Coaching Tip – The Art of Being Succinct

Being succinct is a communication skill that many of my coaching clients try to master. In today’s business world it is imperative to be clear and concise. Your message needs to get across with the desired effect in the least amount of time possible.

Here are 3 tips:

1. Stick to the facts. Avoid drowning the recipient in nonessential detail.

2. Use fewer words. It may be hard to tell what your point is if you ramble. Also, the recipient may decide not to read (or listen to) what you are trying to tell them if it is too long.

3. Be Credible. Know your objective and the main points of what you are communicating. You show a higher level of professionalism when you state solid evidence versus just giving your opinion.

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For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.


Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC – I spark entrepreneurial business leaders to set vision, take action, and get results. How can I help you? Contact me at [email protected] ~ Linkedin ~ 218-340-3330