The Role of the Trainer Should Not Be Underestimated


Jackie Apodaca, an assistant professor at Southern Oregon University, writes in BACKSTAGE, “The Role of the Actor in Society Should Not Be Underestimated.” Theatre is a fine art and that is how she talks about it. I want to show how theatre (acting in particular) embodies some similar charactistics, applies as a practical art–and training–trainers like actors in particular have a pivotal role in not only business, but also in society.

“On the heels of sorrow in Connecticut, this year’s holidays were a strong cocktail, with a dose of hangover before the celebration even began,” she begins. For us this is a metaphor for when the economy is tentative.

If you are in a show this season…don’t underestimate your contribution to the well-being of those in the audience or alongside you onstage. You are pulling people into a performance, providing a respite from the complex and sometimes excruciating reality outside the theater doors. — Jackie Apodaca

Of course, she talking about actors, but are trainers not far off from the same thing? When I quote Apodaca I can’t help, but quoting from the choir (now there’s a switchback of a metaphor). She continues as I, a former actor (later trainer) knew she would,

Actors are storytellers, temporarily extinguishing our worries as they play out alternate realities on stage or screen. Sometimes a performer holds up a mirror, shining light on hidden societal sins, but often he or she helps us escape, reminding us of happier times or our greater human potential. With actors carrying our frustrations, fears, desires, and hopes, we can let go of the fight—at least for a little while. — Jackie Apodaca

The one thing about theatre is that it is cathartic. Theatre, through its actors, carry the society’s problems away. Hence, Apodaca, exclaims, “The role of the actor in society should not be underestimated.”

Nor should the role of the trainer who needs to lift the spirits of company personnel, improve morale, increase productivity, improve company image image, etc., be underestimated either. In essence, trainers breathe life into what may be going through the woes of “fears,” and give its workers “hopes” and “desires” beyond where they stand today. The workers can let go of their frustrations–let go of the “fight.” While it may seem a bit hokey, the trainer’s job is not unlike the actor’s to be a motivator, to bring excitement, adventure, romance, and life to the workplace.

Just as our theatre professor says, “Although it’s easy to get caught up in celebrity and fame, the timeless function of the actor is to take on communal pain and provide catharsis, or emotional and spiritual purification, for every person in the audience.”

For our trainers, we can’t let this underestimated power go to our heads, but remember our roles in a humbler way. Trainers must show and lead the way in the same way that “actors are essential to the psychic health of our world;” trainers doing their job well are essential ingredients to a thriving and growing company. In my view: as important as the leaders themselves.

While “sometimes maddening as a career, acting remains a sacred art.” I didn’t stay a professional actor because the idea of waiting on tables for the next job was never appealing, but often that is the life of most actors. I wanted a calling less mad. I went into radio and television, the military and civil service, and yes, I became a trainer among other things. Was any of it less mad? I don’t know. But I learned from it all. Life may not always be fair, but it always teaches. And all it teaches is deserving.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

As you know I have a kind of “Cave Man” wisdom of doing what works, of looking at the training world from different perspectives. Hopefully, some of them make it through to you and are of some use. Be kind enough to check out my website where you’ll find some more of my thoughts and some free e-books. Happy training.

How to Train the Young of Today and Tomorrow


I never thought I’d admit to this, but I have discovered this, believe it or not, in the college English writing class that I teach. It is almost as if the students don’t have a real sense of the past. They cling to the here and now that technology is what makes life civilized and it is hard for them to think beyond that, hard to convince them that there are civilizations that exist today that don’t have running water and electricity, let alone computers, cell phones and IPads. “Those poor people who had to write letters and wait weeks for a reply and we can do it in seconds.” That was the awful past. The world without computers is unthinkable. It was only a few decades ago the PC; that’s right, before most of them were born.

Naturally, it makes teaching some of them the past challenging, but naturally some students are fascinated by it anyway, of course. Those are the “nerdy” ones today. What does this mean to trainers? I think it means we really have to know our audience, now more than ever taking into account their technology proficiency and not overally assuming it based on age; (I’m fairly proficient and not terribly young) and not ignoring the interest and proficiency if it is there; and teaching and training the old ways. At least in teaching English, we incorporated different aspects of technology so they would learn at least the positive and the negative.

What I found is that most of the students were very familiar with anything they could glean online and could use that in an essay–the ancient mechanics needed attention though; however, the basic idea of looking up information from the book was so foreign to them, most didn’t bother. Not a good thing. This also was one of the few classes that did not have an e-book, but an expensive book of essays and a grammar reference book. I’m sure, other than reading the essays, the books were hardly touched and if they could get away with it, not touched at all.

