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Jonathan & Erik Bernstein


Jonathan & Erik Bernstein’s posts

Know Your Audience: How Digital is the EU?

Connecting with your audience requires using the right tools for communication Knowing how your audience…

Organization Development

Crisis Management Quicky – ‘Net Presence

Playing ostrich is not a reputation management strategy Seeing the mistakes of their peers in…

Organization Development

Bored Snapchats Cost RBS Chairman a Job

Even “private” and “temporary” messages can come back to haunt you Everyone knows Snapchat images…

Organization Development

Trevor Noah’s Twitter Troubles

Crisis management lessons learned painfully by The Daily Show’s new host Comedian Trevor Noah has…

Organization Development

Cornell Dean Welcomes Pro-ISIS Club

Behaving as if you could be caught on tape at any moment is just good…

Organization Development

Edelman’s 2015 Trust Barometer and You

A reputation as trustworthy is a must for any organization Edelman’s Trust Barometer is an…

Organization Development

Practice What You Preach or Pay the Price

NBC chief medical correspondent learns a hard lesson Practicing what you preach is vital to…

Organization Development

Crisis Thinking

Training your brain to perform in crisis management mode There’s no denying that it takes…

Organization Development

AT&T Shows Money Comes First with Pay for Privacy

Refusing to respect the wants of customers is a bad business plan Is anyone else…

Organization Development

Delta Raises Dependability Doubts with Baggage Campaign

Could this promotion cause more harm than good? It’s common to see brands unintentionally create…

Organization Development

GM’s Recall Response and The Court of Public Opinion

Meeting legal obligations doesn’t win you any favors in the court of public opinion Auto…

Organization Development

Anthem’s Apology Hits all Three C’s of Credibility

A rare corporate apology done right The Anthem hack, which exposed the personal information of…

Organization Development

Guest Post: Separating Manufactured Outrage from Real Issues

[Editor’s note: We welcome another insightful guest post from Issue Outcomes’ Tony Jaques as he…

Organization Development

Comcast’s Crisis Management for Name-Calling on Bills

Or rather, lack thereof Comcast, already one of the most hated companies in the world,…

Organization Development

Dating App Vulnerabilities Pose a Crisis Management Risk

Popular phone apps make an ideal target for data-hungry hackers Apps of all kinds fill…

Organization Development

Crisis Stats You Should Remember

Facts to convince anyone dragging their toes on crisis planning It can be tough to…

Organization Development