Non-Verbal, Interpersonal Communications (Body Language)


Non-Verbal, Interpersonal Communications (Body Language)

Sections of This Topic Include

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Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Body Language

In addition to the articles on this current page, see the following blogs which have posts related to Body Language. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.

Non-Verbal Communications — Interpreting Other’s Body Language

Resistance, confusion, distaste and passivity all show up in the body language of others, regardless of what they are saying verbally. Experienced leaders have learned often to trust what they see more than what they hear. Body language is always present. Too many speakers and listeners are unaware of body language.

The nature of a person’s body language is highly dependent on the person’s nature. For example, some people are intent on sitting or standing upright with their hands at their sides in a stance of attention and respect. Other people might slouch in their chair or extend their legs, in part, to convey that they feel comfortable around others in the room.

It is difficult to make overall conclusions about body language because it is culturally dependent. However, people trust non-verbal communication more than they do verbal (spoken) communication, so learn to notice non-verbal communication, and be aware of your own.

In general, notice:

  1. Style of voice, for example, loud, soft, frequent, irregular.
  2. Movement of the body, for example, gestures, face, eyes.
  3. Distance, space and time between speaker and listener.

Specifically, notice:

  1. Eye contact. In the United States, this often conveys sincerity. In other cultures, though, it might convey aggressiveness or hostility.
  2. Frequent movements of the body. Frequent movements might convey nervousness, poor listening.
  3. Openness of the body.
  4. Arms crossed may mean defensiveness, which impedes communication.

Interpreting Your Own Body Language

Your body language is often the true “compass” about your impression of something. For you to remain authentic, you need to be in touch with your own non-verbal communication. Different people have different physical reactions in different situations. Consider the following:

  1. Are you moving your arms and legs a lot? If so, maybe you are afraid, frustrated or confused about something.
  2. Is your mouth dry? Then maybe you are afraid of something.
  3. Is your body position closed? Are your legs and arms crossed? Perhaps you feel attacked somehow?
  4. Is your brow furled? Perhaps you are confused – or you are really interested in what the other has to say.
  5. Are you looking away from the others a lot? Then there is likely something that is bothering you. Or, perhaps your style is to look away so you can think more clearly. If that is the case, realize that others might be seeing you as having poor eye contact.
  6. Is your heart racing? Perhaps you are afraid of others, or you are excited about a project you are undertaking.

Additional Perspectives on Non-Verbal Communications (Body Language)

For the Category of Interpersonal Skills:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Roles and Responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer of a Corporation


Roles and Responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer of a Corporation

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Adapted from the Field Guide to Developing and Operating Your Nonprofit Board of Directors.

Sections of This Topic Include

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Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Roles and Responsibilities of Chief Executive

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to the Roles and Responsibilities of Chief Executive. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Roles of Chief Executive Officer

NOTE: References to a Boards of Directors in the following are in regard to chief executive officers of corporations, whether for-profit or nonprofit.


  • Advises the Board
  • Advocates / promotes organization and stakeholder change related to organization mission
  • Supports motivation of employees in organization products/programs and operations

Visionary / Information Bearer

  • Ensures staff and Board have sufficient and up-to-date information
  • Looks to the future for change opportunities
  • Interfaces between Board and employees
  • Interfaces between organization and community

Decision Maker

  • Formulates policies and planning recommendations to the Board
  • Decides or guides courses of action in operations by staff


  • Oversees operations of organization
  • Implements plans
  • Manages human resources of organization
  • Manages financial and physical resources

Board Developer

  • Assists in the selection and evaluation of board members
  • Makes recommendations, supports Board during orientation and self-evaluation
  • Supports Board’s evaluation of Chief Executive

Responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer

There is no standardized list of the major functions and responsibilities carried out by position of chief executive officer. The following list is one perspective and includes the major functions typically addressed by job descriptions of chief executive officers.

1. Board Administration and Support

Supports operations and administration of Board by advising and informing Board members, interfacing between Board and staff, and supporting Board’s evaluation of chief executive

2. Program, Product and Service Delivery

Oversees design, marketing, promotion, delivery and quality of programs, products and services

3. Financial, Tax, Risk and Facilities Management

Recommends yearly budget for Board approval and prudently manages organization’s resources within those budget guidelines according to current laws and regulations

4. Human Resource Management

Effectively manages the human resources of the organization according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to current laws and regulations

5. Community and Public Relations

Assures the organization and its mission, programs, products and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders

6. Fundraising (nonprofit-specific)

Oversees fundraising planning and implementation, including identifying resource requirements, researching funding sources, establishing strategies to approach funders, submitting proposals and administrating fundraising records and documentation

Return to Overview of the Chief Executive Role

For the Category of Leadership:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Overview of Role of Chief Executive


Overview of Role of Chief Executive

The chief executive officer is the most important role in the
management of an organization. This topic in the library does
not go into great detail about each of the particular systems
and practices managed by the chief executive officer because those
systems and practices are explained in depth across many of the
other topics in this library. This library topic provides sufficient
overview for the reader to gain basic perspective on the typical
roles and responsibilities of the chief executive officer and
how those responsibilities are typically met.