My question is this: does that mean they will take to a CD better than a book? Can they cut and paste from it? Or, an online program? Again, is it something they can do other than read and write a response to? Not much different than dealing with a hard text.

I’m not going to use X, Y generations because I think there is much overlap these days. Do we modualize depending on subject student/trainer’s tech IQ, assuming our highly proficiency people will be more interested in doing it? Bottom line: today’s student or trainee is used to the lightning speed of technology. If you can’t speed up your training and practically pour it into their brains, I’m afraid it won’t make a difference to anyone except who made the sale. Not to deny the vendor, but his or her product has simply become another way of presenting the same material and I think not much more effectively–except in especially motivated individuals.

Herein lies the mystery: how do we reach use them through their interest in technology? If we wow them with fancy techno shows, will they pay attention to the content or just want to know how we did it? So, we’ve accomplished nothing. How do you get their minds off of technology if you want them to be elsewhere? You can see for certain subjects this would be important. Science and technology is easy. It’s where they live. You could go back in history and they would find it easy to learn the history of what they now enjoy. Beyond that?

Now, I’m not even pretending to have an answer here. I’m just saying we need to pay closer attention, more personalized attention to who we teach or train, and find out from them the way around this conundrum. I had a student who spent so much time on the computer writing for no one in particular, he never realized what a good writer he was. When he was in danger of failing my class, I pulled him aside and asked to see some of his work in progress. He was not only good, but he was the best writer in the class. His reclusiveness behind the computer made him terrified to make his writing and his ideas public. Once he realized his work was positively received he came out of his shell, but what if he hadn’t? What if his work had been deplorable? At least I’d have been there to work with him.

And so it goes with training. Instead of making it less personal, we need to go the other way. We need get tight with our students or trainees and learn from them what is keeping them from learning.

That’s all for now. Happy New Year. Happy Training

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

Subliminal Training


I can remember when “subliminal” was the buzz word going around town. Anyone sitting in a theatre or watching television was going to go do outrageous things because of the subliminal messages hidden on the screen of either medium. It could be a useful tool in training come to think about it. So does mind-reading, but not everyone or, anyone for that matter, can really do it.

I always talk about tricking my students into learning. It’s not all talk. You might say that my message to them is subliminal. It is in the way I handle my tools and my students or trainees. They learn what I want them to learn. Yes, even the ones who don’t want to be there learn something. Am I advocating that we all learn to train using subliminal messages? Not really. Maybe I just like the sound of the word. Subliminal.

In fact, if you Google the word, you’ll get back such items as “train your wife,” “train your slave,” “train your body and mind,” train special parts of your body”–you know–if you want something bigger, etc. Hypnosis also comes under this category. Is it subliminal? It is suggestive? At any rate, we aren’t in the business of hypnotizing our trainees. So, no, I don’t think we should take the subliminal training too seriously.

However, I think I have close second. In way it is somewhat like my article on reading minds. You can’t really read minds, but you can read body language and observe, using it to your advantage. If you can affect someone’s thought processes you are projecting your own thoughts. Right? Subliminal.

Here’s where tricking students into learning comes in. It does require a flexible trainer or teacher to go with the flow of the class. Allow the class the floor while find a place to jump in and offer your part. Soon, you begin to make sense and they want to hear more. I think that is all a good trainer or teacher does: they become a part of the class. Connected. Not projecting his or her thoughts, but the class thinks as one.

Try this with one of your small training sessions give them a problem to solve from your training agenda, and when they are ready to discuss it (you take on that role as well), you let the ideas flow. The ideas you bring to the table are mostly from your training. I know there is probably another name for this kind of particapatory training. Call it what you will. I like “subliminal.”

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

Just so you know I’m a real person, I teach University English and Speech, and Public Speaking and Acting; and like just about everyone in the 21st century, I have a website. In addition, I have authored four books, including my best seller, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development and a novel, a hair-raising tale of the near future called, Harry’s Reality.

Happy training.

Get Qualified for the Job or Else

Person using a certified stamp on a book
We all want to fit in, but we don’t always.

Let’s say you have the training certificates and education as well as the experience just to get in the door.

It’s frustrating seeing others without your work experience, walk in and take the same job you may have the experience and extra specific training for. So, why didn’t you get the job?

We can’t really argue which is better in this case. Training, education or work experience. Sometimes it’s one of the above, two of the above, or all of the above, or none of the above. Every employer has his or her own reasons. We can’t assume that it is the lack of any qualification that disqualified us from the job.

Maybe they just didn’t like us; there was no chemistry. Most of the time, it’s all about fitting in. We all want to fit in, but we don’t always. Personally, I’d rather have that job where I fit in and the hiring folks agree.

Human Resources does put a value on education and training as well as experience.

