Interpersonal communication is a common and important topic in Executive Coaching. Because direct and open communication fosters trust, enhances information flow and builds stronger relationships, it is imperative that we keep communication a priority.
Here are 8 coaching tips to enhance interpersonal communication:
1. Vague messages – when you receive vague messages, define the issues in concrete terms so all parties are clear about what is being said.
2. Be timely and clear – let people know in a timely way about information that effects them. If you are unable to address their request, let them know this and when you can get to it. If you need information from them, let them know the timeframe.
3. Difficult conversations – address as soon as possible. Avoid letting what needs to be said fester, as it tends to get worse.
4. A rule of thumb – when a conflict arises, address it in person. If unable to meet in person, then talk via phone.
5. Conflicting messages – if mixed messages come up in a conversation, articulate the discrepancy, ask questions and summarize to come to a common understanding.
6. Re-cap – at the end of a conversation, restate the main points, who will do what and the timeline.
7. Disagree agreeably – consider other people’s input. Reasonable people don’t need to get their way; they just need to be heard.
8. Daily check-up – at the end of the day, ask yourself what occurred that should be reported to other people.
For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.
Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC – I spark entrepreneurial business leaders to set strategy, take action, and get results. How can I help you? Contact me at [email protected] ~ Linkedin ~ 218-340-3330