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Jack Shaw


Jack Shaw’s posts

Finding Employee’s Other Qualifying Factors, Part I

It seems no one wants to hire an exemplary person, but someone just to do…

Leadership Skills

Training and Teaching Public Speaking with A Difference

I am thankful for the opportunity to share what I think is one of the…

Training & Development

How to Brainstorm with Visual Aids

This may seem an odd way to use visual aids, but you would be surprised…

Improving Yourself

Needs Assessment: Don’t Blow It, Motivate It

We never think much about our car battery until we turn the key and the…

Improving Yourself

How to Stop Abusing Your Visual Aids

Are Your Cave Drawings Distracting Your Audience? It is an abuse of a less serious…

Training & Development

Speaking or Lecturing Between the Adult “Glee” Practice and BINGO

It was an amazing experience. Perhaps, “amazing” isn’t the right word, but it was an…

Training & Development

Egocentricity and the Stages of Man

We all go through egocentric phases, and we need to understand them. We admit our…

Training & Development

Macabre Humor: Strange but True Stories for Trainers

Either I have weird friends or friends who just know weird things. To be quite…

Training & Development

When Companies Think They Are Too Smart for Customer Service…

When companies think they are smarter than their customers it’s time to time customers learned…

Customer Relationship Management

The Cave Man Approach to Training: Basic Survival with a Smile

Imagine training others, not only how to make the wheel, but how it could be…

Training & Development

Training: Tricks or Treats?

These Questions and Answers lay out in plain and simple–in Cave Man terms–how easy it…

Training & Development

Hybrid or “Blended” Education – After Week One

“Why is that, do you think,” I ask my students, “we say blended instead of…

Improving Yourself

A Day in the Life – Hybrid Education

Today, I start my first day as a professor of public speaking in a hybrid…

Training & Development

The Practical Side of Learning: the Human Factor

It is assumed that once we have delivered the information to our students and trainees…

Training & Development

Training Stereotypes for Success

We all seem to have answers for success, but they aren’t the same. Are there…

Training & Development

Trainers: Moderate This! Facilitate That!

It’s no joking matter. Moderation and facilitation at a conference or meeting are serious business,…

Training & Development