Sections of This Topic Include

Gaining Broad Perspective on Role of Chief Executive Officer

What is the “Chief Executive
Officer”? (includes definition and major roles of position)

What Do Chief Executive Officers Do? (includes
major functions and example job descriptions)

Core Areas of Knowledge and Skills Required by Chief Executive

Basics in Management and Leadership
Coordinating Activities/Resources (including
performance management)

Special Topics

CEO Development
Evaluating the CEO
Transitioning to New CEO (detailed procedure,
contracts, etc.)

Other Miscellaneous Topics (board relations,
executive pay, etc.)

Founder’s Syndrome

This syndrome occurs when the organization operates according
to the personality of someone in the organization (usually the
founder) rather than according to the mission of the organization.
The Chief Executive Officer can make a big difference in helping
an organization to detect Founder’s Syndrome and recover from
the Syndrome.
Syndrome — How Organizations Suffer — and Can Recover

Also consider
Related Library Topics

What is the “Chief Executive Officer”?

A “Definition”

The definition of “chief executive officer” (almost
always) depends on whether a business is a corporation or not,
that is, whether it (usually) has a board of directors or not.
In an organization that has a board of directors, the “chief
executive officer” is (usually) the singular organizational
position that is primarily responsible to carry out the strategic
plans and policies as established by the board of directors. In
this case, the chief executive reports to the board of directors.
In a form of business that is usually without a board of directors
(sole proprietorship, partnership, etc.), the “chief executive
officer” is (usually) the singular organizational position
(other than partnerships, etc.) that sets the direction and oversees
the operations of an organization.

Major Roles of the Position of Chief Executive Officer

The following link references the major roles carried out by
the typical chief executive officer.
Roles and
Responsibilities of the Chief Executive

Position Can Have Various Titles

This organizational position, whether in corporations or not,
is also sometimes called the President, Executive Director, Chief
Administrator, etc. Information in this topic will use the phrase
“Chief Executive Officer”.

What Do Chief Executive Officers Do?

Typical Responsibilities

The following link references a listing of the broad responsibilities
of the typical position of chief executive officer.
Responsibilities of Corporate Chief Executive Officer (nonprofit
or for-profit)

Job Descriptions

The following links reference additional overviews of the general
responsibilities of a chief executive, including listing of those
responsibilities in job descriptions.

“Generic” Job Description

Roles and Responsibilities

Job Descriptions of Nonprofit CEOs

Thanks to Betsey M. Noble, Internet Research Librarian, Global
Employment Solutions, Inc., for the following:
CEO Job Descriptions in Non-Profit Organizations
Sample Nonprofit Executive Director Position Description
TheCEO Role in Associations
Nonprofit Job Description Toolkit
Job Description for Nonprofit Executive Director

Job Descriptions of For-Profit CEOs

The CEO Job Description
CEO Job Description

do CEOs do? A CEO Job Description

Core Areas of Knowledge and Skills Required by Chief Executive

The chief executive officer is the overall, primary management
and leadership role in the organization. Therefore, it’s critical
that chief executive officers have strong knowledge and skills
in a wide variety of areas. However, there are certain basic areas
of knowledge and skills which provide the foundation from which
chief executive officers can add knowledge and skills customized
to the particular nature of their organization, its industry (service,
manufacturing, wholesale, etc.) and the current environment (political,
social, economic and technological).

Basics in Management and Leadership


core skills in managing/a>
Competencies for Leading

of Directors


Planning (plan a new business organization, product, business
department, etc.)

Planning (establish organizational goals and how to reach them)


Resources Management


Various Types of Groups

a New Business (whether for-profit or nonprofit)

to Reorganize a Current Organization


Other Individuals



Coordinating Activities and Resources (including performance

Management Systems



Performance Management

Performance Management

Guidelines, Methods and Resources for Organizational Change Agents
Performance Management

and Procedures



and Promotions
and Public and Media Relations

Special Topics

CEO Development

Development Planning


Seven Surprises for New CEOs

Evaluating the CEO (Typically Referred to as “Executive
Director” if Nonprofits)

for Evaluating the Chief Executive

Form to Use During Evaluation of Chief Executive

of a Board’s Supervisory Skills Development Plan for CEO

The Dreaded E.D. Evaluation!
Can I Get My Board to Evaluate Me?

Syndrome (when the top executive is a poor manager)

Time for the CEO or Executive Director’s Annual
Performance Review by the Board

Firing the Executive Director

Transitioning to New CEO (including use of contracts)

/ Transitioning to a New Chief Executive

Succession Planning
Contracts for Nonprofit Executives

or Tartare?

