FEMA Declares Eric Cantor a Disaster Area

House Majority leader Eric Cantor has taken the unpopular position of denying federal aid for tornado victims in Joplin, Missouri, even making the rounds of TV press shows in attempt to defend his choice. It doesn’t appear to be helping convince the average American though, as the ever-creative denizens of the Web fire back with gems like this, from The Borowitz Report:

FEMA Declares Eric Cantor a Disaster Area

Congressman Denies Funds to Self


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – One day after Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) stirred controversy by withholding funds for tornado relief, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) took the extraordinary step of declaring Rep. Cantor a disaster area.

Within hours of the declaration, FEMA officials were dispatched to assess the damage to Mr. Cantor’s status as a human being capable of empathy.

“I’ve seen a lot of hurricanes and tornados, but this is something new,” said FEMA spokesman Tracy Klugian. “Rep. Cantor appears to have been caught up in a moral vacuum.”

While concerned FEMA officials looked on, the morally ravaged House Majority Leader took to the floor of the House to make the case for denying funds to repair himself.

The FEMA spokesman said that the agency was currently trying to estimate the cost of rebuilding Mr. Cantor’s soul.

“Quite frankly, I’ve never seen devastation like this,” Mr. Klugian said. “It’s like there’s nothing there.” More Borowitz here.

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