U.S. Latino Marketing – Part 2 of 2

Marketing written on a wall with sticky notes

Resources for Hispanic Lifestyle Market Research

Demographic statistics on the Hispanic market, as sourced in the previous post, give important analytic information. But when it comes down to really getting to know your audience, it takes another perspective – LIFESTYLE insights.

These Hispanic market news and article sources let you see what statistics don’t – what’s important to this niche and how they feel about their world.

Hispanic News & Lifestyle Sources

Hispanic Market Weekly

Hispanic Market Weekly is the leading authority on news and events moving the Hispanic market. No other information source has Hispanic Market Weekly’s unparalleled expertise and the power of the internet to bring its readers in-depth coverage of the people, companies and trends that influence the U.S. Latino market. For the past twelve years, Hispanic Market Weekly has offered market professionals exclusive knowledge, research and analysis and provided them with a clearer picture of market behavior.

Hispanic Marketing (AdAge)

AdAge online is a subscription news service, with a free registration that allows registered users access to certain content, including “Hispanic Alerts”, an email delivered in English covering Hispanic related News. https://adage.com/register.php Registered users can sign up for any of Advertising Age’s suite of email products, participate in polls and share their opinion, or purchase individual articles or article packs. Only paid subscribers have full access to the articles on adage.com.

Hispanic PR Wire

Hispanic PR Wire is a division of PR Newswire – the global leader in news and information distribution services for professional communicators. Hispanic PR Wire is the premiere news distribution service reaching U.S. Hispanic media and opinion leaders. Membership entitles you to a host of unmatched, U.S. Hispanic-focused communication services. Value-added services for members include:

  • Access to the world’s most comprehensive Hispanic news distribution services
  • Guaranteed story placements on leading Latino news
  • Web sites with EVERY press release distribution, national or local Ability to include logo(s) with distribution of any news release
  • Ability to make any release an Interactivo Release. Interactivo Releases include posting of your press release alongside any photos, PDFs and a live website preview on HispanicPRWire.com.


HispanicAd.com provides news and information, including photos and data from the USA, Latin America and the Caribbean. It’s information put together by Hispanics for our Industry. HispanicAd.com features regular contests and an abundance of reader forums, polls and other feedback opportunities.

HispanicAd.com offers three tiers of content:

  1. Daily news updates regarding Hispanic advertising, creative, marketing, media, promotions and research.
  2. Weekly articles pertaining to topics, individuals and corporations that define our Industry.
  3. Weekly newsletter.


Portada is the leading source about the Latin marketing and media space, offering world-class news and intelligence through online, print and conference vehicles to highly targeted audiences. Portada’s mission is to help Executives in Business and Media understand and reach Hispanic and Latin American consumers. Portada:

  • Operates the following Websites and associated Newsletters:
  1. www.portada-online.com (U.S. Hispanic)
  2. www.portada-online.com/LatinAmerica
  3. www.portada-online.com/enespanol
  • Publishes a quarterly magazine
  • Compiles and publishes two Online Databases:

1. Directory of Corporate Marketers and Media Buyers/Planners targeting Hispanic Consumers

2. Directory of Corporate Marketers and Media Buyers/Planners targeting Latin American consumers

  • Produces several research reports about the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American advertising, media and content markets.

Not Free, But Focused and Timely

AdAge offers these two Special Reports on the Hispanic Market for marketers. Considering the time you’d spend researching this info online, they may well be worth the investment:

Special Report

Hispanic Fact Pack 2010

Ad Age’s seventh annual Hispanic Fact Pack includes data on marketers, advertisers, media, demographics and agencies in the U.S. Hispanic market. Includes Ad Age’s extensive ranking of Top U.S. Hispanic Media Agencies – $29

Ad Age Insights White Paper

Hispanic America 2010

A report on the demographic trends and spending behaviors of this fastest-growing and vital part of the U.S. economy – $249.

