
    With over 30 years in conference and event planning,
    she can help you turn your vision into reality.
    Look for Natalie’s ebook on Special Events.
    It’s part of
    The Fundraising Series of ebooks

    They’re easy to read, to the point, and inexpensive ($1.99 – $4.99)
    Order Natalie’s Book on Special Events before February 14,
    and get $1.00 off the sales price – use coupon code NL96F

    Are You Thinking About Enrolling in the CFC for the 2014 Campaign?

    by Bill Huddleston

    Before enrolling, you should consider why workplace giving really works. That question, or some variation of it is one that I am often asked, and I always give two answers:

    The first, short/easy answer is: “Because it does!!”

    The second, more definitive answer is that workplace giving is the only type of nonprofit fundraising that is subsidized, low-risk and high leverage, and also provides staff leadership development opportunities that can be extremely valuable.

    A recent report commissioned by America’s Charities, “Trends and Strategies to Engage Employees in Greater Giving,” notes that one area in which the CFC has definitely been a leader is in “employee choice.”

    From that report: “Charitable choice is offered by more than 90% of the employers … representing a 43% increase since 2006, and 210% increase since 2000.” The CFC has offered charitable choice since the mid-1980s, with more than 20,000 local charities in the 150 geographic regions.

    You can download this report by clicking on this link.

    OK. Now, how does a non-profit apply to enroll in the CFC?
    There are a few basic criteria, and some of the requirements are based on the size of the nonprofit.

    Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
    The OPM is the Federal agency authorized to write the regulations to facilitate fundraising on behalf of charitable organizations through the solicitation of Federal employees and military personnel. And, those regulations state that “The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the only authorized solicitation of employees in the Federal workplace on behalf of charitable organizations…”

    The practical effect of that regulation is to provide nonprofits with only one way to solicit Federal employees for charitable donations — the CFC.

    Think of it this way: this is a potential donor pool of more than three million potential donors who work for the same employer and have a fundraising program in place … the purpose of which is to help non-profits fund their missions.

    And, in terms of actual giving, if the CFC were a foundation it would be the 13th largest in the US.

    During his 25-year career in the Federal sector, Bill Huddleston, The CFC Coach,
    served in many CFC roles. If you want to participate in the Combined Federal
    Campaign, maximize your nonprofit’s CFC revenues, or just ask a few questions,
    contact Bill Huddleston
    Have you seen
    The Fundraising Series of ebooks.

    They’re easy to read, to the point, and inexpensive ($1.99 – $4.99)

    If would like to comment/expand on either of the above pieces, or would just like to offer your thoughts on the subjects of this posting, we encourage you to “Leave a Reply” at the bottom of this page.