In some cases, to just to go beyond a certain level in your job you have to have a degree. It’s in the job description as a requirement even if there is not really a good reason for it. I have a super smart sister who made straight “A”s in high school, and could have named her ticket to any major university. She chose instead to work. She enjoyed her work, but she became stuck at one level and watched several people, not nearly as smart or as good at their job, progress when she couldn’t because she didn’t have a degree.

At the time she began working, the degree didn’t seem important. For some people, it just doesn’t fit in their plans for a variety of reasons, including financial at that particular time.

Human Resources does put a value on education and training as well as experience. They write down just what the potential employer wants them to; sometimes, the qualifications are so specific as intended to be so the employer can hire a specific person.

In government especially, a national search must be made with veterans and minorities getting extra points that can move them to the top of the list if they are otherwise qualified. So the more specific the qualifications, the less likely anyone but the person the employer has in mind will make the cut. It’s against the law, but hard to prove, and it happens often to manipulate the system.

We don’t realize, especially when it affects us personally, just how many people out there are looking for work.

An education is more than specific training for a job, or it wouldn’t be called education. But education is general and has to be applied. What it does show is the ability to start something and see it through to the end. Certification is a little different since it is more a validation of specific knowledge–usually a product of training. I wanted to get at why this debate happens. We don’t realize, especially when it affects us personally, just how many people out there are looking for work. Some are very qualified either in experience or education. Want someone younger, you go with education. Want maturity find the experienced person. With both–you win. At least sometimes or so you would think.

It’s not a perfect system. I have degrees that by themselves are rather worthless unless you want to teach, but combine them with practical experience and use the knowledge in a way that makes sense such as training and development, and we suddenly seem very qualified, but we may not fit the mold exactly. Not an architect, an engineer, an MBA? The liberal arts degrees don’t always match the job, but does that make them any less valid in most cases?

Another example, colleges and universities love PhDs and would rather have one over a Masters degree–even if the person with a Masters degree or several Masters had tons of experience. Colleges and universities are competing for credibility and the more PhDs, the more respectability. Logical. Not at all. It’s about image and attracting students. Who cares at that point if they are bored out of their minds?

To the employer, there is a logic to playing the system to getting exactly who they think they want. Choosing kids who can play a sport to play a game makes sense. Choosing friends who can’t play so well doesn’t make sense to anyone but those in on the reason. It’s all a matter of image, rather than perspective.

The years of experience we proudly display on our resume are not necessarily in our favor. While we think those years of experience should increase our chances as valuable candidates, think again; in fact it may hurt our chances because it automatically allows the interviewer or screener to figure out how old we are, which means the employer would have to pay us more, which may be an eliminating factor. And despite the fact employers aren’t supposed to discriminate at all, this would be age discrimination. It happens. However, it is all about getting the employee employers want, remember–not necessarily the best qualified one.

How about not getting it because you didn’t go to a particular school, an Ivy League school, for example?

You don’t have to be a different race or sexual persuasion to be discriminated against. How about not getting it because you didn’t go to a particular school, an Ivy League school, for example? If the employer is a prestigious firm and all its executives are from Ivy League schools or because you were a blond, or short, or fat? Or not handsome or pretty enough? Image places a part, like it or not. And when people need to eliminate people from the pool, anything is game–unofficially, of course. Then, of course, state businesses that like to hire from state and local universities. I kind of get that.

However, getting the interview is important, and attitude still makes a huge difference. I don’t care how good you are at your job, a bad attitude will make someone want to sacrifice your experience and know how to train someone who’s enthusiastic and wants to do it the way they want them to do it.

I have quite a few good years left. I doubt it is my positive attitude, lack of education and experience holding me back…

All anyone can do is his or her best and try to fit in, get the qualifications as best as you can afford and do the best you can, be you, make a good impression and try to fit in. Be proud of your accomplishments and don’t consider yourself a failure because you didn’t get this job. Go on to the next and the next, until you find the right fit. You and your employer have a better chance of being happy.

Then, there’s always re-inventing yourself, but always aim to do what you love. Make re-inventing a last resort. I have had to re-invent myself, but it was drastic measure.

For most of you who follow this blog, you know from whence I speak. Where I used to be a professional actor and speaker, I have had to concentrate more on writing, teaching, directing and being the artistic director for a community theatre. It is much easier to re-invent when you have already retired from one career as I did from the Federal government. Since then I have published a novel, Harry’s Reality, which I am very proud, my best-seller so far, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development, and two books on theatre.

Happy training.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

A Best Practice: Four Traits You Have to Train In-House


The “four traits” are quite simple and probably unbelievable, but please hear me out. Here’s the rundown:

  • Train your people to be kind.
  • Train your people to be honorable.
  • Train your people to be fair.
  • Train your peope to be honest and trustworthy.


