Social Media Enhance Email Success

Want to increase the impact of your fundraising emails?

Don’t leave online social media out of the picture.

Consider this interesting fact: Americans spend 3 times as much time on social media as they do on email.

Improve your email performance by combining your email messaging with your social media presence. With a modest investment of time and effort, you can adapt your email content to create Facebook posts and Twitter tweets.

Since most email results are captured with a few hours of an email’s launch, it makes sense to put more online effort into those hours by being very present on your social media.

Here are a few quick and easy ways to boost your email fundraising power:

•   Build excitement with posts and tweets a couple of hours before the email release and
    follow with updates a few hours after the launch. Link one of
    your posts or tweets to an online version of your latest email.

•   Provide sample “share” copy with colleagues, volunteers and friends, so they can
    help spread the word via their own social network sites.

•   Use compelling graphics for goal-oriented campaigns such as a thermometer
    on your Facebook page to display the latest results.

•   Include a “last minute reminder” tweet and post for appeals with a deadline.

•   Be active on FaceBook, responding to messages from your fans and mention that
    they should check their email.

Social media expands your reach because it meets your supporters where they “live.” With consistent messaging across channels, it can help increase open rates and boost overall conversion.

Want to know how to earn your donors’ loyalty and keep them engaged all year long through integrated fundraising campaigns? Send me an email!


Rick Christ has been helping nonprofit organizations use the internet for fundraising, communications and advocacy since 2009, and has been a frequent writer on the subject. He delights in your questions and arguments. Please contact him at: [email protected] or at his LinkedIn Page