What Managers Wished HR Understood

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    In a recent article on ERE.net, author Ryder Cullison shared 6 Things Hiring Managers Don’t Get About Recruiting. The piece highlights some of the misconceptions mangers can have when looking for the next great employee.

    The article served as a reminder that sometimes hiring managers don’t understand other things as well. And if you are a hiring manager, I am sure that you are thinking of a number of topics that HR doesn’t get about “running your business” or “dealing with your people”. So in an effort to help bridge the gap between hiring managers and HR and represent both sides, below is a list of 6 things that managers may want us to know.

    Stop Telling Me No I have a business to run. Find a way to make it work.

    Please Don’t Give Me another Form to Fill Out I don’t have time for forms.

    Please Stop Quoting Policies that I Can Read Myself. I don’t have time to be talked to. I can read the policy. Sometimes, I need you to help me do what is right. Sometimes that’s not explained in the policy. Help me find a way to get what I want without getting into trouble.

    It’s Easier for Me to Handle It On My Own-All of your rules, process, and procedures bog me down. I have a business to run and money to make. I don’t have time for you to review it or discuss it or figure out what legal wants us to do. I will just handle it my way.

    But Sometimes I Get It Wrong and When I Do, I Need You Not to Lecture Me, Just Help Me Fix It. Sometimes I can’t be bothered by the rules and then I make mistakes. So when that happens, don’t give me the “I told you so” speech and don’t say, “If you would have just asked me first…” I didn’t ask you because hearing back from you takes too long.

    And Sometimes I Need You to Guide Me But, I only want your guidance on my terms. So when I call, please answer the phone right way.

    What can you add?

    Go ahead and click the link the article above. It will make you feel like you are not alone.

    For more resources, See the Human Resources library.

    Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to smazurek0615@gmail.com. Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz