If you have been following the series on Learner-Centered Training, you have already read about the first two steps in creating this environment. The third step is the practice phase. This is a crtical step in the training as it is where learning transfer takes place. It is also critical in this phase to remove the roadblocks to successful transfer and application. Below are a few examles: | |
Only 5% of classroom learning is retained without reinforcement and coaching | There a number of ways that you can take to esnure successful transfer or integration of the learning. It is important to reinforce the learning during and after the training session. |
Building Integration that Removes Barriers | During the Session
After the Session
What other ideas do you have? What can you share? Sources — For more resources, See the Human Resources library. — Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit www.sherimazurek.com. Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz.