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Rolfe Larson


Rolfe Larson’s posts

Form Follows Function

It used to be that there were essentially three choices: private, public, or nonprofit. Privately-held…

Organization Development

Feasibility Testing: Top 10 Tips

So you have piles of venture ideas and don’t know where to start. Or perhaps…

Organization Development

What Do We Need: Strategic or Business Plan?

Depends. All too often, these two terms have become blurred. But they are different concepts.…

Business Planning

Where to Look for Good Venture Ideas

It’s not hard thinking up venture ideas. Often they seem to come out of the…

Organization Development

Short Is Beautiful

Good business plans do not need to be long business plans. With rare exceptions, keep…

Business Planning

Executive Summary Says It All

The most important section of your business plan is its executive summary. That’s right. It’s…

Business Planning

Is the “Social” In Social Enterprise Redundant?

Do we still need a “social” enterprise sector? Many businesses have “social impact” at least…

Organization Development

View From the Summit

I just returned from the 11th Social Enterprise Alliance Summit+ World Forum in San Francisco.…

Organization Development

Find and Feed The Feeling

Business plans tend to be mostly head, and mostly left brain at that. They describe…

Business Planning

Social Enterprise Summit + World Forum Opens Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the first day of the Social Enterprise Alliance’s annual Summit, a national conference…

Organization Development

Who Needs A Business Plan? (You Do)

The benefits of having a business plan include: Helping you to clarify your vision and…

Business Planning

The Trillion Dollar Social Enterprise Sector

Many social enterprises in the US come from the nonprofit sector, and a common way…

Organization Development

What Makes a Business Plan a Business Plan?

Recently someone asked for a simple definition. As it turns out, business plans mean different…

Business Planning

Running On Empty

Way too many social enterprises are way too undercapitalized. They don’t have the cash on…

Organization Development

All You Need is … Luck

Over the years, I’ve reviewed books and articles about business planning, and written some myself,…

Business Planning

Separating Social from Business Costs

The best information on this topic comes from a recent discussion at the npEnterprise Forum,…

Organization Development