Envision Your Highest Dreams

Many people move through life without stopping to think about where they are going. And as we learned in Alice in Wonderland, ‘if you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there.’ With a clear vision of what your highest dreams are you can start to put the pieces of your life together to build it . It may take years for that vision to be realized. The important piece is that you have a vision. You can always update or refine your vision as new life experiences unfold.

Everyone can experience the magnificent expression of who they are by answering their soul’s deeper calling. A quote attributed to Martin Buber “where you heart’s deepest yearning and the world’s deepest hunger meet is sacred ground.” In order to get clear on what you can envision for your life you have to step beyond where you are now. Suspend for some period of time “what is” in your life and open your horizons to what can be.

What is your greatest expression of your heart’s desire?

Spend some time every week focusing on this question. You may want to do some journaling around this question. Other ways to open up to your heart’s desire include movement or repetitive exercise such as jogging, swimming, or dancing. Guided imagery or visualizations are good techniques to still the mind and call forth the deeper wisdom within you. Meditation or breath work are also good methods of clearing away the chatter and letting the deeper truths of your life emerge. Sometimes just listening to really inspiring or beautiful music will move you to a sensation or insight that opens the door for greater clarity. There are almost infinite ways that you can open yourself to allow the deeper stirrings to come to the surface. The main point is structuring some time in your week and life to pay attention to the messages from within.

Let us know what bubbles up for you this week.


For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.


Linda is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Go to her website www.lindajferguson.com to read more about her work, view video clips of her talks, and find out more about her book “Path for Greatness: Spirituality at Work” available on Amazon.