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Marcia Zidle


Marcia Zidle’s posts

Does Your Company Need CPR?

Great management is no accident. It’s the result of deliberate effort to focus on what’s…

Leadership Skills

The Fail-Safe Way to Delegate

“I know I should delegate but: “I can do it faster…He won’t be able to…

Leadership Skills

Failures Don’t Have to Be Fatal

I’ve said many times: I’ve learned more from my failures than from my successes…and I’ve…

Leadership Skills

Stop Procrastinating! Start Doing!

Most of us procrastinate at least occasionally and some of us do it consistently and…

Leadership Skills

Effective Managers Learn to Let Go

Did you know that nearly half of all new leaders fail in the first 18…

Leadership Skills

Stressed Out and Burnt Out? The Cure: Learn to Say No!

Who hasn’t been guilty of overbooking themselves between their personal and professional lives? But often…

Leadership Skills

Do You Need More Time? Then Delegate

“I know I should delegate but: “I can do it faster…He won’t be able to…

Leadership Skills

Change Management: Getting Everyone On Board the Change Train

As a coach to ambitious, pro-active leaders, I often find they quickly embrace change themselves…

Leadership Skills

Are You A Motivating Boss?

Figuring out what your people want can feel like an intricate puzzle especially when different…

Leadership Skills

Good Boss! Bad Boss! Which Are You?

Conjure up the term “bad boss” and what comes to mind? Scenes of managers, berating…

Leadership Skills

Donuts, Ice Cream, Pizza: They Can Keep The Team Running Smoothly

Leadership is a team sport not a superstar sport. What happens over time is that…

Leadership Skills

Accountability: Stop the Finger Pointing and the Blame Game

What do you see in your organization – people taking responsibility or pointing fingers at…

Leadership Skills

Employee Motivation: Do You Take the Wind Out of Their Sails?

Ever notice how a new employee’s enthusiasm eventually wears off? In 85% of companies, employees’…

Leadership Skills

Watch Out For These Bad Habits: They Can Stop Your Career

Are you your worst enemy? Are you holding yourself from moving up? A Business Week…

Improving Yourself

Employee Career Development: How Can I Keep My Staff Motivated With Limited Promotions

If there are limited opportunities in your department or company for promotions, how do you…

Leadership Skills

Getting the Recognition You Deserve

You stay late at work, never miss deadlines, never show up late and your work…

Improving Yourself