Nonprofit Lifecycle Analysis

Sections of this topic

    At my blog Marion Conway – Nonprofit Consultant I have just written about conducting a Nonprofit Lifecycle Analysis at a Board retreat. Frequently, I write complimentary articles at the two blogs, but this subject really lends itself to one article. So here is a summary and the link to my blog article.

    I was working with an excellent, engaged Board and the lifecycle analysis was very helpful for them as a springboard to beginning their strategic planning process. The analysis brought into focus issues that should be in their plan that might not otherwise be there. It was important that the board was engaged because they were able to take an honest look at their strengths and which areas needed improvement to bring their organization to the next level. I used Nonprofit Lifecycles: Stage-Based Wisdom for Nonprofit Capacity by Susan Stevens (2002) as a foundation for the discussion and Building Nonprofit Capacity: A Guide to Managing Change Through Organizational Lifecycles by John Brothers and Anne Sherman (2011) to provide a more modern framework with an updated picture of priorities for the infrastructure stage with growth and sustainability as the focus.

    See the whole article and view the slides here.



    For more resources, see our Library topic Nonprofit Capacity Building.