These may seem to be no-brainers, but today aggressive sales doesn’t work like it used to and people push back. People are working too hard for the money they have.

I think Penske has a good thing going with its car dealerships. No gimmicks like “no negotiating” as some car dealerships do and then treating the customer as if they are doing them a favor.

As a psychologist, I am always interested in what makes people act the way they do in social and work situations.

At work, training and how supervisors use that training have a lot to do with the shaping of the company image.

I am usually prompted to write a training blog when I see evidence of training not taking, but this is the opposite. In fact, I would call it a best practice, especially for a large diverse transportation company such as Penske that owns many car dealerships in the United States and several overseas. Penske has other varied interests. It is by every definition a corporation.

Here’s how I discovered the fantastic “four”or five traits…

In Turnersville, New Jersey, there is an automobile mall consisting several brands including Acura, Cadillac, Nissan, Cheverolet, etc. These are huge dealerships in themselves co-located in one area. Other dealerships have sprung up nearby to take advantage of the advertising of the “Turnersville Auto Mall.”

My wife and I were searching for a more economic car for to drive for work, but she fell in love with a used Saab covertible we discovered. I convinced her she was worth it so we pursued it. Here’s the rest of the story.

It is an in-house trainer’s dream. Each dealership receives the same training and it shows. The owner of all the dealerships: Penske. The training: corporate.

There did not appear to be animosity or competitiveness among the sales personnel of the several dealerships. It was the first time I had witnessed a car salesman who was not pressuring us to buy.

I usually hate the high pressure sales I have felt doing this before and have been known to exit the minute I felt too much information was taken down before I could even look at a car. This was not one of those times.

Even the dealership as a whole seemed honorable. One car we were interested (in the Acura dealership lot), had been promised over the phone to a couple in Delaware and the dealership was giving them time to come in. That ethic is to be admired.

With that knowledge in hand, we went to another dealership or two, still in search of a used Saab convertible or something that impressed us as much. Later, when we returned to the Acura dealership, the used Saab convertible we had test drove earlier had indeed been purchased by the Delaware couple. We, of course, were disappointed, but there was another newer Saab convertible to see at a bit higher price. We discovered that we actually liked it better.

All this time the salesman had not pressured us to explore beyond the price range we gave him until we asked, and only then did he show us what he had in a higher price range. When time came for negotiating the price, he took on the negotiating on himself to make it affordable to us. He didn’t know that later, as soon as we got what we considered a fair price, that we intended to pay it off in full, but then again we didn’t know we were purchasing a vehicle from a huge corporate conglomerate either…that is until we had a problem with Saab at home.

Now, we didn’t purchase the extended warranty and we had the car over a month so when the blinker started acting funny–blinking on its own, winking at other cars, I had to take it to the local Saab dealership. Turns out it needed a module replaced that cost more than $400. My wife immediately said, “But the dealership where we bought the Saab said it would pass inspection,” and I replied “maybe we should do that.” It doesn’t hurt to ask.

So, I cancelled the prepaid order with the Saab dealership and took it back to the Acura dealership where we bought it; after my wife had talked to them and it sounded like the dealership might actually honor that statement. We didn’t state the obvious: our state has stopped inspections, except for the exhaust system, but light blinking on its own was still a road hazard. The service manager called me into his office after talking with the general manager and warranty manager, and said the dealership would pay half.

Still, they had every reason to say, “No.” And that would be the end of it. We would have paid a little extra to take the risk–oh well. I started to think how we had been treated from the beginning: with great customer service and honorable treatment that only comes from great training.

From the salesman, the serviceman who wrote up the ticket, the sales manager, the warranty manager who offered the extended warranty we turned down, the service manager and the general manager–all seemed to be on the same page. The customers mattered–even when they could be wrong as we were. The dealership went above and beyond, but that means to me the Penske as company probably does the same with most of its customers.

I asked the service manager how the dealership was trained and he said all the dealerships were trained together and had the same training. That made a lot of sense for consistency sake.

In the end, I had been ready for the Acura dealership to say, “No.” They had every right, but instead, we split the cost, and I was given a loaner car and the dealership had my Saab driven back to the Saab dealership to be fixed. By the way, that loaner car: a beautiful 2012 Acura TL series.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

As a former commercial and theatre actor and professional speaker, training at the corporate level so teaching English, speech and theatre at the university level seemed logical and I have loved both. Today, I write mostly and have published four books: my best selling–The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development, a scary novel of the near future–Harry’s Reality, and two theatre books.

Training to Read Minds on a Cruise Ship

Persons on a cruise ship

A while ago I wrote an article about “reading minds” for this blog site. Now, of course, you and I know, we can’t really read minds, but we can be observant and notice when someone needs assistance–that would especially be true of the hospitality or travel vacation businesses where customer service most definitely is its business.

It seems every time I go on vacation I come home with another horror story about how no one seemed to notice when they should until someone was angry or distressed enough to point out the obvious to them–them being the people serving us the customer.

It’s a matter for training because being aware of these things is at the heart of doing a good job in hospitality, or in this case, moderate luxury travel vacation. If the vacationer has to worry about taking care of someone else or has to worry about his or her own special needs and has made preparation for them, it’s hardly a vacation if the cruise line isn’t doing its part.

“Reading minds” (read ‘be terribly observant’) should at the heart of the cruise line training for its staff that comes in contact with passengers; I realize that many do not, but for those that do, it is essential

Since I’ve already talked about airline and security customer service, I’ll skip that story and begin with the ship embarcation center. My family and I have gotten into the habit, as many American’s do, of taking a cruise as the family vacation when the kids get a week-long break in November.

Reading minds (otherwise known as being observant and making a good impression) begins the minute we leave our transportion to the port or you could even say before then, but I’ll start at the port.

We were bombasted with offers to deal with our bags before we could hardly catch our breath, while no one offered to help my 84 year-old mother-in-law out of the vehicle into a wheelchair when they saw her struggling to move to get out of the van into her walker. Security was clueless. Nobody in a walker ever takes a cruise… Ever cruise with Holland America, which seems geared for seniors? In fact, no help was offered to Mom until we asked for it, and we were ordered, yes “ordered” to have her sit by herself in one location; we were even told to stay away from her–that this woman would take care of her. The woman later apologized she had gotten so busy she had forgotten her.

Once on the ship. It didn’t get any better. Call it first day confusion if you want to, but I still think people should be most aware on the first and everyday, as well as have people on the look out for these situations of special needs; not only does it make a good impression, it speeds the process along. They shouldn’t wait for a special request.

We did have a special diet request that we had made and confirmed by our travel agent via e-mail. When we arrived on ship, that request seemed to have vanished, but in all fairness, the ship did make it up.

It did get a little better over time, mostly because we began asking, as did Mom, for help getting her food from the buffet. I think it was the last day or two that the dining room staff actually started helping her in and out of her chair and into her walker. Before that it had been family. It would have been nice, too, if the young man who took care of cleaning her room notice her walker had to be folded before she could get it in the room and offered assistance if he saw her coming or going.

In the lifeboat drill, the passengers are told to ask for smaller life jackets if they have smaller children and we are told the elevators will probably not work. But what about those handicapped or elderly people who cannot climb up or down the stairs? Did the crew even know where those people were located? We certainly didn’t know if they knew and the answer we were given when we asked was cursory at best.

Greeting passengers isn’t enough. Reading minds is a must. It’s a matter for training.

We have traveled on most of the cruise lines and this one was one we had thought might be a little different since we hadn’t tried it, but we were disappointed. The only cruise line that meets my standard of great customer service and practically reading minds in the moderate to luxury class of cruise lines is the Disney Cruise Line.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

I’m Jack Shaw and that’s my story, or one of them. I have more. Some even fiction like Harry’s Reality, an e-book about a different time when computers run the world and people can live a fantasy life if they choose or fight the machines that hunt them down if they refuse. Believe it or not, it has a positive ending. Check it out.

Happy training.

Computers and Essay Questions in Training

Professor Jack Shaw

As a blogger, I get ideas for my blogs from pretty much anywhere. Even as a university professor, I am sometimes piqued by something said or a student assignment. In this case, it is a very basic assignment to get my English students to think about the question: Can computers grade essays? Why is this valid for trainers?

I’ll tell you, but first we have to look at some basic differences between machine and Man. Computers operate on a logic based system; they can grade a standard essay and even more complex writing as long as we are looking for a specific response. We already have programs that check grammar. How is that working for you? And spelling? If you are close…

Objective tests or fill in the blanks are easy. A “yes” or “no” answer in simple binary code. What about an idea that contains at least three paragraphs the culminates in the formation of an idea? You are now asking the computer evaluate standard language with maybe some expected wording specific to the organization. Quote the mission? Easy one. Ask for ideas? Forget it!

What if the writer uses humor, imagery, exaggeration or irony? Can we expect a logic based computer to understand the basic creative principle of Man, which is to be unpredictable given the same circumstances.

Now I know at this point many of you are saying, “Computers are evolving everyday and will be able to do that someday.” I’m not sure I want them to. And, need I say it, artificial intelligence?

Have you heard the term “Singularity?” Basically, it is a project going on right now all over the world to create a computer infinitely smarter than us in every way and when we reach a certain point we will merge with the computer and be able to solve all the problems in the world–that’s if we can control this evolving artificial intelligence. The whole world as we know it and our existence may change drastically or be non-existent. We may not be needed in this new world.

