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Carol Mase


Carol Mase’s posts

Creating an Ambidextrous Organization – Part 3

Design Thinking is qualitatively different from other thinking styles. Regardless of how you use Design…

Leadership Skills

Creating an Ambidextrous Organization – Part 2

Understanding collaboration begins with the definition of the word itself. Collaboration requires more than telling…

Leadership Skills

Creating an Ambidextrous Organization

Last week I had the opportunity to hear Thomas Lockwood speak about design thinking at…

Leadership Skills


Last week I worked with a group of telecom executives navigating Adaptive Change, change that…

Leadership Skills

iLEAD: OnDemand! Technology for Leaders

In the brick and mortar company leaders had the corner office. In the fast-paced world…

Leadership Skills


When we first step out into the space of Adaptive Change, we are never sure…

Leadership Skills

Leading using Commitment Management

Leaders spend a significant amount of time on roles and responsibilities, goal-setting, and determining who…

Leadership Skills


I spent July 4th with my brother – an oil man his whole career. Over…

Leadership Skills

Women Leading Change

This morning my inbox contained a special invitation that I want to pass on to…

Leadership Skills

Three Actions of Leaders

In Skills for Leading the Fall (May 11, 2011) I wrote about a learning cycle…

Leadership Skills

Leading from all 4Quadrants

Over the last 20 years numerous business and management authors have identified awareness as a…

Leadership Skills

Leading Innovation

Innovation is a hot topic these days. From what I have seen, organizations have been…

Leadership Skills

Skills for Leading the Fall

The book I find most useful during Adaptive Change is The Practice of Adaptive Leadership…

Leadership Skills

Taking the Fall without becoming the “Fall Guy”

When leading Adaptive Change, you have the opportunity to design the journey initiated by Destabilizing…

Leadership Skills

Turbulence or Designed Instability?

Turbulence describes the business environment over the last 25 years, and there is no sign…

Leadership Skills

The Role of Adaptive Change Leader

When I facilitated the PDCP Change Process (Blog March 2, Leading Adaptive Change) I was…

Leadership Skills