Where do you go to gain invaluable insights to the US Hispanic lifestyle?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Ms. Chapman’s new book, How to Make Money Online With Social Media: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs will be available very soon. With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com

U.S. Latino Marketing – Part 1 of 2

Marketing plan on a laptop screen

Resources for Demographic Market Research

Looking for credible, relevant FREE data sources to research the US Latino population? It’s an important demographic, and growing. If your marketing plan targets the general population, you may want to take a few minutes to dig a bit deeper into the US Latino niche.

Link around and learn – get acquainted with this population’s size and consumer trends. It may be an eye-opener, or simply a way to reinforce or redirect your marketing expenditures.

I’ve compiled a few rich sources to direct you. Special thanks to the Pew Hispanic Center, which provided a host of resources, as noted.

US Latino Demographic Profiles

Browse and download latest data on the detailed characteristics of the Latino and foreign-born populations in the U.S.

Pew Hispanic Center’s Statistical Profile of the Latino Population

Statistical Portrait of Hispanics in the United States, 2008
“This statistical profile of the Latino population is based on Pew Hispanic Center tabulations of the Census Bureau’s 2008 American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS is the largest household survey in the United States, with a sample of about 3 million addresses. It covers virtually the same topics as those in the long form of the decennial census.” While this source is dated 2008, it is still relevant, with the highest degree of relevance and confidence.

Latino Population, Growth and Dispersion
“Color-coded interactive maps show the Latino population, growth and its dispersion across U.S. counties since 1980.”

Election 2010 State Fact Sheets

“The state fact sheets below contain data on the size and social and economic characteristics of the Hispanic and non-Hispanic eligible voter populations.”

Mapping the Latino Vote: Latino Eligible Voters by State and Congressional District

Here are just a select few states’ stats:

There are 766,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Arizona, 18% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 5.4 million eligible Hispanic voters in California, 24% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 434,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Colorado, 13% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 1.8 million eligible Hispanic voters in Florida, 15% of all eligible voters in the state.

New Jersey
There are 645,000 eligible Hispanic voters in New Jersey, 11% of all eligible voters in the state.

New Mexico
There are 525,000 eligible Hispanic voters in New Mexico, 38% of all eligible voters in the state.

New York
There are 1.6 million eligible Hispanic voters in New York, 12% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 140,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Ohio, 2% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 289,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Pennsylvania, 3% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 3.8 million eligible Hispanic voters in Texas, 25% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 183,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Virginia, 3% of all eligible voters in the state.

There are 217,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Washington, 5% of all eligible voters in the state.

View MORE state statistics.

The next post will look at the Hispanic lifestyle information sources.

The Pew Hispanic Center is a project of the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan “fact tank” that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It is supported by The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Have you found any great resources for US Hispanic market research?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Ms. Chapman’s new book, How to Make Money Online With Social Media: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs will be available very soon. With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com

Marketing and Backlinks – The Key to SEO

How Google Views Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other sites that are directed to your site. Backlinks are widely regarded as one of the primary building blocks of SEO – important for high ranking by search engines. Google, for instance, gives more credit to sites that have a high number of relevant, high-quality backlinks because Google believes that is an indication of the site’s importance. As a Marketing strategy, backlinks are basic.

How do you get high quality, relevant backlinks?

IMPORTANT: Many of the promotional tactics below involve posting meaningful, keyword-rich content on the internet. This is the critical marketing strategy you MUST implement in order to drive interested traffic to your site – your ideal customer. This method is called ‘organic’, and is the backbone of search engine optimization.

Choose only high-ranking sites. (Page rank is Google’s way of assigning a relative importance indicator to a site, for the purpose of its search algorithm.) Post ONLY relevant material. Your content should ALWAYS include a link back to your site. If you use automated tools and receive irrelevant, low-ranking backlinks, search engines will actually penalize your site for it. There is NO shortcut method that is automatic, instant, or any other easy way to gain permanent, niche-targeted traffic that yields recurring buyers.

AVOID these link-building strategies:

They’re called ‘black hat’ techniques, and search engines will penalize you. Stay away from them:

  • ‘Link farms’
  • Inter-linking (exchanging links from sites with the same owner)
  • Sites that ‘rank’ less than four
  • Purchasing links
  • Sites that engage in illegal activity

Concentrate on getting highly ranked, relevant, natural backlinks. Place your links only on sites with a page rank of at least four. Five + is better. To quickly determine if a site ranks well enough to warrant your time and your link, use this free Page Rank Checker tool: http://www.prchecker.info/

One important ratio to track is the ratio of inbound to outbound links. You want to have MORE links point to your site (inbound) than links on your site pointing elsewhere (outbound). Periodically check the number and source of backlinks (inbound) to your site by using this free tool: http://www.backlinkwatch.com/ Then count the links in your site. Calculate inbound/outbound. The answer should be greater than one. Example: 202 inbound / 37 outbound = 5.45 – Good!


Webconf’s free tool offers you a natural way to find relevant sites that invite link requests. Enter your long tail keyword. The result is a list of websites that include the keyword and “Add link”, “Add site”, “Add URL”, “Add website”, etc. You can check their page rank, contact the sites you like, and request to add your link. This takes time, but quality backlinks are essential to achieve recognition by search engines. As part of your marketing plan, try to add a few each day. http://www.webconfs.com/backlink-builder.php

Have you found helpful tips for building high quality, relevant backlinks?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.


Release Yourself from the Press Release

Young female interviewing press release

Guest Writer: Michelle Tennant Nicholson

Press Release or Not?

I’ll tell you this as gently as I can: Press releases don’t always work. So don’t send them out thinking they’re going to get you on Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America or CBS Early Show. A lot of people still think press releases are the best way to get the media to notice them, but to the busy media professional, press releases say: “Here’s something everyone is going to get at the same time as you. No scoop for you!”

When Press Releases Work

Now I’m not saying they don’t work for search engine optimization purposes. Press releases are great for that. They:

  • build links back to your site
  • build your branding and messaging online and
  • increase your credibility.

You may want to send out press releases if you’re a corporate entity and need the message to be searchable on news wire services in the future. And reporters are not likely to ignore your press release if you have true breaking news, such as a plant expansion that will add hundreds of jobs in a local coverage area.

Relationship Building

But sending out press releases is not the most effective way to score the coveted news features that you’ll want. That is done with relationship building. Nothing beats “dial and smile” phone calls, personalized emails and perfect pitches.

Organizing an online press kit with ready-to-use story ideas, quotes and background will help you get your message out and make it easier for the media to cover you. And making it easy for the media will definitely boost your odds of being chosen as a source in articles, TV segments and radio broadcasts.

Social Media

Also, with social networking sites, it’s easier than ever to build a buzz about your product or service. You can take your message direct to the audience you seek with a great website, some search engine optimization or a Facebook friends link.

To score media coverage and build credibility though, there’s still no substitute for personal contact with your target media. Get to know them and make them feel special. Read their articles and tune in to their shows. Educate yourself on the different specialty or niche areas they cover.

Your Story

Dig in. Most businesses have untold stories that are interesting. It may be something about how they got started or how they developed a new product or service. So find the compelling story about your business or product.

Then make a list of those media people you would like to cover your story and begin building relationships with them — send them the press release before everyone else gets it. Give them the scoop before you announce it to the world. Making the media feel special is a sure-fire way to have them come back and ask for more scoops from you.

Have you found a way to make the media feel special? Share your tips!


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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Twenty-year PR veteran Michelle Tennant Nicholson is Chief Creative Officer of Wasabi Publicity and co-founder of www.PitchRate.com, a free media tool that connects journalists, publicists, and experts. Called a five-star publicist by Good Morning America’s Mable Chan, Michelle specializes in international PR, working regularly with the likes of Oprah, Larry King, BBC, The Today Show and other major media. Contact her at PR blog http://www.StorytellerToTheMedia.com where she teaches tips from the trade.

Use Breaking News to Break Into the Media

Young woman reading newspaper outside

Guest Writer: L. Drew Gerber

Breaking News Drives the Media

Breaking news is news in the truest sense of the word — from “hard” news about national and world events, politics or major scientific breakthroughs, to entertainment news about celebrities or sports stars. Breaking news is what drives the media; and tying your pitches to breaking news is a great way to grab the media’s attention for you or your client.

What’s great about breaking news is that it answers the “Why now?” question for the media and increases your chances to share your or your client’s insights, commentary or expert opinion. Breaking news also answers the “Why should I care?” question for media. In news meetings, editors and producers constantly ask their reporters to answer one question from the point of view of the reader, viewer or listener: “Why should I care?” As an expert or publicist, you’re there to serve the media and help them media answer that question. After you pitch, be prepared to jump when the media calls. The earlier you can get involved with the story, the greater your impact in the conversation and the greater your chance to be part of the follow-up.

Key Things to Remember:

1) Give the media your cell phone or other numbers where they can contact you 24/7. When they call, pick up. If you can’t pick up, call back ASAP!

2) For TV interviews, you or your client often must be available to fly or travel on short notice. The travel may be local or you may have to fly across the country. Be prepared for spur-of-the-moment schedule changes and be ready to make travel arrangements before you pitch.

3) Print and radio interviews can often be done by phone. Make sure the most reliable landline is used and that all sound bites are practiced and prepared in advance.

4) Provide a link to your or your client’s online press kit so the interviewer can prepare and familiarize themselves with your expertise. Online press kits are one of the most convenient and useful resources for print, broadcast and online media.

5) Expect to be thrown a curve. You can ask the media for a list of questions they plan to ask, but be prepared for spontaneous questions too. This is where media training ahead of time can be very valuable, because there is little time to train once you get the call.

6) Think like a journalist. The more you watch, listen to and read the news, the more you can anticipate and prepare to comment when news breaks.

A lot of this may seem like common sense. But when it comes to PR, it’s usually the smallest things that determine whether or not you land that placement. So being prepared and making sure you’re on top of all the details will do nothing but increase your chances of shining when news breaks.


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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L. Drew Gerber is CEO of www.PublicityResults.com and creator of www.PitchRate.com, a free media connection service for journalists, experts, and publicists. Sign up now for free publicity advice including a free online marketing course. Gerber’s business practices and staffing innovations have been revered by PR Week, Good Morning America and the Christian Science Monitor. His companies handle international PR campaigns and his staff develops online press kits for authors, speakers and companies with Online PressKit 24/7, a technology he developed (www.PressKit247.com). Contact L. Drew Gerber at: [email protected] or call him at 828-749-3548.

How to Learn More about Gen Y

Portrait of business woman sitting on chair

Best Gen Y Bloggers

As part of their ongoing efforts to attract their target market, including Gen Y, OnlineDegreePrograms.com maintains a value-packed blog, including the post: “50 Best Gen Y Bloggers”.

In this post, Gen Y professionals from a wide variety of fields share their views and preferences, advice and insights. By reading these blogs, your market research becomes much more than research. It becomes a window into the Gen Y consumers’ thoughts.

Topic categories include:

  • New Grads
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business and Marketing
  • Finance
  • Life
  • Women
  • Politics and Society
  • Technology.

If that’s not enough, I quote the list below, posted by Rebecca Thorman on Modite.com. Thorman’s blog posts are well-respected sources for giving the ins and outs of Generation Y.

Favorite Gen Y Bloggers
These people make me think or laugh. Sometimes both.” – Rebecca Thorman

Another Viewpoint: Gen Y and the Easter Bunny

According to Ian Watson, “Gen Y doesn’t exist – This is a list of interesting people with interesting views but Gen Y are as real as the Easter Bunny!”

In his own post, he offers the perspective; “There are records of Dutch priests in the 18th century that lament the lude and drunken behaviour of the young people in his parish. Have young people really changed? I think not – it is our perception that changes as we grow older.”

So, after processing some of these resources in your Gen Y market research, what do you think? Are they REALLY different? How do YOU use differences to capture their attention and engage them?

(Thanks to Online Degree Programs for the inspiration.)