As for training, there are probably some programs that do a pretty good job identifying leaders and thinkers, but I think they are probably missing a great many creative people who don’t fit the established mold. Do we know for sure this is the best mold? We do know it is one of many.

Keep the essays in, see the creativity for yourself. You can see the ideas; the computer can’t. Video games are probably the best guage of creativity and quickness of thought. And, the scores get higher as learning occurs. So, here the video game computer is aiding in developing creativity and speedy correct answers.

Ironically, I wrote a novel that deals with this subject, too, but in a different more positive way. The humans involved had given thought to how far the artificial intelligence would go to running the world and so it has a positive ending. Major change occurs, but it is happening now.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

I don’t just teach and train. I have a website. I am also a speech coach, theatre critic, and artistic director. I do more than write blogs. My novel is called Harry’s Reality and is available as an e-book, as well as is my best selling The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. I have two other e-books recently released on theatre: ActingSmarts on Regional and Local Theatre, and ActingSmarts Reviews Regional and Local Theatre. It’s funny when you think about it how we bring all of our experiences to what we do. I spent 30 years in the government where I was a communicator and trainer, did theatre when I could–some of it professional, and started blogging and reviewing plays.

Happy training.

How to Make Them Say, “I learned something today.”

Give the audience something amuse themselves and others.

I read an article in a colleague’s newsletter that got me thinking. This may be a little back to the basics, but it is what we do and it is easy in this day of off-the-shelf training programs to let the program, especially one involving technology, take over for us.

June Melvin Mickens of Executive Advantage, LLC says “It never ceases to amaze me that the most snooze-provoking presenters seem to be the most oblivious.” Isn’t it true? These trainers don’t seem to get it, even with people snoring away, or leaving to catch some fresh air, or constantly looking at their agendas to see if they really need this session.

In the Federal government I saw of lot of the same thing. Trainers were not involved in the technical or policy areas. Instead, we had program managers or specialists who knew the subject but not how to make a training session work and certainly not make it memorable, which means the audience hadn’t learned a thing.

Well, let’s do something about it.

Teach them to knock out the acronyms and relax, and they aren’t half bad.

One way to solve this problem in a training session is to have a dynamic presenter even if you have to have a subject matter expert (SME) standing by to deliver the more technical goods and answer questions. If you’ve ever seen a military briefing, you’ll notice other officers present; truely, they are not body guards. They are SMEs should a question arise that cannot be answered by the speaker. Having the SME present greatly enhances your credibility and encourages audience involvement, which in turn, keeps audience interested and helps learning take place.

A training session doesn’t have to be boring…

A training session doesn’t have to be boring or received by an audience under duress if we, trainers, remember some of the basics of training and communication: Most important of all is to remember it’s a two-way street and the trainer should be reading his or her audience feedback–even if it is an off-the-shelf product. Add your own perspective, ask questions and provide answers from someone considered an expert from the audience, ask if this, meaning the product is accurate today?

June has three points that are key to remember.

“Make it relevant” — We know the importance of relevancy to workers. They want to learn to do their jobs better, but they have to balance that against their regular requirements. Trainers need to continually tie the workers’ job and the training so it seems worth the workers’ time out of their cubicles or offices or manufacturing floor is worth the inconvenience and the time they have to make up.

“Make it fun” — Give the audience something amuse themselves and others. Encouraging the audience makes the experience more pleasant. Everyone likes to laugh. Some trainers like to use toys and games, I prefer to modify the games to fit the training and to be a good lead in, but that’s just my style.

“Make it happen” — If learning doesn’t take place and sticks… If the audience can’t take it back to the workplace and start using the training, we haven’t done our jobs. I agree wholeheartedly with June that in this day and age talk about what can be done now without more resources or that even reduce the need for some of those resources. To make it relevant and fun is good, but without this step nothing as changed. Use that relevance to point out, while they may not be able to use everything, choose something from the list and you’ll have your audience actually hanging on every word so it can come with something they can use.

It doesn’t get more basic than that. We know the importance of relevancy to workers. They want to learn to do their jobs better, but they have to balance that against their regular requirements. Trainers need to continually tie the workers’ job and the training they are receiving to that job so it seems worth the workers’ time out of their cubicles or offices or manufacturing floor.

Give them a reason to go back and say, “Hey, I learned something today.” That just might make your next training easier.