Also consider

Other Miscellaneous Topics

Founder’s Syndrome
(when the top executive is ineffective manager)

Education, CEO Turnover, and Firm Performance

of New Daring to Lead Study on Nonprofit Leadership – What a Board Should

Remuneration – A View from the UK

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to the Role of Chief Executive

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to the Role of Chief Executive. Scan down the blog’s
page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts”
in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a
post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Leadership Blog

Supervision Blog

For the Category of Leadership:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Suggestions to Enhance Working Relationship Between Board Chair and Chief Executive

Elderly Women in a Business Meeting

Suggestions to Enhance Working Relationship

Between Board Chair and Chief Executive

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Inherent Struggles Between Both

Formal Practices and Procedures
that Can Minimize Conflict

Personal Practices to Minimize
Interpersonal Conflicts

If Worse Comes to Worse

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Working Relationship Between Board
Chair and Chief Executive

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to Working Relationship Between Board Chair and Chief
Executive. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section
“Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next”
near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free
related resources.

Library’s Leadership

Library’s Supervision

Struggles Between Both Roles

Many experts assert that one of the most important ingredients
to a successful corporation (nonprofit or for-profit) is a high-quality
relationship between the board chair and the chief executive.
However, this relationship has several inherent struggles to overcome.
The chief executive was usually in the organization before the
chair was appointed and will be around after the chair will be
gone. In addition, the chief executive is also much closer to
the day-to-day activities in the organization. Lastly, the chief
executive usually knows far more about the organization’s customers.
Consequently, the chief executive may feel that he or she knows
far much more about the organization than the board chair. Yet,
the board chair is responsible to provide leadership to the board
to whom the chief executive is accountable. The board chair leads
the board which evaluates the performance of the chief executive.
Maintaining a high-quality relationship between the two roles
requires a high level of maturity and understanding from both
people filling those roles.

Formal Practices
and Procedures that Can Minimize Conflict

One of the most effective means to minimize conflict
between both roles is to set up formal practices or procedures
that help both people in the roles discern between an organizational
issue and a personal issue. The following suggestions are provided
to help ensure a high-quality relationship between the board chair
and chief executive by establishing formal practices and procedures.

1. Have clearly written and approved procedures for evaluating
the chief executive and in an approach that ensures strong input
from the chief executive.
2. Have regular board training sessions that include overviews
of the roles of board chair and chief executive.
3. When a new board chair or chief executive is brought into the
organization, the two of them should meet to discuss how they
can work together as a team.
4. Agendas for board meetings should be mutually developed by
the board chair and chief executive.
5. The board chair can consult with the chief executive when appointing
(or suggesting to the board) chairs for various committees.
6. Have clear written guidelines about the roles of staff when
they provide ongoing support to board committees.
7. Rotate the board chair position every few years to ensure new
and fresh perspectives in the role.
8. Develop board chairs by having vice chairs for a year who later
become board chairs.
9. Have a board-wide discussion about the frequency and nature
of meetings to be held between the chief executive and board chair.
Avoid frequent, one-on-one meetings that only include these two
people. While it might intuitively seem that meeting with only
these two to cultivate a strong relationship, the risk is too
high that the relationship could become highly personalized and
confusing to other board members. Always write down the highlights
of meetings between the chief executive and board chair and share
these highlights with the entire board.
10. Ensure all board members are trained about the role of the
board, its current committees and their charters and membership,
and that the board chair has basic skills in meeting management.
11. The chief executive and board chair should never conceal information
from the rest of the board. Board members pay prefer to keep certain
information confidential among board members and not tell the
chief executive, but these occasions should be very rare. The
chief executive should never conceal information from the board
— all board members have a right to any information about the
12. Celebrate accomplishments, including by naming the key people
involved in bringing about the successes. Often these people include
the board chair and chief executive.

Practices to Minimize Interpersonal Conflicts

In addition to formal practices to minimize conflicts,
the two people in these two roles can follow certain practices
themselves. If you’re a board chair or chief executive,
1. Practice at least the basic skills in interpersonal communications,
e.g., particularly in listening and giving feedback.
2. Whenever you feel conflict, identify to yourself what it is
that you’re actually seeing or hearing that might
be causing the conflict. This attempt helps to differentiate whether
the source of the conflict is the other person’s behavior or,
e.g., some remnant of a relationship or situation in the past.
(Note that whether the conflict is from the other person or not,
it’s still appropriate to work with the other person to address
at least your perception of a conflict with them.)
3. If you’re feeling uneasy, then say out loud what you’re feeling.
If you feel there’s conflict or tension between you two, name
it out loud. This doesn’t mean your “weaker” or out
of control — quite the contrary. It displays a great deal of
maturity and knowledge about interpersonal dynamics to recognize
and surface conflict in order to mutually resolve it
4. Recognize that conflict is inherent in any successful relationship,
particularly in a board if all members are actively meeting their
responsibilities. The important thing here, again, is to name
it if you think it’s becoming an ongoing problem.
5. Keep perspective that no one should have to continue to experience
continued conflicts with someone in their lives, including the
workplace. Know when to say enough is enough — this limit is
your own and you’re the expert at recognizing it.
6. Continue to try sense if the conflict is around an organizational
issue or is a matter of interpersonal “chemistry”, that
is, you both have such differing natures that you’ll probably
need some outside intervention to work together. (Note that if
this is the case, it will be a tremendous learning curve — but
a precious one — for you to learn to work with such natures that
are so different than your own. That’s one hallmark of diversity.)

