About Us

Management Library, founded in 1995, has always aimed to provide free, easy-to-access, and high-quality online information to help businesses and professionals grow. We’ve always strived to provide articles that will help you develop yourself or improve the processes of your business. Now, over 25 years into our endeavor, we’ve compiled one of the world’s largest …
To Report Broken Links in the Library We greatly appreciate your help correcting broken links. To report broken links, please complete the appropriate form in the section “Contact Us” referenced from the sidebar. Thank you!

More in About Us

To Report Abuse of the Library We greatly appreciate your noticing occasions where users have not conformed to the Community Rules or are otherwise hampering others from effectively using the Library. To report abuse, please complete the appropriate form in the section “Contact Us” referenced from the sidebar. Thank you!
To Provide Feedback About the Library We are very interested in your experiences from using the Library! Please provide us any suggestions, compliments, complaints, etc., that you believe might help to improve the Library. You can provide your information privately to the Library administrators by using the appropriate form in the section “Contact Us” referenced …
To Get Help Using the Library This section is about requests for help specifically in regard to using the Library system. We are not staffed to provide consultation regarding the content of various articles and about issues and goals in your organization. The Library is managed by a group of part-time volunteer administrators. Thus, response …
To Be Regularly Notified of Additions to the Library New links to free resources about management are added regularly to the Library. Rather than your having to frequently go to the Library and search for any additions, you can conveniently be notified of additions of free resources by receiving email notifications of these additions. You …
To Get Updates About Library and Its Blogs Follow Us on Twitter You need your own Twitter account (it takes about 3 minutes to create an account at http://www.twitter.com. You’ll end up on your own Twitter account page. Then go to the Library’s Twitter account and click on “Follow”. Each new Library update will result …
News About the Library This space is used to relate news about the Library, for example, about announcements of recent enhancements and modifications to the Library, etc. Information in this space is inserted by the Library administrators. You might stay current about this information by subscribing to “Email Subscription” referenced from the sidebar. Many New …
List of Recommended Books We have reviewed the following books to ensure their relevance and practicality in each of their major categories. Action Learning Benchmarking Boards of Directors Business Development Business Ethics Business Insurance Business Planning Business Research Business Writing Capacity Building Career Development Coaching (Personal and Professional) Consulting Continuous Improvement Creativity Crisis Management Customer …