Join / Form Peer Learning Group
One of the most powerful and low-cost (even free) sources of
help is a peer learning group. You might join a current group
or form your own group — often, it’s much easier than you think.
Members in a group are considered to be peers because each
is equal in helping themselves and others to share ongoing support,
feedback, materials and accountability to get things done –and
learn at the same time.
Group members can meet face-to-face or by means of telecommunications
(via phone, email, Web, etc.). Also, members often can schedule
their own meetings and where those meetings will be held.
The format and process used by the peer group depends on the
purpose of the group, whether it be for goal attainment, problem
solving, training, support or networking. For example, peer groups
might be discussion groups, study groups or peer coaching groups.
Often, the best groups are small in size (6-10 members), keep
has the same members in each meeting, use a standard agenda, and
meet for a few hours at least once a month. Someone from outside
the group can be assigned to facilitate or all groups members
can take responsibility for facilitating. Some groups might decide
to have a different group member facilitate each meeting.
The following links are to additional resources about peer
learning, including about the many benefits, where you can learn
more, how to choose the best program, some organizations that
provide peer learning programs, and materials from which you could
form your own peer learning group.
Sections in This Topic Include the Following
Benefits of Peer Learning
Learn More About Peer Learning
Peer Learning Groups and Programs
Form Your Own Peer Learning Group
General Resources About Groups
Also consider
Related Library Topics
Learn More in the Library’s Blog Related to This Topic
In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blog that has posts related to this topic. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.
Library’s Team Performance Blog
Benefits of Peer Learning
is Peer Learning? Why is Peer Learning So Popular Today? (read
the top sections on this page)
Forces — Entrepreneurial Peer Groups
Business Advisor Groups Ease the Pressure of Ownership
Peer Learning
Learn More About Peer Learning
Forms of Peer Learning (one-page depiction)
Learning and Peer Learning Programs (some theory, principles,
Peer Learning
Peer Learning Groups and Programs
Circles (peer coaching groups)
a Personal Board of Directors
Your Own Personal Board of Directors
Form Your Own Peer Group
To form your own group, first think about the purpose or application
of the group. Usually, there are two major different kinds of
1) Those where all members learn about the same topic or skill
(training groups), for example, around a common topic in the Free
Management Library.
2) Those where members address the same problem/goal or each addresses
their own (coaching groups). For example, Tom works on strategic
planning, Susan works on time management, Jack works on career
development, etc.
In a training group, you would gather any 6-8 people who are
interested in the same topic or skill. In a coaching group, you
would gather 6-8 people, ideally who have similar roles or positions
in their life and/or work.
To Find People in Your Locale (for Face-to-Face Meetings)
The following link is to a free online service that helps you
locate people with similar interests in your geographic area.
First, you join the service (they don’t share your information
and use it for marketing). Then you can use the service to join
or form a group of people in your area.
Meet Up
Craigs List About Sites
To Join or Form Internet/Web-Based Groups
One of the most popular online forums is the Yahoo groups.
The groups are free and the Yahoo group software provides a wide
range of functionality for members. There’s already a vast range
of established groups you can consider joining, or you can use
the software to start your own group.
Yahoo groups
General Resources About Groups
The following link is to a wide variety of types of groups
and includes information about facilitation, as well.
For the Category of Peer Learning (Facilitation and Teams):
To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.
Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.
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