What Do You Want?

This Blog is By Kathie Allen, CPCC, ACC – Guest Writer

As a coach, it has often occurred to me that my clients are afraid to “want” things. They live in a place of wishing but they never take action to go after it.

What is it that you want? What do you want to “Have? Be? Do”? Make a “bucket” list of your desires! Identify those things that will add depth to your life and life to your years so they have a chance to become a reality. Find a friend (or a coach) to record all the things you want to “Have, Be, Do” as you speak. Tell the truth! You will be surprised at what comes out of your mouth.

I encourage my clients to categorize the most important things on their lists, and begin to take action to make those dreams become reality. I check in with them frequently to see how they are doing. And you know what? They make most of those dreams come true!

For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.


Kathie Allen, CPCC, ACC – Professional Life and Leadership Coach. Kathie loves to work with people who believe in the greater good and those in search of deeper meaning for their lives. Contact Kathie: 218-326-9267 • [email protected]