In-House Project Managers vs. External

I have been having an ongoing discussion with a global company that has been having big issues in delivering its major customer projects. They are looking to develop a strategy for provision of real project managers / and or professional project management expertise to help. In doing this, they are having an important debate:

Should they develop in-house local project management competence or should they buy it in as required?

Personally I have my views but what do you think? ”


For more resources, see the Library topic Project Management.


Kevin Lonergan with Project Management Informed Solutions helps clients improve capability to deliver projects and programs, by providing process assets and skills transfer.

2 Replies to “In-House Project Managers vs. External”

  1. Passion for project’s success but detachment from an independent progress status report is a must because cases of late appropriate corrective measures and later, expensive retrofitting caused by managers massaging progress data are just too many and costly.

  2. Internal PMs will understand the internal politics and company drivers but are more likely to assume too much in terms of the brief and the need to communicate effectively, thereby missing potential time/cost/quality improvement opportunities, and avoid making unpopular decisions until it is too late or not at all, so creating costly late alterations or retrospective works.
    External PMs future work enquiries are based on successful delivery of the brief. This imperative will generally provide a more professional service with greater importance attached to developing an unambiguous and fully agreed brief. It is more likely that high impact but senstive risks will be addressed and that communication throughout will be accurate and always addressing the key success factors. Thay will also be less surseptable to internal pressures.

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