Rockin’ Social Media in the Real (Estate) World

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    Guest Author: Sam Ott

    Re-gaining Trust in Real Estate

    Over the past few years, one of the most difficult challenges for real estate is gaining trust back in the minds and wallets of consumers. However, social media has expedited this process by revamping networking capabilities – online community involvement that leads to offline engagement and business success.

    How So?

    Social media connects people that know and trust each other, while assisting in expanding that network. This is exactly what real estate is about; trust, community and networking. Networking connects the right people and creates relationships, trust is what is formed in that relationship, and community is the ongoing involvement and development in this relationship.

    Real estate companies need to actively engage and make a presence in social media outlets to re-gain that trust.

    Getting Started

    This is easiest part. It’s free and it’s takes only minutes to create an account and a business page.

    When creating a real estate company’s business page, be sure to keep everything integrated – from the company’s website to its logo. Integration is not duplication. Don’t say the same thing over and over. People want to hear something new; something fresh; something that will actually benefit them. By integration, I mean creating a unique voice for the real estate company that’s being represented. Say something different, but in a consistent, similar style.

    Have a Plan (Even a Small One)

    One common issue faced by real estate and all other companies is getting all set up throughout many social media outlets and then…wait, what do I do? Being on a social media platform without saying something or making a presence is pretty much pointless, especially when it comes to selling something.

    Formulate a strategy, even a small one. This can be anything, such as creating an editorial calendar for posts.

    “Like” competitors’ Facebook pages or follow them on Twitter. These sound counter-intuitive, but it helps you to stay on top of their every move. If a real estate company posts pictures of a house that it’s selling, take note. What quality are the pictures? How many? Do the pictures provide a potential buyer with enough information? Point being, learn from your competitors and see what they’re doing. This is extremely beneficial to you.


    It’s important to explore realistic expectations of social media. Most real estate companies that post on social media and expect their marketing problems to be solved. They often think that people will flock to their business and demand to buy a house, chanting “Gimme Shelter!” Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. Like many things in life, nothing great comes without effort. Treat social media like anything else. Invest time, offer value and be there for people. You will eventually reap benefits. Just be patient and think long term.

    In the meantime, don’t expect anything! Real estate is a necessity. So, for those in the real estate industry who actually make an effort because they care, have nothing to worry about. Take pride in your efforts. In the end, people will always need a place to stay.

    What now?

    Overall, social media can be a great thing, especially for real estate, since it sells from visuals. Real estate companies should be there for their communities and, since most people are online, it’s important to be there waiting for them, ready to provide shelter when people need it most.


    For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.


    About the Author

    Samuel Ott is a writer for Assist-2-Sell, found at, assisting Kirksville, Mo with real estate purchasing.