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Martin Keller


Martin Keller’s posts

Going Off the Record Can = Off You Go

A cardinal rule in media interviews is never go off the record (and conversely, watch…

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Phony Baloney: When Press Releases Go Awry (or on Rye)

In our last installment, we left you with a closing item about General Mills having…

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PR Tips —and One PR Rip — for Helping A Reporter Out

The last blog looked at why Public Relations should never be confused with “spin” and…

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Is PR Spin? You Must Be Hyping Me!

Caterpillars spin cocoons. Spiders spin webs. Young kids sometimes spin to make themselves dizzy. Whirling…

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PR Tip #3: Feeding the Edit Cal

A quick show of hands: Who knows what an Editorial Calendar is? Thought so. Nearly…

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PR Tips, Inc. (Now Go Outside and Play)

The first major summer holiday, Memorial Day, has come and gone. Only two more such…

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BP’s Alleged Crisis Communications Plan? Not Real Slick

Does your company have a crisis communications plan? Regardless of size, every organization should have…

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Communicating Across the Twilight Zone: Can You Hear Me Now?

It’s well established in Dr. John Gray’s best-selling book, Men are From Mars, Women Are…

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Tools of the Trade 3: The Call

You have sent out your news release. Now what? Get back to what you do…

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Slouching Towards Friday: Best Days to Send a News Release

A longtime client asked me to post a news release to the media last Friday.…

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Look Out, It’s The Media! Run! Basic Mistakes/Assumptions People Make 1.0

In my PR career, I’ve heard some unbelievable things people have said about “The Media.”…

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May Day! May Day! Attack of the Killer PR Themes

What do the month of May, the 50th anniversary of the Pill and a pending…

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Awards R Us

There are awards for everything and you don’t have too look far to find them.…

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To Wire or Not To Wire

“Should this news release go on the wire?” Clients ask this often. The answer is…

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Tools of the Trade 1: Don’t Fritter Away Your Press Release Real Estate

What can we learn from the announcement that Twitter will begin accepting advertising (besides the…

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Crossing Over to The Dark Side:Why Journalists Get into PR – and What Clients Get Out of It

With 15 years in public relations, occasionally it helps to stop and ask, “Why did…

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