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Ms. Chapman’s new book, How to Make Money Online With Social Media: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs will be available very soon. With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com

How to Reach Gen Y Online

Person Using Smartphone

Meet Gen Y

Many professional marketers find themselves with extraordinary career experience in traditional strategies and media, but a bit challenged with the task of reaching Gen Y. They’re the individuals born between 1980 and 1995 – though many references dispute these dates. There are about 80 million of them, and they’re often the children of Baby Boomers. This important demographic is also called the “Millennials”, “Echo Boomers”, “Generation Next”, and “Net Generation”, among others.

Reaching Gen Y consumers is critically important to the growth of most businesses. Marketers must figure out how to reach them. Because Gen Y grew up with technology, they’re leagues ahead of the rest of us. Many of them simply don’t pay attention to traditional media. They’re ONLINE. But WHERE?

Start By Listening to Gen Y

Before actually reaching out to Gen Y, companies must first spend time listening and learning what’s important to them, how they think, and what they like (and dislike!) Gen Y is a distinctively different generation, much tuned into things like the carbon footprint and liberal political/social views.

According to Wikipedia: “The rise of instant communication technologies made possible through use of the internet, such as email, texting, and IM and new media used through websites like YouTube and social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, may explain the Millennials’ reputation for being somewhat peer-oriented due to easier facilitation of communication through technology.” (So, we gather that they’re a fairly insular bunch.)

Top Gen Y Social Networks

Facebook, of course, is the obvious leading platform. But a company committed to learning about these special individuals will greatly benefit by spending “fly-on-the-wall” time at these Gen Y dominated social networks:


Promises to help you build a network in 30 minutes. “Thousands of people use Brazen Careerist to build their professional network every day. Whether you’re looking for a new job, new leads, freelance work, or funding for your new business, Brazen Careerist introduces you to the people who can help you find a job or advance your career.” Watch the intro video on the Home page.


For people in their twenties with a blog. “Today, 20 Something Bloggers has brought together thousands of bloggers from all over the world, and spawned a vibrant community of like-minded, fascinating people who thrive on one another’s support and feedback. The network includes an active forum, more than 250 subgroups, and an endless stream of community events.”


“myYearbook is the best place to meet new people. We have more than 20 million people making friends, playing games, and even falling in love. We build the most innovative social games that are all tied together by a single virtual currency called “Lunch Money.” You can earn Lunch Money playing Games, wagering in Battles, or playing Match, and you can spend Lunch Money making a real difference for your favorite Causes or by buying the best virtual gifts for that special someone. We focus on listening to what our members tell us and building the most cutting edge social applications available anywhere.”


“Just like we believe that caring is much more than one, 5-minute task, Cool People Care is much more than a Web site. We’re a growing lifestyle brand, helping people live a more caring lifestyle.”


“MakeMeSustainable was created to fill the void between how we feel about our environment and what we do about it. We bring you the tools to take action. Our Carbon and Energy Portfolio Manager enables you to visualize and contextualize your individual impact. MMS’ sustainable solutions empower you to act upon your knowledge. We can help you to become a more environmentally conscious and efficient individual or business. MMS empowers you to spread the word and encourage friends, family, and co-workers to join the collective effort.”

Your Next Steps

So, with these resources, you can jump in, tune in, and begin to engage in a way that’s meaningful to Gen Y!

Have you found any great places to connect with Gen Y?

(Thanks to Dan Schawbel for the inspiration)

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman: With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com

Build Organic Traffic

A man writing on a whiteboard

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the Key to Targeted Traffic

When building your site, be sure that it’s optimized for your long tail niche keywords and that it incorporates other tactics which help search engines find it.

Search Engines’ Goal

Search engines’ ultimate goal is to make it easy to find information relevant to the search topic. They are very sophisticated, and their “algorithms” for search are highly confidential. Many SEO professionals study search engine behavior and offer these tips for what the search engines deem important when ranking content:

  • Keywords in the domain name.
  • Keywords in the content pages.
  • Keywords in titles and subtitles.
  • Keywords with emphasis – such as italics, bold, and highlighted.
  • External links (backlinks) to your site.
  • Your site’s age.

