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Marcia Zidle


Marcia Zidle’s posts

Manage Work Stress Before It Manages You!

Stressful situations are all too common in a workplace that’s facing budget cuts, staff layoffs,…

Improving Yourself

Accountability: Do Employees Do What They’re Suppose to Do?

“When I gave them their marching orders and they were nodding their heads, I figured…

Leadership Skills

Career Satisfaction: You Don’t Have to Leave “Home”

“I love the company, the culture, and the people. The problem is that I’m bored…

Improving Yourself

Effective Meetings: The Top Three Challenges

“I hate meetings…they are a waste of time. We just talk, talk, talk…nothings gets done!”…

Leadership Skills

Career Anchors: What Motivates You?

Not everyone is motivated by the same thing. It really is different strokes for different…

Improving Yourself

Is Conflict at Work Good or Bad?

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Conflict is inherent in our differences—in people’s differing…

Leadership Skills

Getting That Next Promotion

I do my job faithfully every day and I do it very well. Why is…

Improving Yourself

Building a Winning Team

Winning teams aren’t created by accident. Rather, the team leaders or manager functions like a…

Leadership Skills

My Boss is a Control Freak

Do you have a boss that demands frequent and unnecessary reports or hovers over you…

Improving Yourself

Effective Communication: Getting Everyone On Board The Change Train

“I didn’t communicate clearly and often enough the changes that had to be made and…

Leadership Skills

Career Trends: What You Need to Know So You Wont Be Left Behind

Welcome to the new world of work! Whether you’re just starting out, on the way…

Improving Yourself

Priority Management: Focus on the Big Rocks

“It’s now time for a quiz.” said the speaker to a group of managers. He…

Leadership Skills

My Success Portfolio: Why Have One?

During my time as a career transition coach, a client came into my office, opened…

Improving Yourself

The $125,000 Thank You

All companies go through tough times but it’s the way management handles it that makes…

Leadership Skills

Are You a Workaholic?

Getting consumed with work is easy to do, especially when we spend most of your…

Improving Yourself

Manage Job Stress

Today’s workplace produces plenty of stress. Life’s little hassles mount up until you say to…

Leadership Skills