I find even as a professor I teach my students the same way–even assignments. Sometimes I give them a choice among several. If all have the same result, no harm, no fault, and I am involving them in their own learning. When I give an assignment, I tell them exactly what I am looking for. They understand fully and won’t worry about it because they know exactly what I expect of them. Trainers can do the same thing with their audience. Ask them for input, that keeps them involved in much the same way. And you have bonded with your audience.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

That’s it for me today. Check out my website. I’ll be changing it soon, but for now you can still find links to What I Say, or better yet, check out my e-books available for a paltry sum and will download to any e-reader or computer. Besides my best selling book, The Cave Man’s Guide to Training and Development, I have another book that focuses, not on the kind of training you are probably used, but on training in the world of theatre from an actor/director/critic viewpoint, ActingSmarts on Regional and Local Theatre. I also have another theatre book coming out in the next day or two on what a reviewer of plays should do and answers questions with a series of reviews and articles, ActingSmarts Reviews Regional and Local Theatre. Finally, there is my novel, Harry’s Reality. You’ve seen dystopian novels before, but not like this one…I promise.

Happy Training.

Why Are Presidential Debates Useful to Trainers


If I were grading political debates as I grade university debates, they would fail in general for lack of support. The biggest problems as I see in the recent Presidential debate were unsubstantiated facts and incredible paraphrasing that had to be rebutted just to make what the other candidate said clear and only somewhat truthful.

Believe it or not this means something to trainers. It means don’t always train so specifically with company in mind that there is no reason to look at other means of doing the same thing. Obviously what you are training is not the “only way it’s done.” If you are training salespeople only one side (the company side), how can they counter the competition. So, you need to also train them about the others in their field doing the same thing about how they are different, keeping in mind to substantiate and provide proof of what you say about your company and the competition. Saying is not enough. Showing is better. It should be in politics, too, but not this year.

We always see politicians in the long run as insincere, then history shows real character and what that particular achieved, whether he planned to or not. In general we view politicians as lacking in those things that make credible speakers, even though they have the qualifications. It is the business of politics to be nonspecific, but it doesn’t help voters. Voters will vote for a candidate because he or she supports one thing the voter supports or are party members and always vote the party line.

Although both candidates were both passionate, the debate was not designed to talk specific points. Well, actually it was, but I think everyone knew that wouldn’t happen. And that was true.

Often the debaters spent so much time trying to discredit the other rather than spell out what was asked.

Both debaters went over time limits and left the final topic only three minutes. Could the moderator prevented that? Not likely with the “powerhouses” he had in front of him.

Then the “journalists and party pundits” declare a winner. Real experts in debating? More expert at getting at stories and supporting their candidate, I’d say. It is doubtful voters who had already made up their mind didn’t change it and the election will show if new voters decided to get off the fence.

I’m thinking about that as I get ready to teach my night class in public speaking. Although we are doing group presentations, I am sure we will certainly discuss the debates and debaters. Both candidates were good speakers in this National election debate. It’ll be interesting if my students note unsubstantiated facts and unqualified answers besides the political maneuvering.

Happy training.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

Smart Money Training

Smart training solutions - inexpensive and home grown.

Whenever there is talk about the lack of funding for training, there is talk of trimming the program or buying off-the shelf products. There are some smart solutions.

Michelle G. Rosenbloom, a colleague of mine on GovLoop and past guest writer, believes she has one or two smart money training solutions. Let’s see.

She presented her case on my training and development group page on GovLoop:

Ms. Rosenbloom generated some discussion about offering varying modalities/channels within the training world. The purpose being, to satisfy a multi-generational workforce. In order to effectively train employees, we need to offer the training session in a language they can understand. For some, that means hard copies and face to face training. For others, that means downloadable training modules on tablets, MP3 players, or computers.”

Here, she and I are on the same page to some extent.

Congratulations, you’re a multi-generational — multi-modality training machine. You’re willing to offer your employees a training solution that works for THEM.”

It is expensive to order from multiple vendors, but cheaper to do one-stop shopping.

But then she asks about money and asks if a company can invest in a “multi-platform training program.” I think she is implying: It is expensive to order from multiple vendors, but cheaper to do one-stop shopping. Most likely she is correct, but I don’t have any statistics either way. I think it depends on the company.

Believe it or not, I also agree there is a time and place for module training on issues that don’t change and on which you can monitor your employees actually using it, like government regulations or mandatory yearly training. Which reminds me I still have to take my yearly ethics training.

Do I need it? No, but every employee is every employee. No exceptions. I can have a CD for that or a website, which I do, and the program on the website reports back to management when I have completed and answered every answer completely. This one of those “multi-platform training programs” — except since my company is technologically-based for most of its training, although I’m not a hundred percent for technology either.

The big sell for Ms. Rosenbloom has to do with the multi-generational workforce and offering “varying modalities/channels.” I still think there are other ways, often in house, to reach that multi-generational workforce without breaking the bank.