You want to use your long tail keywords 3% of the time. That is, for every 100 words of content, 3 should be your long tail keywords. Use them “above the fold” – the portion of the site that shows without scrolling down.

SEO guide

One favorite guide to SEO has been downloaded FREE over a million times. Offered by SEOmoz.org, “The Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an in-depth tutorial on how search engines work. It covers the fundamental strategies that make websites search engine friendly.

To download your copy of the world’s most read guide on SEO, join the community of SEOmoz PRO members.” The content covers:

  • How search engines operate.
  • How people interact with search engines.
  • Why search engine marketing is necessary.
  • The basics of search engine friendly design and development.
  • Keyword research.
  • How usability, experience, & content affect rankings.
  • Growing popularity and links.
  • Search engine tools and services.
  • Myths and misconceptions about search engines.
  • Measuring and tracking success.

Download your copy here:


More SEO Resources from SEOMOZ

For those of you who want EVEN MORE info, find it here, compliments of SEOMOZ:

Is your search engine optimization on target?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Ms. Chapman’s new book, How to Make Money Online With Social Media: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs will be available very soon. With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com

Google Docs and Google Sites

Google doc icon

A Review of 2010 Enhancements

Does your business have a traveling marketing and sales team, communicating with their office staff via a fragmented collection of online and offline tools? Do they often need changes to their documents or presentations at the last minute – harried late night hours or frantic last minutes at FedEx Office?

Web-Based Solution: Google Docs

For those of you not yet familiar with Google Docs, Wikipedia offers this concise definition: “Google Docs is a free, Web-based word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, form, and data storage service offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users.”

Simply, it allows you to upload and save documents from your desktop, edit them online from any computer, and invite others to read or edit your documents. Files are stored in Google’s secure servers.

100% Web-Based Docs

Google offers a collection that is not meant to compete with or replace Microsoft Office. Instead, their strategy is to be the #1 go-to site that lets users edit the same file at the same time, so you always have the latest version.

Google has worked hard to make it possible for you to work, communicate and collaborate entirely in the cloud. A few of the most exciting enhancements from 2010 make it easier for us to go “100% web-based.

2010 Google Docs Enhancements

According to Jonathan Rochelle, Director, Google Product Management, “In addition to some of the most requested favorite features like mobile editing, OCR, advanced sorting rules and a more consistent look, here are more of our team’s favorite things from this last year:

Are you a fan of Google Docs? If not, WHY?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

.. _____ ..

ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman: With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com

From Obscurity to First Page Google in 90 Days

Black tablet on google page on a desk

A Case Study in Organic SEO

I’ve never met Tony Zelinko, CEO of Bonte’ Medical Products Inc. But his post in a LinkedIn group caught my eye; “In roughly 90 days I’ve gone from obscurity with some of my products to a number of 1st place positions on Google and other search engines.

Tony Zelinko

According to Tony, “I hired experts and they couldn’t meet my expectations.” So he took the reins and gave organic SEO a try.

Social Network Organic SEO Strategy

Tony knew that links to his site (“backlinks”) from highly rated sites are important components of organic SEO. He began to post meaningful comments in group discussions (with links, of course).

Here’s a sampling of what he achieved:

Term: “forearm crutches for sale”First position Google out of 17,600 search results.

Term: “crutches for sale”First page Google out of 608,000 search results.


“I didn’t spend one dime on pay per click. So the takeaway is: use social networks often, post good content, respond to blog posts and comment. These actions will improve your presence on the web.” – Tony Zelinko

About Bonte Medical:

Bonte’ is a French word which means “Loving and Caring” and is pronounced (Bon Tay). Being true to Anthony’s science and quality control background, the Bonte’ business focus is on the distribution of premium medical and home health care products of the highest quality, and have the most modern and ergonomic designs. Bonte Medical Products, Inc.’s headquarters, is located in Gladwin, Michigan. Tony Zelinko’s Blog: http://www.bontemedical.com/blog

Thank you, Tony!


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman: With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com