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Tove Rasmussen


Tove Rasmussen’s posts

Paying Taxes Quarterly Saves Time

— By Guest Writer, Bert Doerhoff, CPA By paying quarterly you can ease your yearly…

Business Planning

Gain Insight – Get a Board

Business owners often find it a challenge to lift their heads and view the long…

Business Planning

Top 5 Tips on Building an Excellent Team

All companies in an industry can use the same technologies, build the same buildings —…

Business Planning

Are you Pushy? How do you Pull in Sales Instead?

Push or Pull? The old question. What are you doing? Think about pushing. We have…

Business Planning

The Data-Backed Secret to Sales Growth

One huge secret behind sales growth is offering a product or service that speaks to…

Business Planning

10 Tips on How to Get More Clients

Need more business? These tips are designed to help you get more. The tips follow…

Business Planning

6 Tips to Delivering Customer Value

Leading your company had better not be like herding cats. How do you get everyone…

Business Planning

Getting that Sales Growth!

Getting that sales growth is all about keeping your eye on the ball. Just like…

Business Planning

Want an Ace Team? Try a Virtual One!

With the internet, skype and social media, the world is small. It used to be…

Business Planning

Who is selling your product?

Have you ever stopped to consider a prospect’s view of your firm? Their first contact…

Business Planning

How to Generate More Leads

You only need one lead to make a sale, says common wisdom. However, your chances…

Business Planning

Got Structure? Need it?

The jungle gym is a great blend of structure and chaos. Perfect for kids. In…

Business Planning

Busting Down the Obstacles to Growth

So your company is working hard, doing everything right, and it just isn’t growing fast…

Business Planning

Don’t Take That Sales Order

Your top sales manager has been pursuing the largest sale in history of your company.…

Business Planning

Staying Motivated

Even the best laid plans can go awry, and we all have tough times in…

Business Planning

Man oh Man, Don’t Run Out of Cash

One of the main reasons companies go out of business is for lack of cash.…

Business Planning