Yes, Not Now

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    At our last week’s coaching session my client was stressed by a decision she needed to make. She couldn’t decide if she should go ahead with a project or not do it. Both solutions caused her angst. If she went ahead with it, she felt that competing work demands would interfere with this project’s success. If she didn’t go ahead with it, she felt that she would miss a great opportunity. Her thinking was very black or white – either yes or no.

    Through our coaching conversation, she realized she had another option – “yes, not now”. With this option, she decided to begin the project in 6 months instead of at the present time. Her stress level diminished because she had a strategy that felt doable.

    What about you – when is “yes, not now” the best decision?

    For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.


    Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC – I spark entrepreneurial business leaders to set strategy, take action, and get results. How can I help you? Contact me at ~ Linkedin ~ 218-340-3330