If Worse
Comes to Worse

Obviously, the course of action for a situation such
as this depends to a great extent on the nature of the organization
and the two people involved. If you’re a board chair or chief
executive who continues to feel conflict in working with the other
person, then consider:
1. Approach the other person and ask for five minutes of their
uninterrupted time. Explain your concern, what you see and
hear that leads you to believe there’s continued conflicts
between both of you, what you would like to see or hear
between both of you in the future, and why continued conflict
can be so destructive to the organization.
2. If the other person says there’s no conflict that they are
aware of (whether there really is or not), then assert to them
that you would appreciate it if they changed certain behaviors
when working with you and specifically describe what behaviors
you’d like to see from them. They either will change their behaviors,
in which case things should improve, or they won’t. In which case,
you’ll need to escalate the issue up the organization, if appropriate,
or seek additional assistance about how you plan to handle the
problem, for example, avoid it, confront it further, negotiate
further, etc.
3. If the problem persists, ask to have time with the Executive
Committee to share your concerns. If this isn’t appropriate, consider
approaching two to three board members one-on-one. (At this point,
it’s critical to remember that any “badmouthing” or
“conspiring” against the other person will only end
up hurting the entire board and organization. Therefore, talk
with a friend or take careful time to reflect about what you want
to say and how to say it to the other board members.) Explain
the situation in terms of the behaviors in the issue, not the
personality or character of the other person. Explain what you’ve
done so far to address the issue. Describe your perception of
the results of your efforts with the other person — note that
it’s your perception. Ask for specific advice to address the issue.
At the end of the meeting, echo back to them what you hear them
suggesting. Attempt to follow their advice. Commit to follow up
with them about the results of your following their advice.
4. If the problems persists, you might consider getting outside
help. Note that this may be more constructive than posing the
problem to the entire board where it may cause great confusion
and unease with little or not clear course of action to resolve
the issue.

For the Category of Leadership:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

How to Write Your Resume

A-businessman presenting-his-resume

How to Write Your Resume

Sections of this Topic Include:

How Not to Write Your Resume

How to Write Your Resume

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Writing a Resume

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to writing a resume. Scan down the blog’s page to see
various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar
of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.
The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Career Management Blog

Coaching Blog

Human Resources Blog

How Not to Write Your Resume

There is a vast range of articles about how to write a resume. Some are included
later on below. So perhaps now it would be most meaningful to start by writing
about how NOT to write your resume.

by Sheri Mazurek

In a recent article, Forbes lists three things that will get your resume “thrown
in the trash.” The list includes three resume mistakes that will most likely
get candidates overlooked. The article provides good advice. I would recommend
giving it a read. The Forbes list includes the following:

  • You don’t meet the basic requirements
  • You are not a culture fit
  • You don’t pay attention to detail

In addition, be mindful of the following:

  • The resume doesn’t highlight the qualifications to the specific job for
    which you are applying. Look at the ad or description that is posted. It will
    most likely not only tell you the qualifications, but many times it will start
    with what is most needed or required. If you learned about the job from someone
    in the company or a recruiter, be sure to find out what skills are required
    and what are most important. Your resume will be scanned quickly, be sure
    your can show how your qualifications will fit this position.
  • The resume includes an objective statement that refers to another industry,
    position or company. This is in line with Forbes advice to pay attention to
    detail. I would recommend removing the objective statement all together. Use
    that space for a headline statement that highlights your skills and background.
  • The resume makes claims about your abilities or skills without communicating
    results. Be sure you can show what results you have achieved by using those
    skills. You have very limited space to display your qualifications and sell
    yourself to a recruiter. Use that space wisely.
  • Do not use creative fonts and formatting for your resume. The resume is
    often uploaded into an applicant tracking system. Those systems do not always
    display special fonts accurately. If it doesn’t convert well, the recruiter
    will not be able to read it and it will be skipped.

How to Write Your Resume

and Cover Letters

44 Resume Writing Tips
Free Resume and Job
Search Workshops
Sample resumes

How to Write a Winning Professional Resume
Ways to Impress Recruiters With Your Resume

in the Resume

is it like to work in HR

Definitive Guide to Submitting Your Resume in Sand Land

How to Improve Your Employment Application
8 Simple Ways to Customize Your Resume
How to Write a Resume: 6 Steps to Take Before You Write
CV Examples & Templates

Free Printable Job
Applications Online

Don’t Wait Until Job Search, Think Resume In Everything You Do
Is your SHRM membership on your resume?
My Success Portfolio: Why Have One?

For the Category of Career Development:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

How to Plan Your Career

Man in suit holding up a finger

How to Plan Your Career

This topic is about planning your career, for example, to select the right career for you. If, however, you are interested instead in advancing in the same career field, then see Career Advancement. If you are interested in changing your career, see Career Change.

Sections of This Topic Include

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Career Planning

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to career planning. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Who’s Responsible for Your Career?

© Copyright Marcia Zidle

Many think of it as a 50-50 arrangement. I carry 50% of the responsibility for my career development and my employer carries 50%. Yes, in theory, but not in reality. Here’s the rub.

