From One HR Nerd To Another

I often get asked lots of questions about HR stuff and I often hear lots of stories about situations that occur to people in the workplace. At the end of these sometimes “hypothetical” situation descriptions, I often get the following question in one form or another, “Is that even legal?” or “Can they do that?” Most of the time for those questions the answer is “yes, they can.”

Recently, I got asked another question and the answer required a little more thought on my part. One of my HR students asked, “How do you know so much about this stuff?” After thinking about that for a couple of days, I discovered that the answer is that I am a true student of HR and all things related to people in the workplace. I read a lot of books, I read a lot of articles, I spend a great deal of time on websites, I attend professional development seminars and conferences, I teach HR, and I am actively involved in my local ASTD chapter. I am constantly seeking the most up to date information and I love research on the topic. I am a true HR Nerd.

So from one HR nerd to another, I would like to share a few things you should join me in attending.

  • Your Questions, Your Webinar: Background Screening Q&A – The agenda of this webinar is set by your questions. For the price of a question, you can pick the brains of some of the best in the employment screening business including Nick Fishman and Angela Bosworth from EmployeeScreenIQ, Darby James, Director, HR Program Administration and Global Badging at United Airlines and Ron Bower, President of Bower Consulting Group. Follow the link and be sure to register. This one is Coming Soon!
  • HRevolution Conference- This un-conference features the best in our business. Previous attendees of these events can’t speak enough about their experiences. The next one is in Chicago in October. Check it out soon; they usually sell out.
  • ASTD Greater Cleveland Chapter– Join Trish Uhle, PMP, CPLP in June as she discusses State of the Industry: Trends and Best Practices in Workplace Learning & Performance. She will also be facilitating the ASTD Certificate Program on Project Management for Trainers in Cleveland. You can learn more and register here.

Hope to see you there! Now share some things with me in the comments!

For more resources, See the Human Resources library.

Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz