Human Resources

There’s a lot that goes into job hunting these days. It can often feel overwhelming – among other things, you’ll need a pristine resume that showcases your skills and accomplishments, a cover letter that describes your interest in a specific position, and an updated LinkedIn profile. If that wasn’t enough, you’ll need to think about …
Executive resume writing businesses pride themselves on ensuring maximum customer satisfaction. A well written resume should increase the volume of interested calls from hiring managers. This equates to more interviews and ultimately improves the possibility of landing desired roles.  Most businesses provide more than one service. They’ll have specialist writer(s) who will create an engaging …

More in Human Resources

In a recent article, Forbes lists three things that will get your resume “thrown in the trash.” The list includes three resume mistakes that will most likely get candidates overlooked. The article provides good advice. I would recommend giving it a read. The Forbes list includes the following: • You don’t meet the basic requirements …
Most of us would agree that internships are probably the best kind of training since it involves real world experience usually attached to related academic work. There are some disagreements as to the value and cost to the company. And, although how internships operate, whether paid or unpaid, and does depend on the country involved, …
We often talk about good teamwork as everyone getting along and coming together with the same vision. It may sound counter intuitive to say the best way to promote teamwork is through conflict. Teamwork coaching rhetoric often tells us conflict is something to be avoided, but the truth is that a healthy amount of discord …
The following is strictly commentary. The comments made here are mine and mine alone, and in no part are related to The Free Management Library. Powerful corporations taking advantage the general population seems to be the stereotype, doesn’t it? Are, we, trainers, helping them do that? I know this sounds somewhat sacrilegious, since I, too, …
Quotes. Every speaker, teacher and trainer uses them so I thought I gather a few and place them here. It is interesting to note that some are subtle in meaning and some are not. Some will reach all of your audiences, some will not. Most importantly, I suggest to you that if the total meaning …
Don’t believe me? It’s basic critical thinking. I look around the internet and people are always asking how do you do this or that, what are the steps? Sometimes I smile and say, “If I tell all my secrets…” Actually I have Mary Ellen Guffey to thank for her article, Five Steps to Better Critical-Thinking, …
(Guest post from Jan Terkelsen ) Have you ever thought that managing people with introversion is challenging? Or that you have to “manage” them in some way. I’m guilty. Yes, guilty of seeing introversion as something that you have to change or manage. As a Myers Briggs practitioner and workshop facilitator I am often asked …