What an employer considers 50%, you may consider only 10% and be dissatisfied. And what you feel is your 50% contribution, may be considered a measly 20% by your employers. This leads to mismatched expectations and employee/employer frustrations.

The Bottom Line:

If you are concerned about your career advancement, as you should be, then take complete ownership of it. These are some of the things you could do to take charge of your career:

1. Build your career capital.

Career capital consists of your qualifications, experience and reputation. It requires investments of time and resources to grow. Find workshops and trainings that would enhance your capabilities. Don’t assume your organization has no money for professional development – you won’t know unless you ask. However, you may need to do it on your own time or even with some of your own money. Realize this is an investment in your future.

2. Be known and be seen.

Take the initiative. Ask your manager for the opportunity to lead a task force or take on a project outside of your job duties. For example, head a committee recommending personnel policy changes, facilitate the next staff meeting or make a presentation to upper management or the board. It’s not only who you know or who knows you but, most importantly, who knows and is impressed by what you can do.

3. Find a mentor.

You need to have someone who can introduce you to people, give you strategic career advice and help you learn from his or her mistakes. Mentors don’t have to be in your organization. Look around your community. Who is doing interesting work? Who inspires you? Develop a relationship first before popping the mentor question.

4. Work with a coach.

While a mentor can help build your network and give advice, a coach can build your skills and help you develop a winning career strategy. That person can also work with you on the leadership or managerial challenges you’re currently facing so that you don’t make career fatal mistakes.

5. Above all, make sure you perform well.

You can do all the other stuff, but if you do not deliver, sooner or later you will trip up. So step number one in your career development is to do what you are currently doing to the very best of your ability and with all your energy – even if it is not yet what you ultimately want from your career.

Your career is your responsibility.

Yes, of course, you manager should have your best interests in mind, but your career development is not at the top of his her daily to-do list. It should be on the top of yours. So, to take charge of you career, set time aside to answer these questions:

  • What can you do right now to enrich your present job or assignment?
  • What career options can you start exploring for challenge, variety, or greater personal satisfaction?
  • What internal training courses or external seminars can you participate in for professional development?
  • Are there off-the-job experiences that could enhance your portfolio of skills and your reputation as a leader?

What is Career Planning?

© Copyright Marcia Zidle

To make it happen in your career, you need to plan your career.

Career planning is a process of understanding oneself, exploring career options, making wise decisions and moving forward. What complicates it is that people, careers and organizations are constantly changing.

Therefore, career planning is not something done one time early in your career. Rather, it’s an ongoing process throughout your life. It doesn’t matter what’s your profession, your industry or your place of employment.
The reality is lives change, professions change, industries change, organizations change and so your career will change. You can bet on it!

Who Am I?

The foundation of career planning, today and for the future is based on a very clear understanding of who you are as an individual and as a professional person. As a career coach, I’ve found that the greater the congruency between who you are – your skills, values, interests and personality – and your career choices, the greater personal career satisfaction.

Since everyone has a unique mix of skills, strengths and limitations that change over time, the first step in career planning is to look at who you are and what your career is all about. Also, gaining clarity about yourself will help you make better decisions in the future when challenges and opportunities emerge.

Identity Questions

Here are some simple, but profound, questions to start you on this journey. You may want to choose someone, or several people, to help you reflect and provide additional feedback.

  • What do I see as my personal strengths?
  • What are some of my personal limitations?
  • What are my core values – what’s important to me?
  • What are my abilities – things I’m good at and enjoy doing?
  • What have I done, or I am doing now, that makes me feel proud?
  • What are the significant influences on my life that have affected my career?
  • Do I have talents that I feel are underdeveloped – how can I start utilizing them?
  • What are my current obligations or commitments? How might they affect my career?
  • If I could turn the clock back, what career choices or decisions would I make differently?
  • If I could turn the clock ahead, what are some things I would like to accomplish in my life?

What Do You Know?

What have you learned about yourself from this self assessment? Perhaps you would like to have deeper insights. There are career assessment tools that provide personalized information on skills, interests, personality and values or career anchors. Would you like to know more, then let’s start a dialogue.

Career Stages: Which One Are You In?

© Copyright Marcia Zidle

Careers are like life, they don’t stand still. They progress from one stage to another.

Here are career stages that you are going through, have been through, or hope to go through. Pay attention to the potential roadblocks – they can make or break your career advancement.

Stage I – Apprenticeship: Learning the Ropes

You are fresh, most likely young or starting over in a new career. You are hungry for knowledge and seek out guidance from others. At first you are most likely part of a team with specific tasks. You may be closely supervised until your boss has confidence in your abilities. Your “job” is not only to do the work assigned but also to learn about the culture, the company, and the colleagues you work with.

Potential career roadblock: Settling into your current role.

As you develop your capabilities, you may become too comfortable. You’re no longer the new kid on the block. You know your way around. This is the most important time to grow in your career. Ask for more assignments that will expand your expertise and experience. Keep moving ahead.

