Coaching Forwards Action and Deepens Learning

Coaching is about change. Clients are attracted to coaching because of the emphasis on taking action and being held accountable. They may be competent and successful in many areas of their lives, but there is a situation where they can’t seem to make the changes they desire on their own. The coach enhances motivation, action and compliance by asking: “What will you do? By when? How will you let me know you did it?”

In addition to forwarding action, the coach helps the client deepen their learning about themselves and their circumstances. Clients learn from the actions they take or don’t take. The coach will ask questions such as: “What did you learn about yourself from this situation? What would you do differently next time? How can you apply this insight to other areas of your life?”

With forward action, there is movement, results and accomplishments. With learning there is self awareness, self reliance and insight. If the coach only forwards the action, the client will get burned out. If the coach only deepens the learning, there is nothing concrete for the client to act upon. Working together action and learning creates a successful coaching experience.

In what ways do you forward action and deepen your learning?

For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.


Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC – I spark savvy business leaders to fire up their cutting edge, be extraordinary and do great things for their world. How can I help you? Contact me at [email protected] ~ Linkedin ~ 218-340-3330