Reputation Management is a Necessity

Sections of this topic

    Engaging in reputation management is not a choice, but a necessity

    The availability of easy online publishing tools has given everyone a voice and the power to reach an audience. This can be a very positive thing, what with fans, evangelists and brand ambassadors helping to spread the word. On the other hand it opens the door to greater risk and the need for constant vigilance, as inaccurate information and bad news can spread rapidly online.

    Reputation Management has long been a core PR function and now, more than ever, we have to be aware of what is being said about the organization and be able to take effective action to correct any threat to the organization’s image. Listening to the online conversations and having a PR team that is trained to react effectively is no longer an option – it is a necessity. You can’t afford to be caught unawares or react incorrectly.

    This quote, from a post by Sally Falkow on The ProActive Report, reinforces one of the primary topics of this blog. Most crises do damage the reputations of the involved parties, but if an organization’s reputation is in good enough standing before trouble strikes, then it can avoid going “into the negative” so to speak. At the same time, smart and responsible handling of a crisis can actually bolster reputations to a point beyond where they previously were. As our methods of communications change, reputation management efforts must adapt. By staying on top of the where your stakeholders meet to talk and, yes, complain, you can stay two steps ahead of coming trouble.

    For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

    [Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc. , an international crisis management consultancy, and author of Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training.]