Stage II – Independent Contributor: Establishing a Reputation

Now you are a doer. You are taking on more responsibility and developing technical depth in assignments. You re also given more autonomy – making decisions that you boss made earlier in your career. You may be part of a committee that makes recommendations on the best software or ways to increase customer satisfaction. This is an opportunity to stand out and shine.

Potential career roadblock: Indecision about your next career move.

Most of us in this stage could steer our careers in several directions. If you are not sure where you want to end up, you may never move toward the goal. So assess if you want to expand your expertise with more challenging assignments or start leading projects or teams in order to develop your managerial abilities.
See Generalist vs Specialist.

Stage III – Leader: Developing and Managing Others

You have the title of supervisor, manager or director. As you progress in this position, you have staff under you. It could be 5 people or even 50. You now get things done and get results through others. You are assigning tasks, managing their work efforts and coaching them to improve or enhance their performance. It may be difficult for you not to be so hands-on since your hands-on skills are what got you here.

Potential career roadblock: Not focusing on your interpersonal skills.

Management is dealing with all kinds and levels of people –subordinates, peers, boss or bosses, other departments or business units, even other companies and the list goes on. It’s important to have well developed communication, negotiation, team building skills. If you don’t, your career growth will
be in jeopardy.
Stage IV – Executive: Exercising Power

You have significant organization responsibility. Your focus is not on day to day operations but on strategy – the future of the organization. Your role is to be proactive – to anticipate change, plan for it, initiative it and lead the organization as it goes through it. That requires dealing more with the external environment and making tough, hard decisions.

Potential career roadblock: Not using the real influence that you have.

By being indecisive and not pushing strategy forward, you may appear wavering or lackluster. People look to their senior leaders for vision, guidance and encouragement especially in these very changing times.

Career Success Tip:

By knowing what career stage you are in, you can focus on the key tasks and avoid the key roadblocks so that you are most effective. Also by knowing the next career stage, you can anticipate and prepare for your next position. In that way you will be proactive, rather than reactive, in your career management.

Additional Perspectives on Career Planning

Using the Internet for Career Development

For the Category of Career Development:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

How to Network for Professional Development

Networking concept

How to Network for Professional Development

This topic is about planning your career, for example, to select the right career for you. If, however, you are interested instead in advancing in the same career field, then see Career Advancement. If you are interested in changing your career, see Career Change.

Sections of This Topic Include

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Networking for Professional Development

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to Networking for Professional Development. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Smart Networking: How to Advance Your Career

© Copyright Marcia Zidle

Do you play bumper car or smart networking?

Bumper car networking is when you show up at a meeting or social function, bump up to someone for a couple of minutes, talk about this or that, hand out your business card and say something like: “Let’s get together some time.”

Now smart networking is different. Its focus is on building relationships, not just contacts. Here are seven tips to help you connect with people, develop meaningful conversations and, most importantly, advance your career.

1. Come prepared.

Have two or three openers that you can use with a variety of people you meet. That way, you won’t fumble for something to say when you first meet someone.

Some examples: “What drew you here today? “Have you seen any good movies lately?” “What did you find particularly interesting about the presentation?”

2. Create an agenda.

People often dread small talk situations because they say, “I don’t know what to talk about.” Actually the problem is that there have too much to talk about—an entire universe of topics—not nothing to say. Narrow down your conversation options by making two lists.

  • On the “get” list put who you want to meet or what you want to learn more about.
  • On your “give” list put your areas of expertise, interesting information, people you know, etc.

3. Listen and learn.

Once you’ve asked your opening question, listen patiently to the person’s answer. Allow the speaker to elaborate without rushing to jump in. Be thinking, “What does this person need? What’s on my “give” agenda?”

4. Focus your attention.

Avoid the canned nod-and-smile approach with eyes roaming the room to see who else is there. Continue to ask engaging questions. If you’re friendly and genuinely curious, others will feel comfortable talking with you.

5. Find common ground.

Only after the person has told “his story”, then share your thoughts and experiences. If you find something you both can relate to, that establishes a bond that can lead to further exchanges. Be open to the magic of where the conversation can take you.

6. Ask for their help.

Most people enjoy helping others. Therefore what is it that you want to “get”? Use your agenda to find someone who has written an article you’ve enjoyed, or can introduce you to the speaker, or give you ideas for your upcoming project.

7. End with the next step.

If you want to continue the relationship, conclude with what you’re going to do next or what you expect of the other person.

“I‘ll send you the article we’ve been talking about. Let’s set up a time when we can get together to talk further.”

Preparation, a focused agenda and a genuine interest in others are the keys to smart networking that builds relationships, not just contacts. Think back to a recent networking event you attended. Did you play bumper car or smart networking?

Power Networking: How Well Do You Do It?

© Copyright Marcia Zidle

Relationships are the bread of career life. So make and break bread with others.

In times of change, contacts are the sources of information, opportunity and even power. Don’t let your everyday responsibilities isolate you from others. Move out from behind your desk. Move around in a variety of circles. Move quickly, eat hardy and often. Consider your current assignment as temporary and maintaining your networking as permanent. You never know who will play an important role in your evolving career or life.

