Benefit from Discussions or Place Blame?

There is a current LinkedIn discussion going on around the following question, “In one sentence, what’s the number one barrier to transferring learning back to the job?” The answers to this discussion, as with many on LinkedIn and other boards, have differing viewpoints. A common theme with this particular discussion tends to blame the lack of transfer on mangers, supervisors, and after training support. This seems like a reasonable view from this LinkedIn group whose primary audience is comprised of training professionals. And while this was the most common theme, there are still others in the discussion who blame the lack of transfer on poor training. So what we end up with in this discussion is everyone maintaining their position of blame on something beyond control.
What would happen if this discussion were taken a step forward and the debate on blame shifted to a discussion using the following, “Provide one example of how you have improved learning transfer in a current or previous role? What was the role and what did you do?”
Realistically, this question would still solicit some blame in answers; however, instead of 168 comments on blame, it might solicit more useful tips on how to improve transfer. Personally, I would find a discussion like that much more helpful.
How often do your discussions inside your organizations rest on blame and not solutions? Don’t get me wrong, taking time to determine the root cause of issue is important. But more important is what you do after you determine the cause.
What are you doing today to solve your internal issues? What are you doing today to prevent training transfer? What can you do to improve it?

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Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz.