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Natalie Lewis


Natalie Lewis’s posts

Special Events: Why A “Tasting” Is An Essential Part Of Event Planning – Continued From Last Week

We have had many a tasting with delicious desserts that were not chocolate. So, when…

Financing & Loans

Special Events: Why A “Tasting” Is An Essential Part Of Event Planning

QuestIon: Should I do a tasting even if I have worked with this caterer before?…

Financing & Loans

Special Events: Not What They Used To Be!!

And that’s a good thing !! Special events have evolved. Gone (for the most part)…

Financing & Loans

Events Are Team Efforts

An event without the right vendors can be anywhere from “ho-hum” to a total disaster!…

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Special Events: Cost Per Dollar Raised

A recent email asked: “Do you have an article or statement on what is the…

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Special Events and the NPO Staff

In many organizations, the announcement of a future event moves staff to wave their hands…

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Celebrity Auctions

Recently, someone asked a question about Celebrity Auctions, and what immediately came to mind was…

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To Auction or Not to Auction….

Live auctions can have large payouts, and can be a lot of fun for the…

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A Change Of Pace

Whoever said an event had to be a dinner or a luncheon to work? The…

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Corporate Support of Special Events

Reading Hank’s postings on “Corporate Fundraising,” made me think about a recent series of conversations…

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How Do I Get My Board to Do What They’re Supposed to Do For Our Event?

To be sure that all board members will do all that’s required of them, the…

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How Do I Put Together an Effective Event Committee?

A couple of questions appeared in my email recently … from an organization getting ready…

Financing & Loans

Special Events: So Misunderstood

Had a call, today, from a non-profit organization that has never before done a “major”…

Financing & Loans

What Is A Special Event?

There used to be hard-and-fast rules as to what was, or wasn’t, a special event.…

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