Evaluate Your Network

You need to examine three factors: the size, the diversity, and the strength of your contacts. Here’s how:

  • List the key people who are in your career world inside and outside your company. How many people do you know? The greater the size or number, the more access you have to information and support.
  • Review that list and write down what they do or who they work for. Are most of your contacts in your functional area or profession? Or are there linkages to other parts of your organization and outside to customers, suppliers and others?
  • Assess the quality of those relationships. Are they strong or weak?
    One way to decide strength is: How soon will they return your phone call or email, if at all?) The stronger the ties, the more you can go to the well for water – the more you can ask for their time and contacts.

Career Success Tip:

Power networking is not just the number of contacts you have but the breadth of those contacts. If you have a diverse and strong network, you then can tap into a wide variety of resources and information. How well are you networked? How well do you connect for success?

Easy Networking Tips for the Non-Networker

© Copyright Lisa Chapman

Why is networking sometimes uncomfortable? For many people, it’s the expectation and pressure of ‘pushing’ your message. If you’re basically a shy person, this sales approach doesn’t come naturally.

Well, RELAX! With a simple shift in thinking, you can actually ENJOY networking.

Networking is NOT Selling

Effective, engaging and enjoyable networking is an important component of your marketing strategy. But it’s a marketing strategy that is NOT about using people for your gain. Rather, it IS about a win/win exchange of contacts, information, business referrals, and tips that usually help the other person.

When you learn something new that excites you, and the other person learns something interesting or hopeful, a successful networking relationship has begun.

First, Give a Referral or Helpful Tip

Effective networkers are eager to GIVE FIRST. By showing generosity without the expectation to receive, you create enormous goodwill. You also:

Diffuse any pressure related to ‘selling’ yourself or your business. Subconsciously establish a subtle “owe me one”. This will come back to you, whether or not it’s the same person – it’s good energy flow! Feel good about yourself, which leads to a relaxed, enjoyable encounter.

When Networking, First Ask to Help the Other Person

It’s as easy as this: Right after you exchange names and establish each others’ jobs/titles, ask the other person:

“I’m constantly meeting new people. What would be an ideal referral for you?”

This question is about GIVING first. It naturally leads to a great conversation about the other person. You may have a connection or referral to help them. But even if you don’t, just say:

“I’ll definitely keep my ears open and contact you when I have a referral.”

And guess what? Nine times out of ten, they will ask you the same question in return. Voila! You’ve just created a memorable networking exchange with positive goodwill.

Additional Perspectives on Networking for Professional Development

General Resources

For the Category of Career Development:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

How to Interview for a Job

Job applicant presenting resume to hiring manager

How to Interview for a Job

Sections of This Topic Include

Test – How Well Do You Get Interviewed?

Do You Know Why You Didn’t Get the Interview?

Additional Perspectives on Interviewing for a Job

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Test – How Well Do You Get Interviewed?

Take the following online test to see how well you would do in getting interviewed
for a job.


Based on the results of the test, what do you want to improve? Consider the
guidelines in the following sections.

Do You Know Why You Didn’t Get the Interview?

© Copyright Sheri Mazurek

A recent article in Wall Street Journal discussed eight blunders made by job
seekers. The list included:

  1. Entitlement syndrome- asking for things such as free lunch at the conclusion
    of the interview
  2. Behaving rudely- examples included bringing a child to the interview or
    opening a sandwich during the interview
  3. Acting arrogantly-accepting a call during the interview
  4. Lies, lies, lies- a candidate falsely claimed a referral from a company
  5. Dressing down- wearing jeans or attire that doesn’t fit to an interview
  6. Over sharing- sharing personal information
  7. Saying thanks with gifts- sending gifts instead of a simple note to thank
    the interviewer
  8. Sporting a mom-and-dad complex- having mom or dad contact the interviewer

For those you who recruit regularly, you are can probably relate to this list
and can most likely share your own horror stories of things candidates have
done in the interview process. My list of recruiting blunders seems to be a
little more common than the WSJ list, but still equally as damaging and many
applicants seem to be oblivious to the fact that they ruin their chances of
being hired.

  1. Sending in a resume with the changes marked (track changes function in
    word still showing)
  2. Not completing the application
  3. Submitting an application full of grammatical, spelling or typographical
  4. Not following the application directions
  5. Lies or fabrications on the resume or application (although these will be
    found in the background checks, many candidates seem to forget their own lies
    and admit the falsehoods in the interview or show the inconsistencies between
    the resume and the application)
  6. Arriving late to the interview without an explanation or apology
  7. Knowing absolutely nothing about the company or the position

Additional Perspectives on Interviewing for a Job

There is an extensive amount of information on the Internet
about interviewing for a job.

Grad Job Hunter – Job Hunter E-Zine – How to Handle Illegal Interview

Networking (Online)

you know why you didn’t get the interview?

6 Signs Your Job Interview Went Well
Getting a New Boss? Interview Again for Your

Why Do I Have to Interview For an Internal

How to Handle Rejection
The 6 Crappiest Interview Questions – The Oatmeal
Company Reorganization: How to Stay Employed
A Panel Interview: Create a Great Impression

Also consider
Interviewing Job

Learn More in the Library’s Blog Related to Interviewing for a Job

In addition to the articles on this current page, see the following blogs which
have posts related to Interviewing for a Job. Scan down the blog’s page to see
various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar
of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.