Ms. Rosenbloom has her view:

Now let’s talk about the money: Is this even possible from a financial standpoint? Can a company invest in a multi-platform training solution; one that ranges from hard copies and CDs to downloadable materials and E-learning modules?”

CDs are good for one time.

Her answer, of course, is “ABSOLUTLEY.” What she means is, if there is a way, her company will find it through “pay-per use” and “enterprise pricing options.” Sounds kind of sound like a sales pitch. I could use some examples. I’m sure it works for the right companies that don’t have time to seek out the cheaper in-house communication they can develop more cheaply themselves.

Carol Davison, also a GovLoop colleague, said she agrees with Ms. Rosenbloom “to some extent.” She says.

For example, although I might have on-line training I can’t imagine why I would DEVELOP CDs for training. It seems that as soon as the training is altered, or after its first iteration, the CD would be obsolete. One organization I know did exactly that and had to re-contact everyone to whom they sent a CD to ensure they were discarded.”

In-house blogs that cover a variety of subjects to employees. One, they learn peripherally what others are doing in the company. Two, training updates can be included with contacts for more information or individual training.

In short, Ms. Rosenbloom is marketing. By all means, check out what she is doing; she may have something there. We all do it if we want to make a living selling training products and services, and we are not company trainers. Myself included.

My idea of selling my product is to demonstrate that I am a knowledgeable person through writing or speaking on a variety of training ideas, which is what Ms. Rosenbloom is doing. The key difference is that I don’t have off-shelf products to sell, and I don’t agree her method is smart money training without seeing the stats or other evidence. She is talking about leasing a system of training you pick out for a specific amount of time thereby you aren’t buying the modules but the company takes care of that for you. Sometimes companies do that to afford fancy copy machines.

I pride myself on customizing my training solutions. But then I’m low upkeep. My overhead is slight in comparison; there is just me. I only have me to sell. What I think based on my unique experience, none of which includes sales. And I can help in the simple idea compartment and train in-house trainers to give dynamic presentations. However, customizing as I do takes time–too much time for companies in a hurry. I’ve missed many a lucrative offer because I couldn’t prepare two days worth of training in a few hours.

Training involves people’s moods, attitudes and desires. Given a CD, for example a portable source of training, is easily lost or forgotten “accidentally on purpose.”

Employees want to interact with the trainer.

Interactive media like tablets or pads get more attention, and can be specialized to receive training updates. I developed what I called a “donut hole” video magazine for training that had built in places that could easily be replaced with newer updated information. Something like that could also work with a pad or tablet or computer program that provided just the updates, which I think people are more likely to put themselves through. Just a reminder. Employees are more attracted to a dynamic speaker or actors demonstrating a scenario than words on the computer.

This may be a more expensive way to go for some, but for others the portable mediums don’t work, depending on the workforce. Managers hate training as much as anyone.

Blogging and short videos are making a big splash now and are easy to produce. Applications for just about anything are available at a very reasonable price. Even having someone develop a specialized app for you may not be that expensive. If you check it (without your training manager) out make sure experience trainers are helping with your decisions.

Even self-published e-books can be published in house for free with technology available for free on the Internet. People who want to be successful, at the top of their game, are constantly searching for these sources. Having someone do that for the company and recommend links, etc. would point out the top performers and those who didn’t care. Not a bad thing to know.

Not quite the same as a company blog. Trolling for information in short bits (a blog) is a current business trend that employees are getting more used to every day. My blogs on training and development generally averages #2 on Google’s most viewed sites in the area of training, next to ASTD. I’ve had days when I have surpassed that so I know people want the advice, the how-tos, and commentary (I tend to write more commentary) on what is out there. How-tos are necessary, too, for new companies.

In fact, I wouldn’t mind a guest writer to talk about the basics (check the categories). I am fortunate to have had several international inquiries as well as national looking for how-tos, and some universities using my articles and guest writers’ articles for discussion points in their graduate classes.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

By the way, I started the Training and Development group on GovLoop, which has some 60,000 members. This Free Management Library’s training and development blog also feeds to it directly.

But let’s not forget the Free Management Library, in general, which I’m sure gets many more hits than GovLoop and reaches more people in a variety of businesses, many not affiliated or associated with the government. As always, you can guest write on this site. We feature all views as long as they aren’t promoting one products. Writers and their companies are given full credit via links. We only ask that you link back.

This is me marketing.

My best-selling short e-book, Cave Man Guide to Training and Development continues to sell well and I have plans for similar books based on this blog. The link takes you back to the publisher, but you can find on most famous e-book sellers.

Check out Harry’s Reality, an e-novel of the near future.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for my next two e-books on theatre for an out-of-the-box experience. These books are really about creative and critical thinking using the acting, directing and criticism as the vehicle for expression. Harry Bolls for President!

Happy training!