Career Management Blog

Coaching Blog

Human Resources Blog

For the Category of Career Development:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Jobs and Career Development

Two professionals having a handshake

Jobs and Career Development

Businesses used to partner with employees to carry out employees’
career planning and development. Times have changed. Now, businesses
are coming to view career development primarily as the employee’s
responsibility. If you are concerned about your career, as you
should be during these turbulent economic times, then take complete
ownership of it.

Where do you want to be one, three, five or ten years from
now? Do you have an action plan to get there? What career options
are there for you to get greater challenge, variety or personal
satisfaction? How well do you leverage your strengths and networks
to advance your career? Are you using the latest job search strategies
so that you can stand out from the crowd? In other words, how
well do you manage your career?

The following major categories of information will provide
you with answers to these and other career development questions
so that you will be in the driver’s seat of your professional
and managerial life
— Marcia Zidle

Sections of This Topic Include (in order they’re
typically used)

Advancement (and Your Relationship With Your Boss)



for Success



for a Job

Networking (Online)


Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Jobs and Career Development

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to Jobs and Career Development. Scan down the blog’s
page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts”
in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a
post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Career Management Blog

Human Resources Blog

Coaching Blog

For the Category of Career Development:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

How to Look for a Job

Man looking for job through online sources

How to Look for a Job

Sections of This Topic Include

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Looking for a Job

In addition to the articles on this current page, see the following blogs which have posts related to Looking for a Job. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.

9 Effective Job Search Strategies: You Never Know When You’ll Need Them

© Copyright Marcia Zidle

Searching for a new job is hard work. In fact, it can be the toughest “job” you’ll ever have.

That’s why the key to job search success is treating the entire process like a business. You are currently in the “job hunting” business. Like any successful business, you need a plan that has goals and strategies to guide you. Otherwise you’re just flapping your wings getting no where. Jump-start your next job search with these seven job-hunting strategies:

1. Know what you’re selling.

Begin your job search by taking a thorough inventory of your interests, skills, accomplishments, experience, goals, and values. Make a detailed list. The key to a successful job search is recognizing what makes you a unique candidate and communicating this effectively to a prospective employer, both verbally and in writing.

2. Aim for the right target.

Try to match your skills, interests, and values with the right career choice. If one of your goals is to get a larger salary, don’t focus on career paths that traditionally pay low salaries. Do some research. Learn about different companies that interest you and target those that are more likely to have open positions.

3. Be assertive and proactive.

Don’t wait around for opportunity to come knocking on your door. While cold calling on potential employers can be intimidating, it remains a powerful strategy. It’s important to get through the door first, before your competition.

4. Do some sleuthing.

One key is understanding the “hidden” job market. Many job openings exist only in the minds of directors, vice presidents, and other company bigwigs long before the job is finally advertised in newspapers or on the Internet. If you can present yourself as the perfect candidate at this early stage, an employer may snap you up without looking elsewhere.

5. Work your network.

Networking should be at the center of your job search strategy. Get the word out to friends, trusted colleagues, and even relatives that you are actively looking for a job, and ask them to keep their eyes and ears open for any opportunities. Expand your network by joining professional organizations, signing up for job search newsletters and e-mail blasts, contacting former professors and classmates, and by participating in Internet discussion boards.

6. Get professional help.

Employment agencies come in all shapes, sizes, and price ranges, and they can be an excellent resource for job leads. Some specialize in very specific occupational areas, and many often have exclusive arrangements with large companies. If you’re interested in the services of an agency, investigate it carefully. Determine what the agency will do for you and how much it will cost.

7. Be temporarily flexible.

Temp jobs are a great way to learn skills, gain experience, and earn money while looking for a permanent position. They are also a way to prove your worth and be first in line when a full-time position does open up. Working as a consultant or independent contractor in a company can also eventually lead to steady, full-time employment.

8. Say it clearly.

When sending out resumes, catch the prospective employer’s attention with a brief and concise cover letter / email that spells out clearly how your qualifications match the job requirements. Connect the dots for the reader, making it obvious why you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

9. Keep careful records.

Keeping track of the progress of your job search is important. Maintain a detailed record of all the jobs you have applied to, including communications, interviews, referrals, and follow-up actions. This will help you build a network of valuable contacts both for your current job search and any future ones.

Career Success Tip:

Job search is hard work and there are times when you will become discouraged. Just keep in mind that everyone has been through the same grind at one point. Keep a positive attitude about the whole process and look at your job hunt as as a business that you need to invest in. Good luck!

Marcia Zidle is a certified career strategist and leadership coach. Get your free e-Book: Career Power 101 Success Tips to build, jump start, advance or revitalize your career. If you don’t take charge of your future, who will? Find about our Career Power program.

Resources for Getting Started in Your Job Search

Using the Internet to Find a Job

For the Category of Career Development:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.